Thursday, April 27, 2006


It should be easy; the kids had the day off, as did Rainbird, so I should be allowed to sneak off to Target, right? I guess wrong. Rainbird started in asking if Fredo was going with me, and me without time to prepare a decent answer, then Piss-boy, hoping to get out of work, decided he wanted to go to. I’m trying to shop, keep track of two boys that are hell bent on killing each other only when they are in stores, make sure that Bart and Homer are safe in the cart, and the cell phone is ringing. Rainbird phoned asking me to pick him up a new beard trimmer and that he couldn’t understand how his old one burned out the way it had (my bad, I’ve been using it to trim my bush for sometime now). Kids are running and I’m ready to kill or die of humiliation and we all know that’s why he does it.

I did pick us up a new cooler in addition to the new beard trimmer, which by the way works great (heh). Piss-boy bought some crap he wanted, which me, being a mean mom, made him pay for himself and Fredo, got a candy bar he wanted and yes, he paid for that himself too. After Target we stopped at the grocery store and I picked up a few things I knew we’d need for the weekend.

Why Do They Disappear?

I’d like to understand the male psyche, and I wonder why everyone disappears when we get home, and people already home hide in closets or something until all the groceries or whatever is brought in. Come ‘on people! The only time I don’t want help bringing things in is during Holiday Season, and then all I get is help.

I’m Just Twisted

I just scared the shit out of my friend the Bionic Woman, who is incidentally away on Vacation all this week and next week with her dear husband the six million dollar man, I told her how many days until Christmas there are. Next weekend we’re going to start shopping for Back to School stuff, that way in June we can start shopping for holiday stuff. I know I’m crazy but if I start early enough, I’ll actually be able to get through the list this year without breaking the bank.

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Monday, April 24, 2006

What Have We Done lately?

I’ve been reading, well rereading the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder and at first I’m just reading them because I was bored, and because I had nothing better to do. Then I started thinking about them. Think about it. She was born in 1867 and died in 1957 at the age of 90. Now really think about it. She was born before the telegraph, before light bulbs, not to mention, telephones, cars, airplanes. Radio and Television were both invented during her lifetime, as was both silent and talking moving pictures.

Now think about it again.

What as really been invented in the last 49 years? While we’ve made great strides in medical and technology, aside from personal computers (please note computers did exist in 1957, but they were huge, so it can’t be counted as a “new” invention but really an improvement on an old one). How many things have been invented that we can now not live without? Microwave ovens? Tang? Disposable Diapers, which were all a result of the space race. Ah! The race to the moon. No, that began actually in 1957 damnit. Sputnik was launched, which was the first artificial satellite. Everything that followed was just an improvement.

That’s the catch; they can’t be improvements but instead brand new inventions that no one ever believed possible or heard of before that. So many things were invented in her lifetime that the world had never seen before, or really thought possible. She went from a time before cars to seeing freeways being built. I can’t begin to comprehend what wonders she saw for the first time and I also wonder what she thought about them.

Speaking of Inventions

Could hybrid cars really be the next big thing? Oil companies are making a killing while people (myself included) are pissed off about their personal prices at the pump. Everything trickles down to everyday people, if goods cost more to ship, that cost is reflected in prices you see in grocery stores, even the discount kind. The technology for these cars has been around for some time now but it’s been kept away from people mostly because of the oil companies fears.

Josh Bolton, Bush and Approval Ratings

It would seem that Josh Bolton according to Time Magazine has a 5 point plan for Republicans to win the next election and for Bush to greatly improve his approval rating which has dropped to 32% and for the record, he has some company down there...Former Presidents, Harry Truman in 1952, Richard Nixon 1974, Jimmy Carter 1979, and Bush Senior 1992. All of the above mentioned with the exception of Nixon were in their first term and all their approval ratings sunk to the mid 20's. I was surprised that Lydon Johnson's approval rating wasn't lower, considering the Viet Nam war shit.

Here is the Bolten plan as directly copied from the article:

1. DEPLOY GUNS AND BADGES. This is an unabashed play to members of the conservative base who are worried about illegal immigration. Under the banner of homeland security, the White House plans to seek more funding for an extremely visible enforcement crackdown at the Mexican border, including a beefed- up force of agents patrolling on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). "It'll be more guys with guns and badges," said a proponent of the plan. "Think of the visuals. The President can go down and meet with the new recruits. He can go down to the border and meet with a bunch of guys and go ride around on an ATV." Bush has long insisted he wants a guest-worker program paired with stricter border enforcement, but House Republicans have balked at temporary legalization for immigrants, so the President's ambition of using the issue to make the party more welcoming to Hispanics may have to wait.

