Thursday, April 27, 2006


It should be easy; the kids had the day off, as did Rainbird, so I should be allowed to sneak off to Target, right? I guess wrong. Rainbird started in asking if Fredo was going with me, and me without time to prepare a decent answer, then Piss-boy, hoping to get out of work, decided he wanted to go to. I’m trying to shop, keep track of two boys that are hell bent on killing each other only when they are in stores, make sure that Bart and Homer are safe in the cart, and the cell phone is ringing. Rainbird phoned asking me to pick him up a new beard trimmer and that he couldn’t understand how his old one burned out the way it had (my bad, I’ve been using it to trim my bush for sometime now). Kids are running and I’m ready to kill or die of humiliation and we all know that’s why he does it.

I did pick us up a new cooler in addition to the new beard trimmer, which by the way works great (heh). Piss-boy bought some crap he wanted, which me, being a mean mom, made him pay for himself and Fredo, got a candy bar he wanted and yes, he paid for that himself too. After Target we stopped at the grocery store and I picked up a few things I knew we’d need for the weekend.

Why Do They Disappear?

I’d like to understand the male psyche, and I wonder why everyone disappears when we get home, and people already home hide in closets or something until all the groceries or whatever is brought in. Come ‘on people! The only time I don’t want help bringing things in is during Holiday Season, and then all I get is help.

I’m Just Twisted

I just scared the shit out of my friend the Bionic Woman, who is incidentally away on Vacation all this week and next week with her dear husband the six million dollar man, I told her how many days until Christmas there are. Next weekend we’re going to start shopping for Back to School stuff, that way in June we can start shopping for holiday stuff. I know I’m crazy but if I start early enough, I’ll actually be able to get through the list this year without breaking the bank.

© 2006
All Rights Reserved


Unknown said...

um, about the razor, TMI



the male in my household JUMPS when I come home w/groceries . . . see, the key is the starvation factor. . . . LMAO

Anonymous said...

I hope you bought "him" a good quality trimmer. One can't skimp on personal grooming.

And yes you are twisted. If you feel it necessary to plan so far in advance (and yes, I do understand the financial factor), please have the decency not to torture the rest of us with it.

Whimsical Ranter said...


I guess that means the men in this house are overfed?!?!?!

Whimsical Ranter said...


Of course it's of excellent quality.

I just enjoy very much to share the Joy with everyone! After all there are only 239 days left.

Anonymous said...

Keep your damn joy to yourself - at least until September.

Please :)

Whimsical Ranter said...


Very well if you insist. I'll just keep my damn joy to myself (even though I already started shopping).

Also, your prize for playing Name That Tune (from a while back) will be mailed out tomorrow. I'm sorry that I haven't had the time to send it before now. Next time, it won't take me as long.