Monday, December 17, 2007

Ho Ho Ho

Is It Wrong?

To be thrilled at the beginning of the holiday rush hour (meaning the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve), and then go to feeling blah about it, to missing it when it's over? Seriously I'm beginning to question my sanity, and my ability to simply go with the flow. I'm just pissed off and I can't stop thinking about new things to piss me off even more. What is up with the freaking car commercials this time of year? BMW, when you buy a new model, will donate to the Make a Wish Foundation. That's a good thing but for craps sake, is that really going to influence anyone it buying it? And I'm sorry but anyone that buys a woman a stupid Dust Buster or fancy vacuum cleaner for Christmas seriously needs help or else there had better be something better buried inside the damn thing. And let me further add if one more thing seemingly goes wrong this holiday, I'll climb up on the roof and shit down the chimney myself.

My husband this year actually gave me an iPod Nano, which I picked out because he wasn't sure what color I'd like. I picked red. Not because of African Aids thing but because I really liked the color. Yes some of the money went to Aids funding in Africa and I'm fine with that. I mean it's not like I paid any more for it. Knowing about the gift ahead of time is somewhat of a good thing because then I know how much to spend on him without being sneaky and checking credit card statements. But I'm also kind of bummed because it kind of takes the surprise out of it. It doesn't kind of take the surprise out of it; it DOES take the surprise out of it.

Now with the boys I'd rather not be surprised, because since they are men in training they consistently buy me the most god-awful gifts that I must pretend to like. Like the year I got a HUGE bottle of some smelly perfume. Then we were watching and rerun episode of some sitcom where the children bought the mom a large bottle of smelly perfume so she wouldn't have to save it for special occasions. My sons beamed at me saying at least they bought me good perfume. I nearly choked. This year, I won't be surprised because I went out and spent 20 bucks on a rocking red purse for myself, as an accessory to my iPod Nano.

I thank the boys profusely for it each time I use it. Yes I'm using it early.

I'd Go To the Mattresses (if they weren't already infested)

A week after Thanksgiving when our weather turned cold, then warm and shit rain for a week (causing huge flooding issues in our region), our fearless (okay he's not so fearless) Dumbass started making rounds around the house. Looking down the heater vents spending lots of time in the kitchen staring at the floor. Yes the middle of the kitchen floor. One morning after waking earlier than normal I heard a sound…like munching and scratching and saw LOTS of insulation in the heating vent.

Yes, Ranter's house again has rodents residing in the basement. We went out and bought rat poison, the kind that comes in individual serving sized bags. We tossed one bag down each heater vent and waited. So far we know for certain one bag has been consumed but several others that were placed in the basement have disappeared all together. I'm not going to question where they have gone to, I just hope they had a good party.

Now, it needs to be said that my big assed 300-pound husband becomes a big pussy when it comes to rodents of any kind. If he were to see one face to face, he'd likely scream like Ned Flanders, and throw the bags of poison at it while trying to run in the opposite direction. This should explain why we don't do traps of any kind. He'd NEVER be able to empty them. I'm sure as hell not going to do it, since I'm supposed to be the one with all the estrogen it's just not in my DNA.

Each evening though the dog (aka Dumbass), goes insane listening, tilting his head and trying to scratch through the floors.

I wonder if I send my older son down into the basement armed with his violin he can lure them away, or scare them out? His practicing is enough to make me want to leave so I wonder if the effect is similar on the rodents?

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 08, 2007

At the Risk of Sounding Xenophobic?

Since I'm So Freaking Busy These Days

I don't have the time to a real formal post right now so I'll just pose this question for anyone to answer. With all the problems recently involving imported toys from China, and another toy added to the list, should we stop having toys manufactured overseas? Is there any way that we can effectively know for certain all goods shipped from China are safe, let alone not constructed with the sweat of children? Given the problems that Mattel and other toy companies have had and frankly I don't give a shit if they were subcontractors or the actual manufacturers in me that doesn't matter because no one is watching them. Not even our government. Well until now...but then I read this....

Read this and then tell me what you think.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 19, 2007

A Few Good Rambles

All About The News

Ever notice on the local and cable news channels when there is something big going on (or they feel it's big because it's only thing worth talking about at the moment) they give it a terse title, like "Killer Bug"? Killer Bug of course refers to the staff infection, which caused several schools back east to be closed and scrubbed down. Now I'm not trying to downplay this, since one student, apparently healthy at that, died, but still, I'd hardly classify it as an out and out epidemic of biblical proportions. Is it really worth the Killer Bug tagline?

Is The War To Blame?

With everything going on in the world, with Iraq, the lackluster economy, people losing their homes in foreclosures, which are all real issues, does the media seem to go out of their way to talk about non issues. Is that why Ellen and Britney seem to grip the headlines? Britney loses custody of her children (again) and they interrupt with that bit of breaking news. I was watching a cable news channel, and they were discussing all the foreclosures when the Britney's news broke, and the newscaster (I use that term lightly) actually asked the person she was interviewing what he thought about that. Who the fuck cares? The media seems though to glob onto every single non-story trying to blow them up into something bigger…is it because they're bored with the current news? Maybe.