2. MAKE WALL STREET HAPPY. In an effort to curry favor with dispirited Bush backers in the investment world, the Administration will focus on two tax measures already in the legislative pipeline--extensions of the rate cuts for stock dividends and capital gains. "We need all these financial TV shows to be talking about how great the economy is, and that only happens when their guests from Wall Street talk about it," said a presidential adviser. "This is very popular with investors, and a lot of Republicans are investors."

3. BRAG MORE. White House officials who track coverage of Bush in media markets around the country said he garnered his best publicity in months from a tour to promote enrollment in Medicare's new prescription-drug plan. So they are planning a more focused and consistent effort to talk about the program's successes after months of press reports on start-up difficulties. Bolten's plan also calls for more happy talk about the economy. With gas prices a heavy drain on Bush's popularity, his aides want to trumpet the lofty stock market and stable inflation and interest rates. They also plan to highlight any glimmer of success in Iraq, especially the formation of a new government, in an effort to balance the negative impression voters get from continued signs of an incubating civil war.

4. RECLAIM SECURITY CREDIBILITY. This is the riskiest, and potentially most consequential, element of the plan, keyed to the vow by Iran to continue its nuclear program despite the opposition of several major world powers. Presidential advisers believe that by putting pressure on Iran, Bush may be able to rehabilitate himself on national security, a core strength that has been compromised by a discouraging outlook in Iraq. "In the face of the Iranian menace, the Democrats will lose," said a Republican frequently consulted by the White House. However, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll this April 8-11, found that 54% of respondents did not trust Bush to "make the right decision about whether we should go to war with Iran."

5. COURT THE PRESS. Bolten is extremely guarded around reporters, but he knows them and, unlike some of his colleagues, is not scared of them. Administration officials said he believes the White House can work more astutely with journalists to make its case to the public, and he recognizes that the President has paid a price for the inclination of some on his staff to treat them dismissively or high-handedly. His first move, working with counselor Dan Bartlett, was to offer the press secretary job to Tony Snow of Fox News radio and television, a former newspaper editorial writer and onetime host of Fox News Sunday who served George H.W. Bush as speechwriting director. Snow, a father of three and a sax player, is the bona fide outsider that Republican allies have long prescribed for Bushworld and would bring irreverence to a place that hasn't seen a lot of fun lately. "White Houses are weird places," he told a 2004 panel on White House speechwriting. Snow had his colon removed after he was found to have cancer last year, but his doctors have approved the possibility of his taking the grueling post.

You can read the whole article here

Finally, how is any of this shit really going to help our economy?

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

We'll Have To Ask Tom Cruise

Does Placenta taste anything like chicken?

I guess according to other stories, he later said he wasn't, so the world might never know.

Monday, April 17, 2006

My Family Room Floor

I haven’t tidied up the family room in a few days, possibly since last Thursday, since we haven’t done anything lately or had friends over. Having friends or family over certainly makes me keep the house up better. Anyway of course, Rainbird started bitching because of course, I’m the woman and I’m supposed to keep the house clean. So, I did put my hair up, put on my best dress and my June Cleaver apron and pearls and started cleaning the house. Beginning with the family room because the TV was on. I picked up no fewer than:

• Several random pieces of paper
• Several old law journals
• One Victoria’s Secret Catalog
• 8 pairs of socks, assorted sizes
• One pair of underwear belonging to Fredo
• Assorted kid chewy wrappers (little fruit rollup packs and gummy packs)
• A bottle of water, empty
• 6 soda cans under the chair
• 5 paper plates obviously licked clean by the dog
• 12 tennis balls all under the sofa, presumably placed there by Dumbass for safe keeping.
• Several of Fredo’s daily reports, actually a stack.
• One Bra (yes that one belonged to me and I have no idea how it go there).

Is it any wonder I feel like I’m going insane; I live with pigs. One thing I didn’t find was money anywhere, so they might be pigs but they are obviously cheap pigs.
© 2006

Sunday, April 16, 2006

What A Sick Fuck!

Headline reads:

Police: Suspect Planned to Eat Okla. Girl

Need I say more? Maybe just a little...

