Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sping is Throwing Up

Crazy for the Colors

I can't believe it on Thursday morning when I ran out to do my daily errands, nothing was in bloom but on Friday afternoon, everything was blooming. Not a little bloom but bursting with color. All the cherry blossoms in the area exploded in pink, our plum tree has exploded with delicate white blossoms that are so fragrant they are almost nauseating. The past few days have been relatively sunny and the temps are up in the low low 60's. For an hour today, the temps actually went to 70. What can be more perfect than that?

Busy Doing What?

Yes, I've been busy but I can't really say doing what, I guess the last of the winter dolldrums had me down and I just wasn't interested in doing much. Now I'm feeling as though I'm entering an active phase and will probably even clean the house this week, when Rainbird and the fledgling go to Disneyland.

Do I wish I was going with them? No, for once I'm happy to stay home and do some Spring cleaning, besides Fredo and Dumbass will be around to keep me company. Frankly I'm looking forward to not having to worry about what to cook for dinner, Fredo is easy and will happily consume grilled cheese, chicken and burger or two without complaining. I might go to Chinese place only I like and order some food to go. I won't have to worry about having dinner ready by a certain time or preparing a full meal to keep Rainbird happy.

Haven't I Been Watching the News?

Frankly no, but I did catch part of Valerie Plame testifying before Congress and I found it interesting and pitiful that the Republicans chose not to show up. I still think what happened to her was completely wrong and her name was leaked based on bullshit. I did catch a moment of the cover blower blowhard, defending his outing her saying she wasn't undercover. I liked what she said during the hearing and I'll paraphrase. 'If a general serving in Iraq returns to the pentagon to work for several years, he's still a general.'

CNN screwed up and should just admit it.

Other than that, no, I'm tired of Brittney Spears and Anna Nicole. Except to say, I hope OJ is the father of all those kids.

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