Monday, December 22, 2008

another picture

This is a shot of the steps going up the side of my house. I know, you'll have to believe me when I say there are really steps there....Big steep steps.


Christmas is Canceled!

I'm Done

It's over with. Not happening until maybe this weekend. Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Frosty After the Holiday Party

Yes the kids tried to make a snowman, but when it fell over, they adapted.
Our frosty just had too much to drink and needed a nap in the driveway!
© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Somewhere that's Green

A Green Christmas?

I'm not talking about ecology, or global warming; I'm also not talking about green as in money, I'm just talking about the color green. I've spent a week seeing nothing but white. Frankly it's a boring color. White hills, white trees, a monochrome blanket of white across my lawn, driveway and house. I feel like I'm stuck in a photo before color.

When I was a child in San Francisco, I would watch TV like most kids and during the holiday season I would see the endless shows displaying snowy landscapes and wonder about it. What was it like, I would ponder, to get a sled for Christmas instead of a bike? Or did those kids get bikes and sleds? It seemed silly to me to ride a bike in the snow, so I assumed they could get a bike but not get to ride it until springtime. I got to ride my bike right away. Of course they got to ride their sleds so things evened out.

After many eggnog's with extra nog my Grandmother would play the piano, and start to badly sing White Christmas. I clearly remember being around 4 and thinking that snow must be really special because everyone was always singing about it. Dreaming of a White Christmas, asking to "please have snow...; Hear the snow crunch...; Walking in a Winter Wonderland...; (I could go on), so, I reasoned, snow is obviously important to having Christmas. My Christmases began feeling incomplete, as though I was being cheated out of such an intricate part of the holiday.

Only the Rudolph song gave me hope, because it specifically mentioned fog. Now fog was something I knew about. I understood fog. I had seen fog cover my house most days and nights in a blanket so damp it would make the power lines crackle. I was comforted by fog. I also understood it could be dangerous, many a day I couldn't see the house across the street from me, and headlights would just cause light to bounce around. That was the tricky thing about driving in fog, you were better off not using headlights, because they would limit your ability to see. However without them, you were greatly diminishing the ability of others on the road from seeing you.

I also understood Rudolph's nose wouldn't be much use to Santa, but whatever; the song was about fog. I know some believe that it was about Rudolph, but without the foggy Christmas Eve, Rudolph with his bright nose would have been sporting a uzi waiting for the other reindeer that picked on him and wouldn't him play their reindeer games to return. A bloodbath would have occurred with Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen's guts sprayed all over the north pole, thereby cancelling Christmas forever. The fog saved Christmas not Rudolph.

But I digress, after a week of seeing nothing but white I'm ready to see green again. I miss it and find now you can keep your snowy landscapes, I'm dreaming of a green Christmas, just like the ones I used to know.

The kids are currently enjoying an extra long winter break, having been off the week before they were officially supposed to be off. I did get most things done but not everything, the rest can wait, I am no longer going to obsess over getting the holiday cards out. If they don't get them until after the holiday, oh well. At least they got one. Between our storms you'll find me cooking and going to the grocery store.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Mixed Bag

This and That

It appears the body of Caylee Anthony was found yesterday, I mean what are the chances that it's not? I guess it's possible but I doubt it. I've been thinking a lot about the grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony and how badly I want to smack them. On Wednesday night they appeared on Larry King professing their daughters innocence, what about their granddaughters innocence that was taken much too early? People say they're in denial but that's just an excuse. Cindy Anthony has made excuse after excuse for her psychopathic daughter from day one and I'm tired of it.

She reminds of Scott Peterson's parents saying Scott was framed. By who? Well who knows maybe the satin worshippers that took Lacy also took's as good as a defense as anything. I don't understand a parent that is that so completely blind to the facts that show their child did the unthinkable? I can say if it were my child and I heard all that evidence I wouldn't be saying a word. I'd be mourning, wondering where the fuck I went wrong. I sure as hell wouldn't be telling the press they were wrong. I think in all this there is a much bigger question, if it is the body of Caylee, what will Nancy Grace have to talk about now? Maybe she'll rehash the whole Auruba thing again for a ratings boost.