"This appears to have been part of a plan to kidnap a person, rape them, torture them, kill them, cut off their head, drain the body of blood, rape the corpse, eat the corpse, then dispose of the organs and bones," Tompkins said.

Nuff said. Sick whacko fuck.

You can read the whole article here

People like this don't deserve to have any part of society. You just can't make this kind of shit up.

Friday, April 14, 2006

A little More From Welfare Debate

I feel myself slipping to the dark side, and I’m sorry but I’m tired of same people defending the same welfare shit again and again, with stupid arguments. I still believe whole-heartedly that you can’t plan for everything life might throw at you, but some of the people [on that board] defend those that can’t or won’t plan at all.

One thread involves someone calling CPS because the family doesn’t own a sofa…what the fuck is that about????

Another thread talks about housing being more affordable, which is true but…they fail to mention that too many people are being encouraged to think of their homes as bank accounts. Again this preys on the penny wise-pound foolish crowd, like my grandmother, that refinanced her 20K original mortgage into a 250K loan, of course this happened over a period of 20 years or more but it was still stupid. Too many people defend stupidity and I’m tired of it. I actually feel more stupid after reading through some of the threads and it’s time to stop.

People are so fucking stupid on the issue of illegal immigration, it makes me want to vomit.

Does it sound to anyone that this person knows what the hell she is talking about?

Here is the link

I'm sorry but there is NO Fucking way I can defend anyone that has to sneak into this country. Don't give me that bullshit that they pay taxes or are keeping SS afloat because I don't fucking believe it--since most are getting paid under the table and those companies that aren't, need to be prosecuted for breaking the law. Most are doing jobs that some wouldn't want to do but after getting a bid for cleaning up our front and back yard to the tune of $700--I have no sympathy. I highly doubt there are any undocumented (shit I hate that term) immigrants employed as CEO's making a million a year.

They [illegal immigrants] threatened to stop buying for a day...go ahead. That might hurt some local economies but the nation as a whole will certainly survive (WalMart and Dollar stores might take a small hit in some areas). I'm tired of public interest groups and those who say they aren't like Bank of America taking the illegal side. Kinda like Germany defending Saddam of course he owed them money and the country stood to lose money. Just like BofA stands to lose money if all the illegal immigrants are tossed out on their collective asses in their wire transfer dollars. A final point I'm sick of both sides pandering to this law-breaking group it does make me ill. You want to defend law breakers, go ahead but make the argument intelligent. Don't simply regurgitate what you might have heard your favorite pundit say on TV, heard on Radio, or read in some candyass newspaper.

Furthermore, from the same thread, if someone is stupid enough to use payday loans as their own personal check cashing service then I’m sorry they deserve to pay 500% interest.

Then of course, there are the people that bitch that people make bad choices in life, while they cry and whine on other boards that, get this, their personal lives are a wreck because their fiancé refuses to work. Yet they take a hard line on the Welfare Board about people sponging off the government. I guess having someone sponge off her is okay though. I love hypocrisy. Like she wrote on the Welfare Debate Board several times there is no excuse for anyone to be unemployed but I suppose, that doesn’t apply to someone she’s personally involved with.

© 2006

A Couple Things

Sit Down or Stand

Can anyone explain to me when this ritual started of men having to pee standing up? Are men so important that they must stand to so their superiority or is so their dicks don’t get wet (as if) by pushing it between their own legs while sitting on the toilet. If someone would explain it to me, I’d appreciate it.

I Wonder

Tom Cruise has said that when what’s her name delivers his child, he’ll take the child and run down the hall and not stop until he shows the baby to his pet chimp…Oops wrong celebrity. He did say that she’ll have a quiet birth and if she needs drugs, she needs drugs. I wonder if that includes drugs for Post Partum Depression considering his views on that and I wonder if we’ll ever hear about it if she did.

© 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Toilet Talk

This morning I woke up to hear Rainbird talking to the toilet asking it nicely to flush, I guess it was clogged and he didn’t want to bother with getting the plunger. He asked it several times to please go down, and finally it did, and he politely responded with a thank you. I tried not to pay attention but found the whole thing pretty funny.