Okay I admit it, I'm tired of the war, I'm tired of Iraq, and I'm sick to death of Iran, North Korea and now I might be ready to add Russia to that list, well at least Putin. I'm tired of the election and I'm almost to the point that I don't care who gets elected because I just see the whole thing as a sham anyway. And I'm tired of Ellen and the dog, Britney and the kids, and I don't want to hear anything about Lindsay, Paris or anyone that has gotten famous because of the sex tape release.

It's Only Because I Love You

Why is it that some men insist on growing a mustache that resembles dirt on their face? Today I lunched with a dear friend, and finally after being mesmerized with his upper lip, gathered the courage to ask him if he had a dirty Sanchez. My friend glared at me from across the table and explained he doesn't do that and finally offering that it was indeed a moustache, to which I laughed. While he didn't find the comment funny, later when I ran into him at local market, he was there buying a roasted chicken, I did notice he shaved. I didn't bother telling him that the chickens at that particular market are really tasteless. He'll find out that on his own.

Okay, maybe I should have told him about the chicken and left the condition of his upper lip alone.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blogger's Block

As The Seasons Change

I think with every change of the season, I go through a period where I just can't seem to blog about anything. My life feels not really dull or sucky but unbelievably normal. Do you actually want to read about how my older son and I played the Wii all night one evening? Okay, we did, and I wrote it, but was interesting? Probably not. Husband took a trip without me to Vegas to visit a friend of his. He had fun, we actually had fun without him around, but it was a different kind of fun. It was more a stay at home fun, play games, and relax kind of fun. Husband is more of a lets go out and do something fun kind of guy, which is great but sometimes the kids (and me) would rather stay home and frankly do nothing. He'd rather eat nails than stay home. Thankfully there are a lot of Haunted House functions to keep him busy through the end of this month. Then we'll be into November, and making preps for Turkey day! I'll be shampooing carpets, I know, I know, boring stuff.

Is This What Happens To Blogs Before They Die?

My life lately is mired in the same old, same old and I'm starting to sound like a bored housewife, which there is nothing wrong with that but it’s not very interesting. I've seen this happen before and I'm not ready to give up on this blog.

Oh Crap Just Give the Dog Back Already

The Iggy saga continues, and the woman that owns that so-called shelter is just another freaking LA, LA land loony. Okay, yes Ellen Degeneres did make a mistake by adopting Iggy from the Mutts and Moms shelter and not reading the fine print on her contract. However this shelter has a policy of not placing dogs in homes with children under the age of 14. What the hell is that about? Aren't shelters in the business of finding good homes for dogs? Or is this woman using the shelter as a guise to satisfy her dog hoarding need? Now this isn't so far fetched as some might think. There has been several cases when these rescue shelters, have pushed out even SPCA out of communities, their rules are so strict that few actually qualify to adopt an animal. One shelter actually required copies of the person's W2's and asked for information regarding how much they spend on utilities and food under the guise of making certain the people adopting could afford the animal. Few qualified, and the shelter was later seen on Animal Cops being effectively raided. What kind of shelter has a policy that only homes with children 14 and older are suitable for dogs? Furthermore, the stylist's children are a 11 and 12…since when is that too young? If anything younger children benefit more from having a pet around than do older ones, so I have a hard time wrapping my head around that concept. I really don't understand it and feel it's rather unreasonable. What if someone without children, adopts a dog, then has a baby? Do they take that dog away?

I believe, this shelter owner, hoping to ride the current wave of celebrity backlash, and now has created quite a name for herself unfortunately I'm sure she'll discover that the kooks that agree that she was right will be lining up to adopt dogs from her, and I'm sure none will be psychopaths like her. Yeah right. Unfortunately this woman picked the wrong celebrity, Ellen is actually liked, though I find her a tad annoying.

In any event, while Ellen did violate the contract on I guess more than one level, I'm sure she didn't mean to do it otherwise she would have lied about not having the dog anymore. I really can't help as a dog owner and lover to feel bad for her since she truly felt she was doing the right thing. Regardless Ellen did spend roughly 3000 on training and having the dog neutered and even paid extra to have the dog stay the night with doctor, instead of having him stay alone at the hospital. This is not someone that recklessly disregarded the animal. This shelter owner, who was a former employee of Pasadena Humane Society also has thrusted her shelter in a very unfavorable light by taking this hard unbendable line and I hope the Pasadena Humane Society reevaluates their relationship with this so-called shelter.

I just looked and the Mutts and Moms webpage has been removed, but we'll see how long that lasts.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Editors Note: Unfortunately blogger isn't cooperating and not allowing me to upload images or links...I'll try to come back and fix this later

Friday, October 05, 2007

Life (such as it is) Sucks

In Transition

First thanks for all the well wishes both private and public...Now onto the blog: Okay, maybe I'm being a little harsh, life for me doesn't completely suck but lately it's been too normal, and by normal, I mean regular. Dare I say boring? I've gotten over the cold from hell and haven't started blogging again, why? Nothing new to say that hasn't already been said, but now and again I'll come up with a decent idea, thinking that I should blog about this, and then like the changing of the seasons the idea has left me.