At least for now the senate has voted down the Auto Bailout. I'm mixed about this revelation, as I wrote in a previous blog, I hate seeing any company fail and people lose their jobs, but the idea that something is too big to fail is just wrong. We cannot continue to hand out blank checks. Maybe it's time for the auto industry to merge, get the union under control. The truth of the matter is we are capitalists, part of capitalism is that business must evolve to stay competitive. If they don't stay competitive they fail. We can adapt the notion that some companies are too big to fail but honestly is our fault they continued making a product no one wanted to buy? It doesn't matter if it's microwave ovens or cars, if you can't sell it, you shouldn't be making more.

Will a Tree Fall on My House if I Clean it?

Today we're supposed to get our first blast of winter, in the form of wind and rain. Beyond our back yard stands around 20 or more 100 foot plus cedar trees. I worry about them falling on my house so I have this thing I do...I clean my house from top to bottom before the storm hits. I don't know why I do this, but I do. Oh and by the way there is only 13 more days until Christmas.

I was taken aback when I realized it. There is so much still to do and not a lot of time to get it all done, for example I need to pick up a few more things for my mother-in-law, one more thing for father-in-law, write and send christmas cards, mail the pictures to my grandmother in California, and I really should take a few more to send to her.

My card list has been cut waaaaay down to a scant few family members and close friends we actually see or hear from during the year. Everyone else I'm basically cutting out. The only time I hear from these people is when the holidays roll around and while it's nice, I also don't really care. It's not like they say anything, they just sign their name. Some don't even do that, they send out one of those letters that explain why they were too busy all year to pick up a phone and call or send an email or whatever. Everyone must get at least one of those; it's the one with the small picture in the upper corner or as part of header with them all standing in front of a Christmas tree or snowman, wearing matching clothes, holding some sort of prop like a cup of hot cocoa. I know I sound jaded and cynical but I don't care anymore. Just like the people that never bother to send out cards (I'm not talking about people that are older and can't), they've been cut from our list too. So, my list that used to be around 70 long is now dwindled to around 15. That's quite a change.

I guess I'm also a bit homesick.

For Your Viewing Pleasure:

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chasing Santa

For the past five Christmases we've lived here each year around the same time, we'd hear the sirens, and someone talking on a loudspeaker wishing everyone in the area a Merry Christmas. When I say sirens I mean lots of sirens as if a 5 alarm fire were burning out of control. I'd hear them but never see them around so I didn't think much about it until the following year and with the same result. One year I recall it was raining so I guess we missed it completely. Another year, I had seen a sign while walking the dog but didn't put it together until...

This year; I saw the sign saying that Santa would be conducting an Operation Santa fundraiser, which is in effect a Fire Fighter parade (I later learned that on our local fire department's website), where they cover the big engines in lights and travel different neighborhoods with sirens blaring and Santa seated on top of one of the engines. It didn't give a time but I knew it happened in the evening. As I stood outside, talking to Piss-boy about the holidays I heard the sirens, and thought DAMN!

I flew into the house yelled for Fredo to get his jacket on, being 8PM the kiddo was already in his jammies, but he complied, putting on his heavy winter coat, and shoes. The boys were in the van while the dog barked out warnings, and I relented yelling for Dumbass to run to the van. He did...if something exciting was happening or if the whole neighborhood was burning to the ground, he wasn't hanging around, he was going with his pack.

I had no idea what they took for donations but I figured cash always works and thankfully this year I had 20 bucks in my wallet.

We drove down the street and saw the firefighters leaving our area, and moving on to the next, which I had no clue where exactly it was, I saw them turn down a street but being behind them...well there wasn't enough room. I whipped around, and turned down a different street, yes I made a couple illegal u-turns, and I'm grateful the cops were busy elsewhere, so I drove down a different street and saw them coming toward me.