I’m still reeling from the estimate for initial clean up of our front and back yards, I’m sorry but 700 dollars seems rather steep doesn’t it? Of course none of you know what my yard looks like really but I can assure you I spent a total of maybe 2 hours yesterday pulling weeds (time was actually longer but I had to answer the phone several times). I did, in that time, more than ¾ of my front yard (until the clipping container was filled) and remember I’m overweight, and horribly out of shape. I would imagine that one person that does it for a living would spend maybe an hour doing it. Of course, gardeners don’t send just one person they send several, so who the hell makes 700 dollars an hour and you know the “employees” are likely “undocumented” workers. I really fucking hate that term “undocumented” it’s just a polite way of saying ILLEGAL, which they are. I guess if I go to a bank after hours and make a withdraw it’s an “undocumented” withdraw? Of if I take something from a store without paying for it, it’s an undocumented purchase?

I digress, getting back now to the landscaper charging 700 dollars…Like I said for a team of maybe 4 it’s an hours work. You know they don’t make individually a hundred bucks an hour—come on, maybe their bosses make that much but the works sure as hell don’t. The one that drives the company truck probably makes a bit more (which would be a little more than minimum wage), so you’re talking for that team probably cost somewhere around 25 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!! That 25 bucks might even include gas or maybe we could add 5 bucks more onto it…wholly fuck that’s an outrageous amount of money!

What Have We Become?

Over heated Teflon causing cancer risk and Dow Chemical, one of the leading makers is afraid to remove the chief ingredient for fear of lawsuits. Honestly I don’t blame them what with all those whiny breast implant idiots that claimed their silicone implants caused health problems, which was later found to be unsubstantiated. Of course that didn’t happen until after they settled.

Now the latest is the people involved in the World Trade Center cleanup are suing due to health problems since 9-11 and what’s really sad, is I remember watching on the news the cleanup and thinking then, wonder how many lawsuits this will generate. I feel badly for the families, I really do but some of these people were also involved with search and rescue/recovery. I know it seems trite, but when you sign up to do that type of job, in the midst of a National crisis, which 9-11 was, you couldn’t expect to sit around and wait at a safe distance while they get you the proper HAZMAT suit. What are next, families of people dying in Iraq suing the Federal Government for wrongful death? That is the job you sign up for, good or bad.

Hollywood Watches Out For Bumps?

On to lighter subjects. Since babies are now the latest accessory piece for today’s Hollywood star, it’s no surprise that the paparazzi press has started “the bump watch” it hopes of breaking the news to world which are pregnant. Rest assured, they are in fact working tirelessly snapping pictures of bellies trying to determine who is with child and who isn’t. You can see the flashing headlines in all the tabloids under the heading, is she or isn’t she?

I just love the Ladies Home Journal and other crap magazines that tout how you can lose 20 pounds in a week along with pictures of the hot celebrity house and baby. Of course this goes along with the interview where they talk about being a working mom with the same issues as everyone else. Uh huh. How many working moms have a personal nutritionist to plan their meals while pregnant, can afford to use the special birthing suites at hospitals, complete with chefs and live in staff, so the baby never has to mingle with others in the nursery. How many working moms can afford a personal trainer to get their post pregnancy body back, several nannies, and a personal assistant to just arrange the nanny’s schedule, a personal chef, and housekeeper? Remember, they’re just like you and me.

They sit for the interview in the white living room, with candles burning and fresh flowers everywhere, wearing the white outfit and talking about how difficult motherhood is. When I read an interview and see pictures of a shit-stained sofa, the Hollywood mom, folding diapers, and feeding a baby during the interview then I’ll start to believe them. The paradox is that they want us to believe they are “normal” but the press wants you to believe they are gods and above all the day-to-day crap that happens.

© 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006

No School Tomorrow?

This is the question Fredo asks each and everyday at least once, though he used to ask it more often. He’ll get excited if I say no but if I say “yes,” you can feel the life being sucked out of the room. I know he’s improved greatly but I just wish school wasn’t such a struggle for him, and I guess what I really wish were that I could just flip the ‘learning’ switch that is likely located deep inside his brain.

Coffee troubles

I’ve been having issues with my not just my coffee maker but with my own mind and neither will be resolved anytime too soon. Each night, I clean thoroughly my coffee maker, and set it up for the next day but ever so often I find coffee all over the kitchen cabinet, inside the drawer, inside the cabinet because it’s over-flowed for some reason that I don’t understand. In other words, the first time it happened, I figured I screwed up, as well as the second time. The third time happened twice back-to-back and knew then I’d done nothing wrong. The fourth time, I KNOW absolutely I had NOTHING different from the other times I successfully made coffee. It’s really getting on my nerves but short of going out and buying a new machine, I have to live with it and adjust accordingly. By adjust I mean I can’t have hot coffee ready for me when I first get up, and instead have to wait for it to brew, which ironically is the whole point to having a timer.