It's a vicious cycle all this trying to decide what to blog about. Senator Craig has been discussed and most people, certainly gay men, know the man is guilty as sin. Britney Spears losing custody of her children doesn't really interest me because frankly I feel bad for her. I really do! Yes she's an idiot and yes you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you'll never take the trailer park out of the girl. The problem is this girl has talent, she's not an heiress, she's worked hard to get to where she is today financially speaking and she's out of control. On what planet does she exist that she feels it's okay to get a latte instead of showing up at your children's custody hearing? I think it's worse for her because she has two children and I'm not going to get into all the psychology about why she has them. Did she think having kids was something she was supposed to do? Perhaps. Is she going through ppd? Maybe. Has she encapsulated herself around people that refuse to be honest with her? Duh. She needs help for the sake of her children, and the people that do seem to really care about her. Hell yeah, is a parenting coach the answer? Probably not. Parenting and life coaches are California's answer to high cost of therapy. Is there any question bigger? Well PETA is worried about her taking care of her dogs and wants Kfed to get them.

I feel another River Phoenix is coming and whether it will be Britney, Lindsay, or someone else, still remains to be seen but it will happen and maybe people will wise up, but I doubt it.

So What Did I Do While I Was Sick?

I watched a lot of TV and allowed my brain to become somewhat stagnant for a week. Was I thrilled with anything? Pushing Daisies looks somewhat promising but Caveman, which was ripped from TV commercials, I doubt will last. While I'm on the subject, how many versions of Law and Order, and CSI do we really need? What about all these stupid games shows like Deal or No Deal and all the other rip offs. Kid Nation? UGH, what a piece of crap that show is—I watched about 5 minutes of it and flipped it to Food Network. I wonder what kind of parents sign a release that says if their children are killed or catch a sexually transmitted disease they won't hold the studio responsible.

I watched a lot of stupid movies on AMC, most of which are so forgettable I can't even recall the titles.

Looking Forward

I also watched a good deal of the news, including all the pre-election coverage, which ironically is making not want to vote for any of them. They more they talk, the more I want to change the channel. Personally there are too many of them, none with any valid suggestions but all say they have plans. I would love to see all contributions for ANY special interest group eliminated from all elections and limits on how much individual people can donate. I would like to see debates that aren't so much like reality TV, and more like real debates. I would also like to see the words, NONE OF THE ABOVE added to EVERY election form to send a clear message to those dumbass politicians that refuse to listen. Lastly, I don’t want the next election to be a coin toss, I've done that too many times in the past 10 years and frankly I'd rather not vote at all.

Christmas Season is Coming

Have you started any planning or arrangements? Now is a great time to start figuring out when the carpets will be cleaned, have your furnace serviced and arrange the photographs of the kids.

Also October is a great time to start stocking up on pantry items for the holidays, flour, sugar, nuts (which can be stored in the freezer), yeast (also stored in the freezer) and canned goods. Even breadcrumbs for the stuffing can be made ahead and stored in the pantry or freezer.

Start by making a master list for the holiday feast and adding things to it as you see them on sale. You'll be grateful when December rolls around and you can avoid the big crowds at the grocery store. Not to mention a shortage on silly cans of jellied cranberries Grandpa MUST have with his turkey.

Also don't forget about unusual storage options such as storing potatoes, onions and apples in a cellar or even a wine locker, its cool, dark and they'll last for months. Wipe down apples first with a teaspoon of household bleach mixed with a gallon of water to kill any microbes that live on the fruit and prolong spoilage. Or, if you feel very ambitious you can cut them up, add some lemon, a bit of flour, sugar, and cinnamon then can them, store them in your pantry. Piecrust can purchased premade in the frozen food aisle, or made ahead and frozen either rolled out or just formed into a ball.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhh Chooooooooooo!
I'll be back when I'm feeling better.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back To Normal

What I Missed During My Summer Vacation

Today is Wednesday, the kids have been in school for just over a week now and I'm beginning again my weekly mom movie night or MMN. I started this earlier this year, completely by mistake when I accidentally rented a 'chick flick' from Netflix. A movie I knew my husband and now teenage son would have absolutely zero interest in watching and rather than live through their ridicule, I watched the movie myself and returned it to the mailbox that evening. On Thursday the mail was picked up, and by Friday it was back at Netflix, and new movie was being mailed to us.

Since the turnaround is normally a day, we had a new movie to watch on Saturday, a movie much more to their liking. Thus began my MMN and each week I would become excited at the drippy movies I'd get to watch all free of testosterone riddled complaining. Then summer came along and MMN was suspended because the boys were up almost every night and this was supposed to be about my time. I've been looking forward to resuming it all summer, and lined up all the usual suspects of Doris Day movies, and musicals to watch.

Tonight's offering is Fiddler on the Roof a movie I know husband and kids will have no interest in watching (even though my husband is a huge closet fan of the Sound of Music). Their movie for the weekend will likely be something like The Italian Job along with whatever else that was delivered.