I flagged down the lead engine, and they said they'd be thrilled to take the cash (they really need every type of donation they can get especially this year). He said to hold my hand out the window and they'd come by. Fredo was in the back seat ooohing and ahhhing at the massive size of the engines while Dumbass stood beside him poised to attack in case the big vehicles stormed us. As they continued to drive by, the kids waving, and them waving back to us, one vehicle pulled close, it was the HUGE engine covered in lights and carrying Santa, I reached my hand out the window and handed the money to the driver, he held on to my hand for a minute and thanked me for the donation. It felt personal. It felt good.

Finally it feels like Christmas.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 01, 2008


To Bumble for the Winning the Name that Tune Challenge!

You can copy this image and display it proudly on your blog! LOL

Yes, indeed folks Bumble answered the musical question correctly Norwegian Wood was the first song that featured George Harrison playing the sitar on the Beatles Album Rubber Soul. 1965. Isn't it good?

Name That Tune

Question is the first Beatle song that featured George Harrison playing the sitar (not the regular guitar).

Hint: In the 60's Ravi Shankar is credited with teaching George Harrison how to play the sitar, which he later used on several Beatles albums and songs, but I'm looking for it's first appearance.

Bonus points if you can tell me what album it was on and the year. Partial points if you can just guess the album.

And I am working on making an award.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday, Karma, and Random Fluff

When Did it Start?

I mean the whole referring to the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday come from? In the 80's there was a black Monday when the stock market slid like a 500 points or something and markets around the world did the same--not really a good thing. I know some retailers have acted as though the day after Thanksgiving is the most important day for their whole year. But the day after Thanksgiving has also lost it's own magic. It used to have meaning but now it's, I guess just about money. When I was growing up, yes the day after Thanksgiving we'd all pack into the car and head Union Square in San Francisco, where cops would be there directing traffic. However, we were not there to shop, we were there to see all the Christmas decorations. I specifically was there to see Santa. My favorite place was Emporium Capwell's winter wonderland display. To me it represented Christmas with the nut crackers, trains and of course Santa in his own holiday shoppe.

Later when the shopping malls took over, the day after Thanksgiving still held the same meaning, as it was still a time to get your first injection of Christmas. Not to clean up on some good sales, and yes while there were sales, the main focus was going with the family. Not mom or dad, waiting in line all night long trying to score a big screen TV. Maybe I'm just sounding cynical, old and jaded but I don't care for this shift.

Is Black Friday So Important?

75% of people could have gone to the mall the day before Thanksgiving and stayed home on Friday, at least that's what surveys say that most people just look for a bottom bargain and will actually leave the store if they don't find one they wanted, empty handed. However, the weekend before Christmas is the BIG shopping weekend in fact it's the biggest of the season and that is the real crunch time for retailers.

That's the one where you can smell the desperation on people and they no longer care about price, they just want something to put under the tree. Which could explain how I ended up one year with artichoke plates. Or the other year I ended up with fluorescent green hat, scarf, and glove set that were horribly itchy and basically unusable. I won't continue to bore you through the past 24 years of bad holiday gifts. Though, last year my husband did come through with an iPod Nano, but with that said, he does hit the target occasionally. But, you'll just have to trust me that I do know something about the weekend before Christmas; I've got a closet full of bad gifts to prove it. Well that sounded ungrateful, and even a bad gift can be nice, right? The artichoke plates might be used one day.


Rainbird spent most of the time before Thanksgiving bitching about it, and believe me, I tried using the word complaining but it's just not strong enough. He bitched, everyday, to anyone that would listen to him. He had to deal with his parents, make the stuffing (his family recipe), make the brine (which I could have just as easily did but he figures that's *his* job). And with each task no matter how far in advance he made them, he bitched and moaned.

Then after those tasks were done he started whining and complaining about actual day, making the turkey and planning everything else. I politely reminded him with the exception of putting the bird into and taking the bird out of the oven, his work was done and the rest of the day is mine to deal with. I peeled the potatoes, cooked and whipped them, cleaned and halved the Brussels sprouts then baked, make sure the bread was cut and on the table with butter, cook the stuffing....I also had to set the table, and make the gravy. Now it also needs to be said that since we have just one oven, all those things were done after the turkey was out of the oven.

