Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Last Day of School

Sorry, but I Must Brag

My older son had his 6th grade promotion today. This morning he was freaking out because he couldn't find his "speech" he was supposed to give. He said he thought it was in his backpack but he couldn't find it...he was freaked out (he NEVER once despite me asking repeatedly told me what was going on during the promotion thing). I was annoyed when I put him and his little brother on the bus.

8:30 AM husband and I meet at the school and we were both seriously overdressed, most people looked like they just rolled out of bed. Husband's wearing his power suit and I'm dressed nicely as well (we can't have him looking good and me looking like crappo, can we?).

So we find seats near the back, the place was packed with parents. A few band members performed, then the principal spoke...boring....snooze.

Then each child got up (in alphabetical order no less) and said something about their time in the school. OMG half the kids couldn't string a sentence together..lots of "umms" "ands" "you knows" and "like". One or two were good, and rather engaging. Naturally, Older Son was one of the last kids to speak (we're at the tail end of the alphabet; I was seriously mentally cussing husband out) and I wasn't surprised when he walked up, shook his teacher's and took the microphone without presenting any notes.

I'm not saying this because I'm his mom, but he sucked the oxygen out of the room! He was completely engaging when after introducing himself, he opened with a short talk about his first teacher (whom we both HATED) at the school,
"A lot of the kids didn't like Mrs So-and-so because she was too strict and yelled a lot (lots of laughter--she's no longer teaching at the school), but if you want a nice teacher you have to a nice person to them."
Every ONE in the room said "Awww" and a one teacher who is retiring this year started to cry.

Then he went on to talk briefly about his teacher last year (whom we both liked a lot) and complimented him on his teaching skills and the fact he took the time to play basketball in the classroom with the kids, "How cool is that?" he asked the audience who laughed again. He Spoke glowingly about his current, who is well traveled and said, "She would bring trinkets and pictures of her travels and it was like looking at a geography book and made the learning more enjoyable." Then he echoed what his teacher said said in her short speech earlier to the kids, " is not about the destination, it's about the journey...and she's lived that."

Finally, he wrapped it up by talking about how bittersweet it is to be leaving the school, how glad he was that today was the last day of school, and there would be no homework, (big laughs) but also sad "because next year, although I'm prepared for the challenges of middle school, I won't be returning here except to visit." Then he thanked the audience and departed.

The applause was for him thunderous. Some parents seated behind us and standing, mused about what a good speech it was. I actually felt bad for the last kid who followed him--I haven't a clue what he said. I was in shock.

After another short speech from the principal, everyone got up to leave. I'm not kidding you but we couldn't get to our son, so many parents and other staff were shaking his hand and complimenting him on his speech. It also helped people remember him because he was next to last.

Then when they realized we were with him, they shook our hands. Of course we gushed about how proud we were but honestly we were speechless...we sounded like two inarticulate boobs. We were so taken aback. Then I asked him if that was the speech he intended to give, and he said simply, "no, I winged it."


Anonymous said...

Your kid rocks!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a kid!

I went to my 6th grader's end of year thing (middle school starts in 6th grade here, so it wasn't a big deal), each kid went up and said a few things too. Some of them really should've just kept their mouths shut!

So I understand your pride. It's tough enough just to get up and speak in front of an audience, but to be so engaging? Wow! Good thing you put the non-crappo clothes on, eh?

Judy said...


BUMBLE!!! said...

It's amazing how some kids see things in the now and it takes some kids years to see them. I could deal with a happy speech like that from a student.


congratulations to him on the achievement.


Interestingly enough, I've been out of high school teaching for 3 years now. Last night, I was out at a place that served alcohol to adults who wanted to go out for festive times. I just realized that these students are now LEGAL to be there too!! one of my biggest nightmares from year 1 (I was new - he was at that age) got me a shot of vodka. that was weird. a whole group that graduated that year were there (now seniors in college) and I felt like a museum exhibit. Maybe it's strange, but sometimes you just have to walk away and say, "that's nice to be remembered, but I need a life that isn't this stuff." My friend Chris summed it up best when he came to realize why teachers don't live in their own school district. All the same, that's one more place I probably won't go.