It's my special way to relax to watch a movie I don't have to discuss afterward or defend, I don't have to think about the plot because it's well defined yet rather simple. I don't have to worry about being scared to death, or feeling my blood pressure rise. I can just lay on the sofa, or in bed, and just watch.

Do I Really Need to Comment?

Is anything I can add to the latest train wreck evidence that Britney Spears career is on a downward spiral? Can I add constructively to any of the drama surrounding the VMA performance? Maybe. Okay, although, I have no complaints about her overall appearance, and didn't think she looked fat, I will say the performance on the whole resembled a bad SNL sketch. She appeared stiff and out of sorts, as though she knew what she was supposed to do, but not well enough to appear comfortable. Almost as though she were auditioning to play the part of Britney Spears.

Everybody Sing!

Rosie O'donnell Wrote a Book, E I E I O
And in this book she slammed Donald Trump E I E I O
With a bad hair here, An asshole there, Here a rug, there a rug everywhere a bad rug
Rosie O'Donnell wrote a book E I E I O
And in this book she slammed Barbara Walters E I E I O
With die old bitch here, and a retire while you can there…

Oh hell you get the idea.

She also offered excuses why she's so messed up; something about beating herself with a baseball bat. Very telling.

But really does anyone care anymore? Probably more garbage about how fire can't melt steel. *Yawn*

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 07, 2007

Back To The Grind

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Yes, I decided to take a little time off. It's been over a month since I last posted in that time we went on several weekend excursions, plus a little camping trip. Camping in the forest below the ominous Mount Hood was interesting and very cold. Too cold for my tastes, and tent camping isn't the great fun it used to be. I guess I am getting old.

I got to sleep in, and not that piddly-hit-the-alarm 5 times but really not set it at all and sleep in. Most days I wasn't up before 9 AM! Most nights I was awake until after midnight, which is about the same as now but now I'm up at six. Strange, but I still recall vividly the days when getting up at 6, was sleeping in.

Did I Miss Anything?

Nicole Ritchie went to jail and served a few hours before being released, Lindsay Lohan was arrested and went into hiding—possibly into rehab, maybe a real one this time. Whoppie Goldberg joined The View and offered her opinion why Michael Vic was involved in dog fighting. Britney was cleared of being a bad parent and OJ's book, If I Did It, or How I Did It was scheduled then unscheduled for release. Denise Brown went on a rampage trying to stop the Goldman family from publishing the book after they won the rights to do so. Denise's reason was because she didn't want her niece and nephew hearing about this or becoming upset. I'm sorry but aren't they in college now? Haven't they heard all this already? I'm sure their father has done a good job of brainwashing them or they have forgiven him, which ever is the case I don't care. I wouldn't read the book, but I might check it out of the library.

Not to mention we had to relive the whole Death of the People's Princess and all things royal was new again. I especially enjoyed the commentary of the Mohammed Al Fayed former publicist talking about the conspiracy surrounding her death. Included of course were the obligatory comments about her so-called pregnancy, and imminent marriage to Dodi Fayed. None of which are true but are a lot of fun, I suppose to repeat and equally fun is the talk now legendary white car that was never found. I guess we must rehash something. I'm surprised Katie Couric wasn't sent there, or maybe she was. I don't watch CBS.

And this was on the heals of anniversary of Elvis' death which included numerous interviews with Pricilla talking about her early involvement with the King at the tender age of 14. People were really different then. As I watched her talk about it, I felt creepy. I never thought of Elvis as being a pedophile. Wonder if he'd be arrested today?

He's Baaaack

Bin Laden has released a videotape in these days just before the 6th anniversary of 9-11, which shows him sporting a new beard or at least a dyed one. I wonder if the black beard is a secret call to unleash hell or at the very least the hounds? I did enjoy the commentary about the beard and it's significance on all the cable news media shows. Maybe it's taped on and they couldn’t find a grey one? Maybe next he'll show the hemorrhoids on his ass and people can surmise if it's a call for solidarity?

Maybe they should concentrate more on his words, but of course the news media is on that one too. Asking every "expert" I've never heard of; what they think about what he said as though they have an opinion that I care about. It kind of makes me nauseous to think about Bin Laden, so I'll stop talking about it. But I still ponder sometimes that we should pull every soldier out of Iraq and put them into Afghanistan and vow not leave until every hole and the space beneath each rock is checked for him.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Random Thoughts of Whimsy

Ranter's Bed & Breakfast

Yes, my personal B&B was open again and I must admit the summer visitors are easier than the springtime, fall or winter guests we get. Two guy friends of husband were here, and one couple with their two kids. I can't believe how much older the kids got in the three years since we last saw them all. I guess my kids aged too, but I don't notice it as much. The kids had a blast reconnecting with old friends and I took an adventure shopping with a preteen girl and her mom. Which ironically leads me to my first rant…

What a Crock

I went into stores shopping at the mall I normally would never go into and honestly I wish I had taken notes because the only store that comes screaming to mind now is Hollister Co. You walk in and it looks like some surf shop, it's dark and the clothes are flimsy and pricey. Here's the kicker though, everything displays the name Hollister, Ca—as in California. Which is obviously just a marketing technique that I'll get to later but what I couldn't get over was how dark it was in the store. Even the tween girl complained briefly that she couldn't understand why it was so dark. I guess it's so you can't see how flimsy the clothes are you're buying or so you can't completely read the price tag. Or maybe it's also you can't tell if someone else has blown their nose on the clothes, either to me is completely possible.