Ah, but what about that turkey? Firstly it needs to be said that cayenne pepper is NOT the same as paprika. And though he was told several times I was afraid the temperature probe was on the fritz, and he repeatedly informed me I was wrong about that. End result...The turkey was dry. I mean....DRY. Of course it was the probes fault and had nothing to do with his Freudian slips. Though seeing that dry bird placed a lot of pressure on me NOT to screw up the rest of the meal. Which came out darn good.

Friday came with me cleaning the kitchen, a fridge full of left-overs and then annual impending doom of decking the halls. I arranged for Pissboy to drag the box out of the loft area, the big box labeled, Holiday Crap and I dove in. There is something of an art to decorating for the holidays, anyone can just throw more stuff out but I'm a firm believer not doing that because for me, I start feeling claustrophobic. So, I have to decide what stuff gets put away, what stays and where everything else goes. It's a process that takes roughly a whole day, combined with other wifey tasks that need completing, like laundry, general cleaning, menu planning and the like. By Saturday I was left with just cleaning up and moving newly filled boxes back into the garage, but on Saturday I was feeling lazy, so those things were put off until Sunday. Sunday also included the rest of laundry, changing of sheets, washing of towels, folding and putting away and watching the customary chick flick on TV while doing said tasks. It's a time saver for me because it keeps the men away.

Name That Tune

I haven't done one of these for a while so I figured it was time.

What song by the Beatles was the very first that featured George Harrison playing the sitar?

First to answer correctly wins bragging rights and maybe a prize.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Just Realized

Okay Maybe I didn't just realize this but Thanksgiving is this Thursday and what have I done, aside from buying the Turkey? I still must do the following

  • Make all the grocery lists, of things we need for the holiday and beyond that (it's regular shopping time too).
  • Clean the whole house including the washing of all the bedding in the guest room.
  • Bring down all the Christmas dishes (and put them into the china cabinet) to use on Thanksgiving because (gasp) I don't have a table cloth suitable for the big table and I don't have enough regular silverware to go around.
  • Figure out what we're going to have for dessert.
I think that's everything that must be accomplished before Thursday oh and I have a "team" meeting for Fredo at 8 in the morning on Wednesday (Its one of those teacher work days, without students).

I've really got to not sleep in so late on weekends.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh Yeah I Remember

Silly Me

I guess each year I go through this and after it's over I seem to promptly forget about it again until the next year. Yes people we're talking about the holidays. Thanksgiving is less than a week away, which ushers in the holiday buy me that season and ends the year. Wait! Ends the year? Oh wow, I'm digging myself deeper, while I'm sure some can't wait for the New Year, I keep thinking can't we put off another month. I need more time with this year. I've barely gotten used to writing 2008 on checks, and now I have to start writing 2009?

Maybe it's something buried deep in my subconscious that doesn't want this year to end. I mean normally a year is a year long and by the time it's over it feels like it should be over. This year feels somehow unfinished and maybe it's the economy that is causing those feelings, which is the exact opposite feeling I had back in 2001, when I, and I think most people, just wanted the year over.

I spent a little time looking back over my blogs for the year, lots of political stuffs because this was a big political year for everyone. A lame duck president leaving office, two completely different choices for the future. It was, in retrospect, fun to watch it all unfold, but the aftermath is starting to annoy me just a little bit. I mean when the Democrats lost in 2004 everyone here walked around like they had just seen the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Yeah, I was kinda bummed, even though I didn't like Kerry, at the prospect of facing another four years but that lasted about an hour or so.

I hear now the other side whining about the loss, why they lost, how they can win next time...blah blah blah...and yes they should be discussing this but I don't need to know about it. I don't care. Of course blaming Obama for this recession is really reaching, I mean really really reaching. The die for this recession was cast long before he even announced his intention to run for President. People don't have to worry about an increase in their capital gains tax because quite frankly no one this year has a capital gain. In fact they'll be writing off their losses for the next several years (because they can carry over).

