Friday, October 19, 2007

A Few Good Rambles

All About The News

Ever notice on the local and cable news channels when there is something big going on (or they feel it's big because it's only thing worth talking about at the moment) they give it a terse title, like "Killer Bug"? Killer Bug of course refers to the staff infection, which caused several schools back east to be closed and scrubbed down. Now I'm not trying to downplay this, since one student, apparently healthy at that, died, but still, I'd hardly classify it as an out and out epidemic of biblical proportions. Is it really worth the Killer Bug tagline?

Is The War To Blame?

With everything going on in the world, with Iraq, the lackluster economy, people losing their homes in foreclosures, which are all real issues, does the media seem to go out of their way to talk about non issues. Is that why Ellen and Britney seem to grip the headlines? Britney loses custody of her children (again) and they interrupt with that bit of breaking news. I was watching a cable news channel, and they were discussing all the foreclosures when the Britney's news broke, and the newscaster (I use that term lightly) actually asked the person she was interviewing what he thought about that. Who the fuck cares? The media seems though to glob onto every single non-story trying to blow them up into something bigger…is it because they're bored with the current news? Maybe.

Okay I admit it, I'm tired of the war, I'm tired of Iraq, and I'm sick to death of Iran, North Korea and now I might be ready to add Russia to that list, well at least Putin. I'm tired of the election and I'm almost to the point that I don't care who gets elected because I just see the whole thing as a sham anyway. And I'm tired of Ellen and the dog, Britney and the kids, and I don't want to hear anything about Lindsay, Paris or anyone that has gotten famous because of the sex tape release.

It's Only Because I Love You

Why is it that some men insist on growing a mustache that resembles dirt on their face? Today I lunched with a dear friend, and finally after being mesmerized with his upper lip, gathered the courage to ask him if he had a dirty Sanchez. My friend glared at me from across the table and explained he doesn't do that and finally offering that it was indeed a moustache, to which I laughed. While he didn't find the comment funny, later when I ran into him at local market, he was there buying a roasted chicken, I did notice he shaved. I didn't bother telling him that the chickens at that particular market are really tasteless. He'll find out that on his own.

Okay, maybe I should have told him about the chicken and left the condition of his upper lip alone.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blogger's Block

As The Seasons Change

I think with every change of the season, I go through a period where I just can't seem to blog about anything. My life feels not really dull or sucky but unbelievably normal. Do you actually want to read about how my older son and I played the Wii all night one evening? Okay, we did, and I wrote it, but was interesting? Probably not. Husband took a trip without me to Vegas to visit a friend of his. He had fun, we actually had fun without him around, but it was a different kind of fun. It was more a stay at home fun, play games, and relax kind of fun. Husband is more of a lets go out and do something fun kind of guy, which is great but sometimes the kids (and me) would rather stay home and frankly do nothing. He'd rather eat nails than stay home. Thankfully there are a lot of Haunted House functions to keep him busy through the end of this month. Then we'll be into November, and making preps for Turkey day! I'll be shampooing carpets, I know, I know, boring stuff.

Is This What Happens To Blogs Before They Die?

My life lately is mired in the same old, same old and I'm starting to sound like a bored housewife, which there is nothing wrong with that but it’s not very interesting. I've seen this happen before and I'm not ready to give up on this blog.

Oh Crap Just Give the Dog Back Already

The Iggy saga continues, and the woman that owns that so-called shelter is just another freaking LA, LA land loony. Okay, yes Ellen Degeneres did make a mistake by adopting Iggy from the Mutts and Moms shelter and not reading the fine print on her contract. However this shelter has a policy of not placing dogs in homes with children under the age of 14. What the hell is that about? Aren't shelters in the business of finding good homes for dogs? Or is this woman using the shelter as a guise to satisfy her dog hoarding need? Now this isn't so far fetched as some might think. There has been several cases when these rescue shelters, have pushed out even SPCA out of communities, their rules are so strict that few actually qualify to adopt an animal. One shelter actually required copies of the person's W2's and asked for information regarding how much they spend on utilities and food under the guise of making certain the people adopting could afford the animal. Few qualified, and the shelter was later seen on Animal Cops being effectively raided. What kind of shelter has a policy that only homes with children 14 and older are suitable for dogs? Furthermore, the stylist's children are a 11 and 12…since when is that too young? If anything younger children benefit more from having a pet around than do older ones, so I have a hard time wrapping my head around that concept. I really don't understand it and feel it's rather unreasonable. What if someone without children, adopts a dog, then has a baby? Do they take that dog away?

I believe, this shelter owner, hoping to ride the current wave of celebrity backlash, and now has created quite a name for herself unfortunately I'm sure she'll discover that the kooks that agree that she was right will be lining up to adopt dogs from her, and I'm sure none will be psychopaths like her. Yeah right. Unfortunately this woman picked the wrong celebrity, Ellen is actually liked, though I find her a tad annoying.