Let Me Fill You In on the real Hollister California

Nowhere near the beach, located in San Benito County, Hollister mostly home to migrant illegal immigrants; which are probably the backbone of its mostly agricultural economy. Hollister is a hole of a town, and resembles nothing of the "Dudes" and "Betty's" it proclaims in the store and I doubt few people actually living there can actually afford to wear those clothes.

Is It Wrong?

To be jealous that the tween girl I was shopping with has a Coach purse? It turns out I have something in common with her, we're both bag hounds, and she explained that she told her dad she needed a new purse, and her dad insisted that she just buy a Coach bag, probably under the impression that it was the ONLY Bag she'd ever need. Poor guy never knew what hit him. Lets be honest though, I really felt I "needed" one I'd just buy it but it's just not that needed.

BFD Report

Paris Hilton puts her house on the market for 4 million bucks and her neighbors are celebrating, as I would imagine, and probably taking up a collection to try to buy the place themselves to restore some sort normalcy to their neighborhood. Britney Spears has a melt down during a photoshoot that she arranged and cleans up dog crap with a designer gown. The lawyers for OK! Magazine are currently talking to her lawyers and I'm sure soon money will change hands. Also, her divorce is finally final and she's completely free to move on to the next Mr Spears.

Lindsay Lohan's alcohol bracelet went off but, unfortunately it was before her lawyer could find her and she was arrested for her second DWI, Driving with a suspended license and trafficking cocaine.
11 days after her release from Promises Rehab, where they proclaim they can teach you not to drink in clubs while treating alcohol and drug abuse. Naturally her mother, sensing the end of the gravy train spoke out in her daughter's defense. After all she's just doing what young, stupid, rich girls do, right?

Also, Whoopi Goldberg is joining the View and I found that about as interesting as Drew Cary joining the Price is Right.


The Bump reports were right Nicole Ritchie is pregnant and going to jail good for her.

If only clearing up the war in Iraq could be settled so easily. In all seriousness what we clearly need to do, is send a very direct message to the fledgling Iraqie government. They need to meet certain deadlines or we leave. I think its fair and possibly more effective than all the blowhards in congress saying, we must leave but do nothing really about it. I also feel that some sort of slap on the President's hand is in order for getting us into this conflict under false pretense so that HISTORY will remember understand we weren't just complacent.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Worthless Observations by a Ranting Fool

Whats in a Name?

Yes that would be me and I'm saying goodbye to Lady Bird Johnson who died Wednesday at the age of 94. Now out of all the first ladies, she had without a doubt the most interesting name. Lady Bird. Her real name was Claudia Alta Taylor not nearly as interesting as the nickname given to her by her nanny as a child who said she was as pretty as a ladybird. The name obviously stuck because I never knew her to be anything else but Lady Bird. Johnson as some might recall was the unfortunate fool to be vice-president when JFK was assassinated in 1963. He finished that term and served another full term as president. He was also known for escalating the Viet Nam war…Oops I mean police action--but that's another issue entirely.

Here We Go Again

Special thanks to Bumble for bringing this to my attention. I blogged about this case before which you can read here.

Georgia Prosecutor released the sex tape that put the 17 year old behind bars. Just to recap, he's serving a mandatory 10 year sentence for child molestation. He was 17 and the girl in question was 15. That's just two years apart in age. I'm really confused on this, was he convicted because he had oral sex or made the sex tape? Why is this kid still in prison?

The sex tape helped convict him, but can we really blame kids for doing what everyone else in Hollywood has done since Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee? Kids have been copying what other stars have done since my dad was a teen and got an Elvis haircut, or my grandmother fainted straight away when Frank Sinatra walked passed her. Okay someone at the party recorded him, but are we forgetting the big issue? He's in prison! He'll have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life for doing something that teens do! Georgia has changed the law because of this kid!

Now everyone is upset that the video was released and saying it's child porn or something. Who cares???? Some fear support for the kid will diminish. Are we living in such a politically correct society where this kind of tripe matters a whit when put against plain old right and wrong? Kids will have sex.

The issue is the states attorney doesn't want this kid out of prison because he's afraid 1300 other molesters will also be released. HUH? You have 1300 kids in Georgia prisons, wrongfully convicted of molestation, who were just having teen sex????? That's about the only group that this would apply to.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ramblings on a Too Hot Tuesday

Who Knew

The weather here could get so freaking hot? When we moved here the only thing people fixated on was the fact the winters are dark, wet and cold. No one told us that the summers are HOT, HOT, HOT! It just sucks and I'll freely confess when the mercury hits the century mark I don't want to leave the house. I melt into the furniture despite the AC going around the clock set to a still warm 73 degrees. Yes 73 degrees Fahrenheit is where the upstairs remains livable, and the downstairs very comfy. I won't suffer.