What I believe has happened is a massive rationalization that the economy is worse off than people first wanted to believe. People are getting out of the market simply because they don't want to lose any more money. More people are counting their pennies and rightfully so. In a few years we'll hopefully see as a result, the average person carrying a much lower credit card debt and a larger savings account. Of course they'll complain about that too. This problem wasn't caused by deregulation alone, plain and simple old greed played a huge role in our economic demise. Let's make money today and worry about tomorrow....well tomorrow. People were duped by greed, led to believe that if they could get something for nothing. They weren't told they were gambling, they were told not to worry about it. People like to believe what they are told, because it takes the pressure off them. They told me the housing market would continue to rise and they believed them, they said there was NO housing bubble that could burst and even if it did, the money they save would be enough. The fly in that ointment was they didn't pocket the difference into their savings, instead they lived as though they could afford it. They took the family to Hawaii, bought the SUV that looked so nice in the driveway, paid for their daughters wedding and sent their son to a college they couldn't afford, telling him not to bother with financial aid. The very notion of saying no wasn't in their vocabulary. They would charge on their credit cards things they couldn't live without as well as the things they needed, because they earned points. When the bill came they didn't want to spend all their "extra" money on paying it all off, so instead carried a balance and not a small balance of maybe a couple thousand dollars (that they could easily pay off if they wanted to) but a HUGE balance in the fifteen thousand range.

Okay, I'll say it...maybe instead bailing out the lending industry, they should have given each of us a piece of that action and bailed out the American People. Instead of throwing us a bone of a measly thousand bucks, they could have given us a 100K each (tax free of course). Of course I'm not so sure we could have been trusted to spend it wisely either.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bailing Out The Big Three

$2 5, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0.00

That's really a lot of lettuce and that's what the big three are asking for, of course they showed up for their second senate hearing day in separate private jets. I know it seems picky but the senators asked them point blank, if they were willing to give up their jets to help save the companies. None of them said yes. They released a statement saying that the CEO's travel by private plane for "security reasons." I'm surprised they're allowed to sit next to each other during the senate hearings. Perhaps the cited "security reasons," have nothing to do with each other, but instead have to do with other competitors. Of course everyone knows that first class on commercial airlines is just a breeding ground for espionage; is there a fear of them being kidnapped and tortured until they give up secrets for failing? Is someone that works for Toyota or Honda, going to beat the crap out of one them, asking repeatedly, "I want your secret for making cars that don't sell!"

Maybe not.

Here I go Again

I'm getting all nostalgic and reminiscent with not so warm and fuzzy memories of the 1970's, specifically the gas shortage. Some of you might remember only being able to buy gas on certain days based on your license plate, even or odd numbers indicated the days you could buy gas, if there was any to buy. You might recall long lines while waiting to buy gas. People screamed for more fuel efficient cars then, which is why Toyota saw America ripe for the picking. Of course Ford answered the call by giving us the Pinto, which had this nasty tendency to explode when rear-ended. Then people screamed they wanted economical and safe cars to drive however by the time that happened, the gas crisis was over and Americans being a fickle bunch forgot. I still recall hearing Walter Cronkite saying that by the early 1980's American made cars will be getting 20 miles to the gallon. He was being clearly optimistic because not only did that not happen, we're still struggling with it today. The average car (I won't use the term American made), built by the big three gets around 13 MPG and there it stayed until 2004, when the average started to rise to around 20 MPG. However during that same time foreign companies (Toyota, Honda, etc) were getting on average 18 MPG, and now hover somewhere around 25 for their larger cars and trucks. Smaller cars do better.

The Big Three want people to believe that the credit crisis has brought them down but it's not the only reason. The main reason is their resistance to change, they believed if they could make a big SUV and sell it for less (a few thousand) than say Honda, Joe consumer would just buy theirs because it was cheaper. But somewhere along the way, Joe consumer got smarter and realized that he would spend a little more on buying a competitor and save money at the pump, maintenance and everything else that goes along with car ownership. Joe the consumer could also keep the vehicle longer. Joe consumer demanded that cars be reliable, economical, and safe. The Big Three answered with cars that were cheaper than their foreign competitors but also lagged behind in safety, and mileage. They continued with brands that wouldn't sell, like the Impala, hoping their SUV sales would make up the difference. It worked for a while. During the mid part of this decade, when everyone wanted an SUV to feel important--okay that's not exactly true...