This morning however I had none of the preparation problems, instead I had brain farts. I’d carry my coffee cup somewhere and set it down, promptly forgetting where I placed it. After searching for the wayward cup, I’d give up, take out a new cup and start over…So far, I’ve done this 3 times and I have no clue where the second cup went to, but I found the first one and still have the third. Can you tell it’s Monday?

Going to the Store

Yesterday, while Rainbird and Piss-boy were out, I told Fredo we were going to store. He looked at me, completely serious and informed me that he’s now six and too old to go to the store with me. I’m so glad he told me that, because now he can’t bitch when I don’t buy him things he likes. Of course he’s not too old to carry those stupid Bart and Homer dolls around with him where ever we go. Those things are seriously ratty looking and my mother-in-law casually mentioned that perhaps I should try to buy new ones but I’m not sure that would fix the problem. What if he wants then to carry around both sets? I don’t think we could find a booth big enough.


Dumbass has really been annoying lately, each night after he settles into his chair, he patiently waits for us to go to sleep, then goes down stairs and sleeps on the upper cushion of my sofa in the living room. He’ll run upstairs then when he hears me getting up in the morning—as though I’m not going to notice that, or the fact that the cushions are squished. For the past few nights we’ve been sleeping with the door closed. Hopefully that might help cure him of this latest annoying habit. If anyone has other suggestions please feel free to email or comment.

And I Thought I would Get Away Without Pulling Weeds

Rainbird suggested since he’s been so busy that I call around to get estimates on having the yard cleaned up again this year. So much so that he’s asked for prices also for maintaining the weeding, mowing, edging and blowing (that’s ‘blowing’ in the technical gardening sense). Two places have given us their estimates both coming in around 700 dollars for clean up. OMyfuckingod!

I told Rainbird tomorrow if the weather is good, since the house is kinda cleaned up anyway (just have to do a little laundry), I’d haul my fat ass outside and pull some weeds. The sweet man found my weeding gloves so that I don’t hurt my delicate *cough* hands.

© 2006

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Wife, Mother, & Closeted Trek Geek

Piss-boy brought home a writing assignment for school with the idea that if you were going to live on another planet what would it be like. I explained that since we know that all the other planets in our solar system are uninhabitable that it’s better to make one up. Well after watching him sit for a couple hours, I realized this was going nowhere fast, so I pulled out my little dark secret out of the closet and set him doing research. The book he used is called The Star Trek Enclyopedia. Everything in there is painstakingly cross-referenced, and it has a complete list of life forms and planets (naturally cross-referenced with episodes and name of specific Star Trek Series).

The Talk You Never Want To Have

Had a talk today with Piss-boy about why Grammy is so weird. See, I was talking to her on the speakerphone, updating her on the goings on here, or at least trying to. She was talking about a funeral she went to and how nice it was seeing everyone again. Piss-boy gave a funny look at that and I explained when I was growing up there was never talk about going to someone’s house for a birthday party, but there was always talk about going to funerals. Grandma looked at funerals as way to see old friends, and family.

Seriously, I’m not making this up. I can clearly recall being younger than Fredo, and looking through Grandma’s massive collection of photo albums, and actually seeing pictures taken at funerals. Not just of the people there but also of the deceased, commingled with pictures of a little Ranter playing the back yard or Christmas; you get the idea I'm sure.

Yes! Can you imagine this conversation that took place less than 5 years ago when I was at Grandma’s house with the children.

Grandma: You remember so and so, they used to do all those crazy things.
Me: No, not really.
Grandma: oh sure you do from the church in town.
Me: No I really don’t.
Grandma: I’m sure they were at our 25th Anniversary.
Me: I was 6 or 7 then, I really don’t remember anything except the fight. (My dad had gotten into a verbal spat with a friend of my grandparents and we left the party before the presents were opened and cake was served. I remember really wanting to eat that cake.)
Grandma: (ignoring the fight comment) Let me find a picture.