So, in any event I'm trying hard to keep cool and keep my cool with the kids. Neither is proving to be easy. This weekend promises cooler temps and I'm looking forward to it. End of the month brings visitors yet again, more California friends, which I'm not exactly looking forward to but nonetheless must try to prepare for which means more cleaning.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Point to Ponder

As we celebrate our Nation's Birthday, let us all take a moment to ponder the document that started it all, remember the call of freedom that caused these men to put their lives on the line by signing the document and the plainly stated reasons for doing so. --Ranter

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

— John Hancock

New Hampshire:
Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton

John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry

Rhode Island:
Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery

Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott

New York:
William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris

New Jersey:
Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark

Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross

Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean

Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton

George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton

North Carolina:
William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn

South Carolina:
Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton

Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm Back and Not Very "Rested"

Playing Family (I Mean Vacation Time)

Actually I shouldn't complain we had some good times, ate some good food and saw some cool things. Like the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, and the great fun of playing miniature golf at Bullwinkle's Family Fun Center with husband the kids. As a lark we decided the winners would make the loser pay for lunch. I fully anticipated the seven-year-old washing dishes, since he only has a few quarters in his pocket at any given time. However that wasn't meant to be with both husband and my older son scoring around 54 and even my seven year old beat me with a score of 65, their scores might have been lower but I stopped keeping accurate records. My score was a whopping 90 and that was only because they had a 5-stroke max, toward the end, after being poked in the butt by the 3 year old in the group following us, I started just taking the 5 strokes. I even wondered why I left my flask of rum at home; my Dr. Pepper needed something extra. Then we spent another small fortune on the video games in the arcade all so my seven-year-old could win a Whoopee cushion, some play money, and Skittles, I could have bought him at the dollar store for way less than it cost us there. And needless to say I had to buy lunch for everyone but thank goodness I had my husbands credit card. By the time we got home that day, I was ready throttle the person that actually invented the Whoopee Cushion.

Of All Times

My cell phone died a horrible death, continually dropping calls and making me crazy and in a fit of final desperation I threw it on the ground. I'd had the phone for 2 years and suffered with it but now, since my older son needed one since he'll be going to middle school I decided it was time for a new one. I went to the provider store and they gave me the song and dance, saying how great this one was and that one and blinded me with a 3 for one offer. By three phones for the price of one and they had me. I walked out with a new phone for me, plus a phone for my older son and a phone for my husband. Plus I'm getting a 50 dollar rebate so the phones will really only cost me 60 dollars including the 25 dollar activation fee for adding the third line. Not too bad considering I was considering leaving the company all together but now they've got me until 2009, after that, if they don't carry the new iPhone, I'm walking.

Yes, I'm a Mac Geek

And I'm damned proud to be one. Nuff said.

Other Adventures

Other things we did included a journey to the Fruit Loop, we I debated leaving behind my husband since he really had gone crazy with all the family warmth we shared. Then we started preparing for our huge 4th of July blowout. We've invited a lot of people, will they show up; we don't know. Will they bring food; we haven't a clue. What will happen, who knows? Meanwhile I've been spending days cleaning the house. I'm ready to bring in the big guns and hire a freaking service…Where is my husband's credit card anyway? I think he took it back, smart man, especially since I'm better at signing his name than he is.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Are We There Yet?

The First Week

Yes, school is out for summer here and already the kids are nearly bored. I only say nearly because of the afore posted about Wii seems to be holding their interest, maybe a little too well. Its not that they've been playing it whole lot, only in the evenings because there is NOTHING on TV right now and I don't care if they play. So far the kids are engrossed in the Paper Mario Game, so life is good at least for them. It's keeping them occupied effectively enough that they are staying out of my hair and behaving themselves. I'd say it's been a life saver.

My house however, is suffering the effects of having crap everywhere, and today, I even found a pair of my older kid's blue jeans in the kitchen!

In any event, we're on vacation all this week in fact today we're heading out to see the famed Spruce Goose (yes in all the years I lived in California, I never saw it there). So I'll be back in all my glory next week, with a complete update on everything we did, including my horrible (absolutely horrible) miniature golf score.

Until thenCiao

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Last Day of School

Sorry, but I Must Brag

My older son had his 6th grade promotion today. This morning he was freaking out because he couldn't find his "speech" he was supposed to give. He said he thought it was in his backpack but he couldn't find it...he was freaked out (he NEVER once despite me asking repeatedly told me what was going on during the promotion thing). I was annoyed when I put him and his little brother on the bus.

8:30 AM husband and I meet at the school and we were both seriously overdressed, most people looked like they just rolled out of bed. Husband's wearing his power suit and I'm dressed nicely as well (we can't have him looking good and me looking like crappo, can we?).

So we find seats near the back, the place was packed with parents. A few band members performed, then the principal spoke...boring....snooze.