The SUV Boom

For a while it seemed dealers couldn't keep SUV's in stock and it didn't matter who was making them, it was about a self serving self importance that drove the sales, I also believe it was the fact people were tired little cars with nothing around them but other cars on the road. Now in some mountainous regions an SUV or other four wheel drive vehicle makes sense. But lets also admit for a moment they looked darn nice parked in front of the new house. It seemed to go along with the new lifestyle people were being told they had. The Big Three will tell you that people can afford their cars because repossessions aren't climbing to the levels that the banks are seeing with homes. Home foreclosures are HUGE in most areas around the country but lets be honest, most people realize that if they can't afford to make their mortgage payment to the tune of $5000 a month, not making their car $400 payment isn't going to help. Generally car payments are MUCH smaller, therefore people are more likely to continue making those payments because they NEED a car, they didn't need that 6 bedroom 6 bath house, with the gourmet kitchen and media room in the suburbs. People wrongly blamed the SUV drivers in the increase in gas consumption, but that's just not the whole story, blame also falls on the Big Three for not making those SUVs more fuel officiant when they had the chance.


When Clinton was president the Japanese Government gave their auto makers money to develop what we would call now hybrids. Our government answered in 1993 with the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles or PNGV for short, the government gave the Big Three somewhere around 1.5 billion dollars to invest and develop hybrid technology. Each of them actually produced a hybrid car but did little else. In 2001 the Big Three appeared before the republican congress asking them to repeal the act because it was too difficult. Naturally with an Oil president, vice president, and congress deep in the pockets of the oil industry it easily passed. A huge opportunity was missed, and the Japanese got more than a decade head start on hybrid technology and making it useful.

Too Big To Fail or Just Too Big?

I know, but what about the jobs? I don't want to see anyone lose their job. Especially in this economy. But that said something needs to be done. Maybe it's time for the Big Three to merge, and restructure, to rebuild themselves and remake their reputation. Its hard to let that dream die, especially since we're the ones that invented the auto. However we have to be pragmatic, today cars are lasting longer, people when times are good are more likely to replace their car because they've grown tired of seeing it, than to replace it because it stopped running. The Big Three cannot continue the way they have, jobs will be lost, dealerships will close or merge with others, things MUST change. I doubt 25 Billion will be enough. If the money is given, more money will likely follow and I seriously doubt it will change the outcome.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Toxic Waste

So, here I am laying bed all snugly and warm, my head swirling with images of George Clooney about to ravage my body, when I start to sniff, both in the dream and in reality. You know, those brief moments while you're still asleep but at the same vaguely awake. I hear a toilet flush, moments later I feel the bed bounce a little, George Clooney is banished from my consciousness, as I become more aware of a stench filling the room.

I cover my head and think to myself, George Clooney come back, I tightly shut my eyes, and continue albeit vainly trying to get the dream back, but unless George has a violent case of the diarrhea, it isn't happening. Frankly that's just not that appealing to me anyway. A short while later the alarm was going off where the My Dick song could be heard and I slam the alarm, fall back asleep, and again George has returned and all I can think is, NOT NOW....there isn't enough time.

I wake again to a different song and shut off the alarm and ramble out of bed. Thus begins the day.

The My Dick Song Explained

It was 1974, and my mom was very much into pop music and AM Radio, and in our area, KFRC was the station everyone listened to. Dr Don Rose was the AM jock and a powerhouse, telling silly one-liners, talking over the music, singing along, everything a morning jock was supposed to be before shock took over. He'd blow horns, and woke people up with smile. I know it seems silly and pedestrian now but back then radio was supposed to be fun. His wake-up, drive-time slot was number one for a decade; long after I had stopped listening in favor of better music. Music in the 70's was different, especially before Disco and the Bee Gees, but still upbeat, however misheard lyrics are a universal thing especially in the days before lyrics displayed on liner notes, the internet, and closed captioning (for the TV crowd). Hence the My Dick song. A vaguely recalled group called Pilot penned a hit with Magic in 1974. I guess they were Scottish, which could be why I always believed the song was about some guy singing about his dick. Here's the Youtube of the song and you can decide for yourself, is he not clearly singing MY DICK, instead of Magic?