Then she disappears for an hour, leaving me to talk with Grandpa, who insists that I remember this person too.
I hear Grandma calling from the Living Room, “I found a picture.”
I cringe as I get up from the kitchen table and walk to where she is. I look at the picture…that is a photograph of someone in a casket (seriously), causing me to blink several times in near disbelief.
Grandma: That’s so and so, you remember him.
Me: shaking my head and feeling like a witness on the stand, “no really, I can’t say I do.” Then I pause.
Grandma: He looked so good; he got the cancer, you know.
I close the photo album.
Me: I really don’t remember him (at this point I’m wondering where this going).
Grandma: His wife passed away.
Now I’m biting my lip trying not to say anything.

The really strange part other than Grandma finds nothing wrong with taking pictures of dead people is the reason she does it. To send copies of the pictures to family members that couldn’t attend the funeral.

I know this sounds awful but no wonder my parents insisted on being cremated.

© 2006

Monday, April 03, 2006

Alone At Target

Well not alone, there were other shoppers there but Rainbird should know better than to send me there, sans children, for one thing at 8 AM when the place opens. I’m greeted at the door by my personal shopper, who begins to tell me which of all the good stuff I would normally buy is on sale, and I will admit it’s a little unnerving knowing that I shop there that often. So, I start like a cat on the prowl going down the Spring/Easter aisle, which leads me down the snack aisle, where I find treats for the boys, Piss-boy and Fredo, ending up in cleaning supplies, where I spend the most time. I finally got the Swiffer Duster™ with the extendable wand, I will admit that I’m kinda bummed that it only extends three-feet, but I figured I’d give a shot. I also picked up some more of those Pledge® Multi Surface Wipes and if you’ve never tried them, I highly recommend that you do. I use them nearly exclusively in Piss-boy’s bedroom and they do wonders; I also got the regular cleaning supplies but they aren’t nearly as exciting.

Then I headed down the towel aisle, and pondered buying new bath towels but passed because I wasn’t thrilled completely with the color choices. I’m very picky about towels. It was there I passed a man shopping with two kids, saying to them about he goes in for one thing, finds it within minutes and leaves the store with just that one thing. He was telling his daughter (?) with him that she shouldn’t spend time looking at anything else, because it could lead to impulse buying. Even she gave him a sad, pitiful look. I should mention that my cart by now was nearly full of “impulse buys” but I kept going down the toy aisle, finding a letter game for Fredo and adding that to the cart.

I should also mention that I had two gift cards, presumably given to the children by likely my grandmother for school clothes but I don’t buy their school clothing at Target in the first place so I figured I’d use them to pay for the “impulse buys”. Why is it though, when I get to checkout line, I forget to use them? I begin loading the bags into the cart, grumbling under my breath about how everything fit better before they put everything into bags, as I begin stacking them. I don’t like to put things under the cart unless I really have to because I always seem to forget things there. In any event, I see the lady who gave me the heads up on the sale items as I’m leaving the store, and she asked me if I found everything okay, which I nod in reply, yes. I go out the car and start loading up the 12 bags of items I purchased for just under $200.

Should I mention I only went in for a pair of sweat pants for Rainbird?

Daylight Savings Time; Government Conspiracy?

What is the point of Daylight Savings time anyway; didn’t when it was enacted all those years ago have something to do with farmers in our nation’s breadbasket? The extra hour of daylight allowed them to work longer. Big fucking deal! Today the American Farmer is basically gone, given way to fully automated conglomerates of farms and I’m sure they have the technology to harvest in complete darkness. Anyway, how many people actually live on Farms today?

Last night, the boys went to bed an hour later than normal because my internal clock is screwed up, thankyouverymuch. And I heard somewhere that we won’t be getting that hour back now until November, what the fuck? To save energy? Guess, what I’ll probably be wasting more energy because, I now need to have lights on when I get up in the morning and likely those will remain on all day anyway…what the fuck am I going to save? A few dollars? Who gives a shit especially since that will be wasted because I'm forgetting to turn off lights in the morning.

Now, I’m not one of those genius’ in Washington DC, but I really think it’s time to consider not changing the clocks at all, and if needed, make Daylight Savings Time, the Standard Time for everyone. We can all laugh to our Grandchildren about the days when people were stupid enough to change their clocks. Wouldn’t that be nice?

The Press & Hollywood

When did Hollywood start calling couples cutesy names, blending together their names like Bradalina, Bennifer, etc? When did this practice become popular—What fucking member of the press started that piece of shit idea? Imagine for just a moment it’s 50 years ago and the hot couple de jour is Frank Sinatra and Rita Hayworth, and I wonder if today’s press would have dubbed them Frankita? Would Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward be called Paulanne? Weird shit when you stop to think about it.

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