Then each child got up (in alphabetical order no less) and said something about their time in the school. OMG half the kids couldn't string a sentence together..lots of "umms" "ands" "you knows" and "like". One or two were good, and rather engaging. Naturally, Older Son was one of the last kids to speak (we're at the tail end of the alphabet; I was seriously mentally cussing husband out) and I wasn't surprised when he walked up, shook his teacher's and took the microphone without presenting any notes.

I'm not saying this because I'm his mom, but he sucked the oxygen out of the room! He was completely engaging when after introducing himself, he opened with a short talk about his first teacher (whom we both HATED) at the school,
"A lot of the kids didn't like Mrs So-and-so because she was too strict and yelled a lot (lots of laughter--she's no longer teaching at the school), but if you want a nice teacher you have to a nice person to them."
Every ONE in the room said "Awww" and a one teacher who is retiring this year started to cry.

Then he went on to talk briefly about his teacher last year (whom we both liked a lot) and complimented him on his teaching skills and the fact he took the time to play basketball in the classroom with the kids, "How cool is that?" he asked the audience who laughed again. He Spoke glowingly about his current, who is well traveled and said, "She would bring trinkets and pictures of her travels and it was like looking at a geography book and made the learning more enjoyable." Then he echoed what his teacher said said in her short speech earlier to the kids, " is not about the destination, it's about the journey...and she's lived that."

Finally, he wrapped it up by talking about how bittersweet it is to be leaving the school, how glad he was that today was the last day of school, and there would be no homework, (big laughs) but also sad "because next year, although I'm prepared for the challenges of middle school, I won't be returning here except to visit." Then he thanked the audience and departed.

The applause was for him thunderous. Some parents seated behind us and standing, mused about what a good speech it was. I actually felt bad for the last kid who followed him--I haven't a clue what he said. I was in shock.

After another short speech from the principal, everyone got up to leave. I'm not kidding you but we couldn't get to our son, so many parents and other staff were shaking his hand and complimenting him on his speech. It also helped people remember him because he was next to last.

Then when they realized we were with him, they shook our hands. Of course we gushed about how proud we were but honestly we were speechless...we sounded like two inarticulate boobs. We were so taken aback. Then I asked him if that was the speech he intended to give, and he said simply, "no, I winged it."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

There is a Cure for the Summertime Blues

Is It Time Yet?

That's question I'm growing increasingly weary answering, well that and "how many more days?" as constantly queried by Fredo. As of tomorrow at 2:15 PM the boys will be free from the rigors of getting up early, having to worry about homework, and onto endless hours of TV watching and video game playing, especially for the older son. I know, he should be going outside and playing, getting dirty and exploring the world, but he's not that kind of kid and never has been.

Going To War

A few years ago, I mentioned to my husband that the older kid would like a Game Cube, and he instantly replied, "no, I don't think he needs one, he needs to be outside more." I reminded husband that the weather was inclement (we were living in the San Francisco Bay Area at the time) and who wants to play outside in that. What was the kid going to do, run outside at 5PM when the weather cleared and stay outside for an hour until the fog rolled back in? This was the same child that dressed himself in preppy shirts and simple black pants for school when the rest of his classmates were wearing shorts, and tank tops, in the 50-degree temperatures. He's the kind of kid that always has his jacket in case the weather turns poorly. He has about as much interest in sports as I do and is probably just as bad at them. He's never learned to ride a bike because he had no interest in riding one and prefers to take walks. Not to mention he throws a ball like a girl and is even worse at catching one. But most importantly, this kid of mine never asks for anything. I'm not kidding, I could take him to Toys R us, and tell him he could have anything in the store and he'd walk out with NOTHING! I know this because I've tried it several times. The only things the kid has ever asked for are the Game Cube, years later he asked for some Pyrates Mega Block sets, and games both video and board games, Nick magazine, special art paper to draw on, colored pencils, crayons and things related to drawing, and a large desk for his room. The kid is thirteen and over the course of his life these are few things he's ever wanted. Naturally, I hate refusing a request he has, so I went to war with husband to get the kid the game system he wanted. And eventually husband relented, and the kid practically crapped himself one Christmas when he saw the system—I think he was 9.

They are True Opposites

Conversely his younger brother loves being outdoors and even though he also doesn't throw so well, he's obviously better than his elder sibling. When we lived in California the kid was always tanned (yes, you can tan in fog), and I couldn't keep that kid inside the house or get him to watch TV if I paid him to unless it was raining hard outside, and even then he'd play under the covered porch. Just to be outdoors.

Ironically, everything he enjoys, like trying (and I do mean trying) to play basketball, or swinging on the swing set (a huge bonus when we moved to this house), husband refuses to make the back yard more kid friendly for him and daydreams of when the swing set finally falls apart so he can create some sort of garden retreat on that side of the yard.

Well, the swing set now is falling apart, and the side of the house is so overgrown with Himalayan blackberry, the underside of the deck is filled with husband's stuff, and the rest of yard is either has dog poop, or roses where Fredo knows not to play. So by default Husband has actually created a child that now prefers to be indoors because it's so less restrictive. Like his brother he does enjoy taking walks—in fact, he walk circles around all of us.