So, for however long it remained on the charts and popular that particular song was played every morning at 7:35, just after the news break on KFRC, has been forever known, if only to me, the My Dick song. Over the years I'm sure I've misheard other lyrics but none have stuck with me the way that song has.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just Another Monday

Not Ready For Prime Time or Prime Rib

As I mentioned Saturday the family went out to lunch, though the location was a surprise, the reason wasn't, it was to celebrate this Ranter's birthday (which is actually today). The place we went to was fairly upscale, and the food was very good but I have to say my family has the WORST table manners. Think about an early Simpson episode showing the family gathered around the table when Lisa still ate meat and you'll get the idea. If you don't watch the show just imagine people shoveling food into their mouths.

Looks like I need to plan a fancy dinner at home to teach my family some lessons on table manners. Now that being said, the kids are well behaved in most situations and eating establishments, they just lack the refinement. There was sleeve to nose action, ignoring the cloth napkin in lieu of pants or shirt, little nitpiky things that would make a mom crazy. Like Fredo, who ordered a hamburger but decided he didn't like the bun, so picked the meat up and ate that with his fingers. Even dipped it in ketchup. Pissboy was no better in his table manners shoveling large..too large forkfuls of salad into his mouth and chewing like a cow. Rainbird did maintain himself, and kicked children when appropriate but that led to usual loud voice..."why did you kick me?"

Yeah it was a proud moment for me, but thankfully it was just lunch and not dinner and I'm equally thankful we ate early before the place was crowded. Now that I know what needs to be done I can work on it at home. Table manners 101.

Now, I will have to say Fredo did surprise me this morning, first thing he said when he came downstairs this morning was "Happy Birthday Mom." I was kinda blown away because normally in the hustle and bustle of the mornings, I'm lucky to get a hello out of either kid. Fredo gets up very early to catch the 7:20 bus, so that was the best gift. I'm serious, I'm getting teary eyed just writing about it. Pissboy got up, told me that I have to wash his hoodie because he got something weird on it, his bird is running low on food, and he needs more toothpaste. He did say his usual, "by mom, love ya see ya later," as he walked out the door. I'll just pretend he said happy birthday.

I'll admit it I have a love/hate thing about birthdays and I'm surprised at myself for spending so much time on this, because really I don't care that much. It's nice to have my birthday acknowledged, but I dunno. Okay, I'm pissed. I'm pissed off that Pissboy asked me last night what I wanted for my birthday, I'm pissed off that his father said NOTHING. I just told him it was a little late to be asking that--I mean for fucks sake my birthday is today.

If I waited until the day before to plan what to give any of them....Ohmyfuckingod, they'd feel so unloved and would be so pissy about it...but it's okay when it's just 'Mom's' birthday. I know everyone is just focused on the great turkey dinner I'm going to prepare next week but still.

Pissboy is very artistic, he could have made me a card, though he is totally old enough to say to his father, I want to get mom something for her birthday, can you drive me to the mall. Might have given his father the much needed kick in the ass he deserves too. I'm sorry going to the store and buying a card on the day of someone's birthday isn't a great thing either unless it is an office's an afterthought.

I know we/I let men off easy when it comes to that kind of stuff, like waiting until the last minute and we've all seen florist shops packed to the gills with men picking out just about anything on Valentines Day so they don't go home empty handed. Or the joke about men going to shop for the wives/mothers/girlfriends on Christmas Eve and that's because for a lot of men it's true. But don't they understand what they are really saying is, "I don't really give a crap but will do it to get her off my back for another year." Heavy emphasis on the I really don't give a crap part.