In any event, while Ellen did violate the contract on I guess more than one level, I'm sure she didn't mean to do it otherwise she would have lied about not having the dog anymore. I really can't help as a dog owner and lover to feel bad for her since she truly felt she was doing the right thing. Regardless Ellen did spend roughly 3000 on training and having the dog neutered and even paid extra to have the dog stay the night with doctor, instead of having him stay alone at the hospital. This is not someone that recklessly disregarded the animal. This shelter owner, who was a former employee of Pasadena Humane Society also has thrusted her shelter in a very unfavorable light by taking this hard unbendable line and I hope the Pasadena Humane Society reevaluates their relationship with this so-called shelter.

I just looked and the Mutts and Moms webpage has been removed, but we'll see how long that lasts.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Editors Note: Unfortunately blogger isn't cooperating and not allowing me to upload images or links...I'll try to come back and fix this later

Friday, October 05, 2007

Life (such as it is) Sucks

In Transition

First thanks for all the well wishes both private and public...Now onto the blog: Okay, maybe I'm being a little harsh, life for me doesn't completely suck but lately it's been too normal, and by normal, I mean regular. Dare I say boring? I've gotten over the cold from hell and haven't started blogging again, why? Nothing new to say that hasn't already been said, but now and again I'll come up with a decent idea, thinking that I should blog about this, and then like the changing of the seasons the idea has left me.

It's a vicious cycle all this trying to decide what to blog about. Senator Craig has been discussed and most people, certainly gay men, know the man is guilty as sin. Britney Spears losing custody of her children doesn't really interest me because frankly I feel bad for her. I really do! Yes she's an idiot and yes you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you'll never take the trailer park out of the girl. The problem is this girl has talent, she's not an heiress, she's worked hard to get to where she is today financially speaking and she's out of control. On what planet does she exist that she feels it's okay to get a latte instead of showing up at your children's custody hearing? I think it's worse for her because she has two children and I'm not going to get into all the psychology about why she has them. Did she think having kids was something she was supposed to do? Perhaps. Is she going through ppd? Maybe. Has she encapsulated herself around people that refuse to be honest with her? Duh. She needs help for the sake of her children, and the people that do seem to really care about her. Hell yeah, is a parenting coach the answer? Probably not. Parenting and life coaches are California's answer to high cost of therapy. Is there any question bigger? Well PETA is worried about her taking care of her dogs and wants Kfed to get them.

I feel another River Phoenix is coming and whether it will be Britney, Lindsay, or someone else, still remains to be seen but it will happen and maybe people will wise up, but I doubt it.

So What Did I Do While I Was Sick?

I watched a lot of TV and allowed my brain to become somewhat stagnant for a week. Was I thrilled with anything? Pushing Daisies looks somewhat promising but Caveman, which was ripped from TV commercials, I doubt will last. While I'm on the subject, how many versions of Law and Order, and CSI do we really need? What about all these stupid games shows like Deal or No Deal and all the other rip offs. Kid Nation? UGH, what a piece of crap that show is—I watched about 5 minutes of it and flipped it to Food Network. I wonder what kind of parents sign a release that says if their children are killed or catch a sexually transmitted disease they won't hold the studio responsible.

I watched a lot of stupid movies on AMC, most of which are so forgettable I can't even recall the titles.

Looking Forward

I also watched a good deal of the news, including all the pre-election coverage, which ironically is making not want to vote for any of them. They more they talk, the more I want to change the channel. Personally there are too many of them, none with any valid suggestions but all say they have plans. I would love to see all contributions for ANY special interest group eliminated from all elections and limits on how much individual people can donate. I would like to see debates that aren't so much like reality TV, and more like real debates. I would also like to see the words, NONE OF THE ABOVE added to EVERY election form to send a clear message to those dumbass politicians that refuse to listen. Lastly, I don’t want the next election to be a coin toss, I've done that too many times in the past 10 years and frankly I'd rather not vote at all.

Christmas Season is Coming

Have you started any planning or arrangements? Now is a great time to start figuring out when the carpets will be cleaned, have your furnace serviced and arrange the photographs of the kids.

Also October is a great time to start stocking up on pantry items for the holidays, flour, sugar, nuts (which can be stored in the freezer), yeast (also stored in the freezer) and canned goods. Even breadcrumbs for the stuffing can be made ahead and stored in the pantry or freezer.

Start by making a master list for the holiday feast and adding things to it as you see them on sale. You'll be grateful when December rolls around and you can avoid the big crowds at the grocery store. Not to mention a shortage on silly cans of jellied cranberries Grandpa MUST have with his turkey.

Also don't forget about unusual storage options such as storing potatoes, onions and apples in a cellar or even a wine locker, its cool, dark and they'll last for months. Wipe down apples first with a teaspoon of household bleach mixed with a gallon of water to kill any microbes that live on the fruit and prolong spoilage. Or, if you feel very ambitious you can cut them up, add some lemon, a bit of flour, sugar, and cinnamon then can them, store them in your pantry. Piecrust can purchased premade in the frozen food aisle, or made ahead and frozen either rolled out or just formed into a ball.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved