Friday, March 31, 2006

Everyday She Takes a Morning Bath and Wets Her Hair…

So it’s Just Another Day, well, not really but I really need a distraction from everything going on. I have an hour before I start cooking the evening meal and for once my house is clean, I know you’re all scratching your head asking, it’s Tuesday how can her house be clean? Well Rainbird was ill over the weekend, nothing too serious just running a fever, with the general aches and pains that go along with that. He’s very whiney and mean when he gets ill and he immediately started complaining that the house was a mess. So, yesterday I cleaned the whole thing bottom to top, it got him quiet and actually gave me a bit of piece and quiet also because I was too busy to change the channels on the TV for him. Well, the changing the channel thing wasn’t yesterday but Sunday, when he was complaining his thumbs were hurting.

Signs of Spring

At last there are real signs of Spring here, as I stare out the window I’m noticing buds on trees that only last week I pondered if they were dead and would need replacing. The red flower bush outside, hidden behind the other trees and shrubs is in full bloom, and is a pity it’s hidden. I’m told it’s a Camellia, but honestly I prefer the name red flower bush—since I don’t care a whit about the technical names plants are given. Camellia to me is a technical; please don’t get me started on those scientific names because those are worse. I prefer to name my plants and trees myself, like Prickly red ground thingy, red flower bush, and umbrella looking thing covered in pussies. Yes, it can be quite embarrassing when I go to a nursery and ask specifically for the umbrella like tree thing covered in pussies. Ultimately, though, they do know what I’m talking about and that’s really all that matters, isn’t it? This is Rose country here, everyone has them, and someone asked me what kind of Roses I had…I muttered back, “the kind with thorns” and I’m not kidding. I don’t know or care how many different kinds of roses there are, I just know that I like and enjoy the ones I have.

It also reminds that all too soon, we’ll need to start weeding again, raking, and doing something about our pathetic piece of lawn in the back yard. If you believe, and I know you do, that I truly hate housework, you can rest assured that I’d rather clean the house instead of working outside pulling weeds. Hell, I’d rather clean 20 houses than pull one weed. Of course there is one weed in particular that’s getting on my nerves and I’ll probably willingly yank it but all the others will be pulled with me pissing and moaning the whole time—Unless of course someone else is doing the pulling.

Does Anyone Know the Name Of? Remember? Care?

According to this news article thanks to Reuters, the late Princess Diana’s wedding dress maker has no right to use her own name as a trademark. She appearently sold the rights to her name to avoid bankruptcy, or during bankruptcy (the article was unclear about that) and now is upset because the company is selling clothing under her name and she believes people are duped into buying them thinking she designed them. Maybe to avoid confusion she should have trademarked the name…Designed by the Woman that Designed Princess Diana’s Wedding Gown™.

Will Anyone Get This Woman Off the Streets?

Newsflash: Naomi Campbell was arrested for hitting her maid with a cell phone. When will the madness end?

Postergirl for Prolife?

There is a statue of pop princess Britney Spears' nude and waiting to deliver on a bearskin rug. Uh huh. The pro-life movement needs a spoiled pop star that drives her car with her baby on her lap, smokes cigarettes, and goes barefoot in public toilets; I’ll stop now because you get the idea. Didn’t she have an affair with that baby’s father? Wasn’t he married or involved or something with someone else? This is not a person I would want my daughter (if I had one) to look up to or even remotely want to be like, this is a person that needs to be bitch-slapped and promptly forgotten all about.

An Apology

I’m sorry I haven’t updated this blog for nearly a week—it’s just been a crazy week without much fun going on. I’ve had this written up for a week now but just haven’t had the time to post it.

© 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It's friday. Have a beer. You deserve it.