Varied Degrees of Winning

As I explained we did get the older son, a Game Cube, and he became rather addicted to it, when he started lying about not having any homework so he could play the games more, husband gave me a smug look. All the games were taken away until he was caught up and that lasted months from around March until June one year. That said, he learned from it, much to husband's chagrin, and has never had the problem since. He understands that things we do as a family come first, watching movies, playing board games, and going places. The video games are reserved for when there isn't anything else for him to do.

Now, I wasn't entirely surprised when one day while watching Star Trek: Voyager, he commented on a commercial, "Those Nintendo Wii systems look pretty cool, don't they mom?" I hadn't paid much attention to it before that but after knowing this kid as well as I do, I knew that was his way of saying he wanted one.

Speak Nicely and Make a Heavy Meal

So, I jotted down a few pluses for the Nintendo Wii, and planned to do a roast, garlic smashed potatoes and gravy topped with caramelized onions, and large Cesar salad (with real anchovies…yuck). I made my chocolate fudge brownies, topped with a layer of peanut butter, and then iced with chocolate frosting and opened a bottle of Zinfandel. I might have even lit candles, though I don't really recall now.

He came home to a stunningly clean house, the children quiet, and the scent of roast beef filling the air, I offered him a cocktail, gin and tonic, as he sat down. I didn't hand him the remote control, or offered to change to the channel on the TV because that would have seemed too obvious. After he finished the cocktail I set the table, and poured the wine, then called everyone to dinner, we talked about the day, and I didn't bring up the Wii. The timing had to be perfect.

After dinner, I cleaned the kitchen while he used the computer catching up on his avoided email, and then spending time working. I kept his wine glass filled. When the bottle was empty, it was time for the younger one to take his evening bath and then dessert. I glanced over my notes. Again, this was about timing.

After the kids went to bed, we settled down with the dog, on the sofa, and I sipped the only glass of wine I'd had that evening. I was nursing it, making it last until the commercial came on for the Wii. "Thank goodness, it's about time," I thought as I watched it, and then casually said to my husband, "you know, we should really think about that for Older Son. He mentioned it the other day, and it might be a good gift for him." I didn't make eye contact with husband, just continued with my plan, "You have to move your arms and such to make it work, but I think I heard that all the Game Cube Games will work with it (Of course I already knew damn well this was the case because I had researched it). He instantly replied that the answer was no. Unflinchingly, I continued, "he's worked so hard this year, and has done very well, next year he's going into middle school—it's just a shame since he never asks for much of anything." I had him and I knew it.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 11, 2007

Weekend Wrap-up

Not with a Bang but a Whimper

No, I'm not talking about Paris Hilton going back to jail but instead the Soprano's series finale. I imagine everyone has heard about what a disappointment it is and I'd like to thank those people for spoiling it for the rest of us that refuse to pay for HBO. Now I have to wait months for it to come out on DVD to add my voice to the chorus, but by that time, no one will care. I'm also confused about the Soprano's season 6 DVD which says it's 6 Part 1, yet I'm watching interviews with the cast saying it's season 7. So will the next DVD set be Season Six Part 2 Or Season 7? If it says season 7, then what about season 6 Part 2. Maybe that cast just doesn't know which season they are working on since they had to keep so quiet on the bad ending.

Can You Believe They're Appealing?

No, not Paris Hilton, but the prosecutors in Atlanta, GA say they're going to appeal the decision handed down by a judge today letting a 19 year old free after serving only 2 years of a 10 year sentence for child Molestation. Before you start saying right on, the guy was 17, and the girl was 15. I'm sorry but when I was in high school I dated guys that were 17 and I engaged in sexual activity with them. As if this wasn't bad enough the guy wasn't screwing the girl but going down on her. Yes! They were engaged in oral sex.

Had he just screwed her, he would have been charged with a misdemeanor but instead he was charged with FELONY molestation because he was engaged in oral, and she was 15. Remember he's only 2 years older than her and never been in trouble a day in his life. Can you imagine having to register for the rest of your life as a sex offender for going down on your girlfriend? The law in Georgia was even changed because of this case so it can't happen to another kid and YET the prosecution wants to appeal the judge's decision? This pisses me off even more than the Paris Hilton crap.

Sister Paris?

Yes, about Paris Hilton, who was heard screaming Mom, Mom, Mom, when they judge ordered her back to jail, finally got a responsible driver in the back of a LA county Sheriff, who took her back to jail, while she sobbed. Now, she's had an epiphany and vows to be a better person, and that her time in jail has changed her life. Wonder if she got a refund on all the party supplies that will have to wait until her real release? Wonder if she'll become a nun? Sister Paris? I think if you look closely her booking photo, there could be a halo.

What amazes me is that she cries for her mom and whole media who before was ready to hang her by her well-manicured rich thumbs, did a 180 by saying how unfair the judge was? What? She claimed she didn't know her license was suspended, she at first tried to get out of appearing all together at her sentencing and then showed up late so yeah, and had a big blah attitude as if saying, "this is so not hot." Finally lets all understand that under California state law, she faced up to 90 days in the clink and already got off easy with 45.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved