Monday, January 19, 2009

Lots of Stuff

How Many Resolutions Have Already Been Blown?

I had every intention of keeping each of my resolutions but sometimes life just sucks. First week back to school for the kids was hell. I got a phone call from a hysterical family member in California saying that Grandma was in the hospital (it turned out that was ONLY bit of information they got right). The downside is my grandmother had to move again, but the upside is she gets to return to the area she liked. There are people able and willing to pick her up now and bring her to the church she loves. She'll get to go to her old hairdresser each week, and the place she'll be going into will bring her to the doctor and take care of all her meds so she won't have to think about them.

I have pondered if it's not time to bring her up here to live near us but decided actually against it because she would know no one here except us and we're just not that entertaining. Too many strikes against moving her up here at this time, I want her to be able to enjoy living there and see the people she wants to see for as long as she's able. She certainly wouldn't get that up here with just us. It's such a double edge sword though because I know she misses all of us but after the first few weeks she'd also become very bored with her life up here.

Meanwhile while all this was going on, I had to deal with issues involving Fredo and school; times are bad, school budgets are the first cut and I was worried they would be compelled to get rid of his aid. Fredo, is on the spectrum for Autism, and since he seems to learn best in a one to one setting, we had to fight the school to get him what he needs. This year from the beginning he's had an aid helping him transition. It's been wonderful! We went from last year worrying about him being able to stay in his school to this year where he's actually starting to excel. He's taking what he learns during the one to one, and bringing it into the classroom. I'm thrilled, he's thrilled. He's not over relying on the aid, but instead just using her when he needs some additional direction. He's transitioning in his schedule very well now, and no longer wanders with a lost feeling. His outbursts, anxiety are also greatly diminished. I can't say enough good things that have happened just since September.

So there it is, the good and the bad for the first weeks of 2009.

The other resolutions, like sticking to the food budget, losing weight and healthy eating haven't really been happening but I'm working on them. I've been under a lot of stress lately and it's easier when feeling harried, to slip into old more comfortable habits. But all that said, my knee is feeling much better these days and I'm ready to start walking again, I just need to remember slow down a little and try to enjoy the walk.

On the upside, I haven't complained about our weather. I have observed that its been windy lately but it was more of an observation and I'm not really complaining about it, unless we get high wind on school nights. Behind our house we have lots of extra tall Cedar trees and I do sometimes worry when the wind starts really whipping about one falling and hitting our house. Fredo's bedroom faces those trees so if the winds get really bad (in the 50+ mph range) I make him sleep downstairs.

Over the weekend Piss-boy turned 15, leaving me to seriously wonder where the time has gone. We had the car discussion with him and he said he's in no hurry to get his permit. He said he feels it's too soon to think about it after all, he's only been sitting in the front seat for a couple years now. He honestly is the only kid I've ever known that isn't in a hurry to grow up. Maybe that's not such a bad thing.

© 2009 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Another Year

I Just Shake My Head

Israel and Palestine are at it again, and I know we're all bored with the economy, but Jett Travolta is the is the big story?! Let me just say that it's deplorable, I watched for roughly a couple minutes of the so-called interview with the EMT that was there and I don't mean this figuratively, but actually it turned my stomach. We're talking about a family that is going through a level of personal hell that few could appreciate and the press is clawing for every little detail. And this idiot seeking his own fame, or money is dishing it out.

My heart goes out to Jett Travolta's family. I don't need to know the details about his death, hearing of it is painful enough. I don't need to dwell on the so-called religious issues or non-issues because it's none of my business or anyone else. I don't need to know about his medical history or what the autopsy says or doesn't. The way the media has hijacked this story is opprobrious and inexcusable.

I know flashing bombs also makes for big news, and we're all bored with Iraq so I imagine from a media perspective the latest Israel skirmish is news worthy but why should I care what Roseanne Barr or whatever she calls herself has to say about the conflict? Good ol' Bill O'Reilly thinks I should care; I see whatever her comments are about as useful as a turd in a punchbowl. I don't give a...Well you know.

Any Feel-good stories out there? Hackers broke into Obama's Twitter account, okay that was worth a chuckle, they also hacked into Britney Spears account. And wrote to everyone that CNN's Rick Sanchez was "high on crack and not coming into work today" Maybe I should check my Twitter account? Heh.

Much Ado

It's award season and everyone is talking about the Dark Knight flick and I'll admit I haven't seen it but I also have to believe that if that actor hadn't died no one would still be talking about it. They would be talking more about Grand Torino, or Milk (both movies I haven't seen but the latter I do know something about). I honestly as a former San Franciscan, have no desire to see the movie Milk, well, maybe I'll rent it. Harvey Milk was gay, and yes he was completely out of the closet, and did something for gay rights in The City, but I was living there at the time. His biggest claim to fame that has catapulted him to superstar status was being shot by Dan White. And he wasn't shot because he was gay, he was shot because he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dan White (aka the twinkie defense), intended to just kill Mayor Moscone but Milk was in his office at the time so they both were killed. Like I said I haven't seen the movie but had Milk been killed because of what he did for the gays in SF, then it would be more compelling otherwise to me it's a sad footnote.

Well it's Tuesday and yes the kids finally went back to school yesterday and yes, I celebrated. Well I didn't really celebrate, I mean I didn't get rip-roaring drunk or anything, but I did a brief happy dance. My knee is much better but I still don't have all my cool Elaine dance moves back.

Like I said, it will take a while.

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