Thursday, March 09, 2006

Finally A Friday

It's snowing but not enough to make a difference, kids still have school today, the most Piss-boy can hope for is that they'll close early, which is also unlikely. Well, it’s not really a Friday at least for everyone, but for my kids it is. Tomorrow are parent/teacher conferences and Piss-boy is worried, which I find a little curious because out of the years he didn’t worry he probably should have and, the one time he probably has nothing to worry about, he does. Ah, sweet irony.

A New Pet?

Fredo yesterday announced that he wants a pet fish, so I told him if he behaves himself at school for the rest of this week, and all next week I’ll take him to get a Beta, maybe I’ll take Melanie’s idea and call it Mastabeta. Rainbird isn’t thrilled with the idea of another pet in the house but did comment that he had fish, a fact his mom confirmed. Fredo is excited about the fish and has already named it but wouldn’t tell me what. I hope it’s not wiener or something like that.

Does Technology Make Us Stupid?

Speaking of Mother in Law, what a crack up she is, yesterday evening, her power went out so she’s using her cell phone to call. After the third call and her talking about how she’s worried her cell will die, I ask her, um…don’t you have a phone that you just plug in? She’s silent for a minute and then says the equivalent of “D’oh” but then after thinking about it for another minute says, “I don’t have anyone’s number memorized.” I think about that for a minute and tell her that I don’t know anyone’s number by heart either. I guess I should carry everyone’s number in my purse just in case my cell dies. Reminds me of that movie years ago, called “Down and Out in Beverly Hills” the scene where Richard Dreyfuss is running through the house holding the phone screaming to call 911 when he sees Nick Nolte trying to drown himself in the pool. Or me asking Piss-boy if he knows the number for 911 before I leave the house for a quick trip to the store—Wait maybe I’m the stupid one in that scenario?

As technology advances I suppose it’s only normal that we would be dependant, even though some tend to balk against it. Yeah, the Unabomber…Well, and me, except I only balked against buying a CD player, while he kind of balked loudly about everything. Maybe that’s not such a good example. That said I do depend on my computer to tell me when Garbage day is (last night just in case you’re wondering). I know Piss-boy is slowly required to use the internet for more school related things and I imagine that is just how it’s going to be as he goes further in the grades. Also, why is whenever I type I a password, if I think about it, I always enter it in wrong? In any event, I know for a fact that Rainbird couldn’t find his way home without his Onstar, and fancy-shmancy phone with web access that does just about everything for him except wipe his ass. Not to mention the remote control issues I deal with all the time.

Other Stuff

Last night, I really don’t know what happened to me but with all the rain and wind, I got some wild hair up ass to clean the kitchen and do finally a load of towels. Piss-boy will be happy when he showers because not only will he have a clean towel, he’ll also have light in the bathroom. I get tired at times of the kids leaving the lights on everywhere, when the bulbs burn out, I rebel by not replacing them right away. Once Fredo had no light in his room for most of the summer because I was tired of having to change them so often. I guess that battle though, he won when he started dragging all the toys out of his room and playing in the hallway upstairs. I’ve tried everything to get the kids to remember to turn off lights, I’ve written notes to them, bribed them, not changed them for months and the funny part is they don’t ask for me to change them when they do burn out…or even tell me that they have. The bathroom light I noticed when I went in there to clean.

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