Anyway, today I'm going out for lunch again, this time with my mother in law, who has gifts for me. We're going to a Mexican place where all the money is put into the food and none is spent on atmosphere. I have no idea what I'm going to cook for dinner tonight. I

I can't believe I actually care....but then again...Fredo did wish me a Happy Birthday.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Houston We have a Desk Chair

The Happiest Place on Earth Meets the Grinch

Yes, I broke my own rule and took Rainbird (aka Mr. Ranter) to Tarjay to look for a desk chair our Tarjay's remodel has been completed and it's absolutely gorgeous inside. It's a pleasure shopping there but br
inging Rainbird was a huge mistake, all he did was complain, and whine and make me crazy. We found a chair he approved of, like I wasn't capable of getting it myself and stuck it in the cart then we walked around the store. I was looking for some large pillow like things the boys can use for when they sit on the floor watching TV or playing video games. They have some fancy ones that are specific for gaming but I'm not spending that kind of cash on it. I'm thinking with the way they are on things somewhere around 20 bucks is reasonable. I'm not spending no 70 bucks for something like this ....Especially when all they need is something like this...Which ironically I just ordered.

I'm not thrilled with the color but it will do.

Of course the main reason for going and enduring his whining was to get a new desk chair and they had a few to choose from, but we settled quickly on this one...Eh, it will work and it was fairly simple to put together.

We also have a working washer again, I guess a wire or two was loose and that was causing the door not to open when the cycle was finished. Let's hope it continues to work without incident, because I have tons of laundry to catch up on. We're talking a lot.

Today Rainbird is taking me out to lunch with the kids...not sure why but he's made a big point of telling me nearly every day about it. Not even sure where we're going. Time will tell I guess.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 14, 2008

Call Me Slacker

Slacker Slacker

Yes, I've been slacking off lately on the whole blog thing, between gearing up for Thanksgiving and the impending doom that is Christmas. I've just been busy. Monday, I cleaned and shampooed 14 year old Pissboy's room, then kinda tried the same in Fredo's room without the same success, but it looks a whole lot better. I also discovered after doing a load of white clothes my front-load washer wouldn't unlock, yes with the clothes trapped inside. Tuesday, I spent much of the holiday stuck in a stylist's chair getting the dark brown stripe removed from the top of my head, then I came home and spent 40 minutes on the phone with the maker of my washer trying to figure out who to call for service--stupid outsorsing. I want my washer fixed not the weather in India though I will try that recipe for Tikka Masala.

I hung up and called Sears they're coming Friday and I hope they fix it. Wednesday, was a field trip with Fredo's class to the mountain by the Ranter Homestead, I didn't ride the school bus with the other parents but instead, just met the class there. Okay, I walked down the street. Did I mention it was pouring rain? Did I mention the wind? Yes, plenty of both but despite the weather I did learn some things I didn't know before. But later I had to memorize my shopping list, so all that new information was promtly forgotten. My brain can only handle so much stuff in it at one time, so when something new is learned something else is pushed out, which might explain why I forgot where I put the shopping list to begin with.

Thursday was quiet, with no clothes wash--I wouldn't take a chance, but I had to watch Mr. Ranter sulk because I told him I couldn't go out to lunch with him because my only pair of pants were dirty from the hike on the mountain. Just puttered and cleaned out the laundry room. Watched a little of the news but got annoyed and shut off the TV. I did watch a little of Survivor last night and I only have one thing to say after however many seasons of that show, how can you NOT know how to make fire using a flint? Fire is a mainstay of the show and everyone that goes on it should know and have practiced before they even auditioned, and certain after they did how to make a fire using a flint.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 10, 2008

Like the Fat Orange Cat Garfield

I Really, Really Hate Mondays

Especially when Monday is followed by a holiday, I mean what is that all about? I think with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, 4th of July, shouldn't have a date attached to them, they should just be 2nd Monday in November, or whatever month they happen to be in. Actually we can remove Thanksgiving really from that list since it's always on Thursday--there is no date attached to it. But I do feel most holidays should be on a Monday. Even back in the day when we used to get both Washington and Lincoln's birthdays off, they were celebrated on a Monday, and yes it made sense to combine them into Presidents day. Because I don't want a day off celebrating Ronald Regan or Roosevelt or JFK or any other....MLK day moves around too, as it should.

So now we come to Veterans day, and yes it's an important day to remember all veterans of any war, but it's a date that can be easily moved to a Monday in November. Woodrow Wilson signed the original bill into law in 1919. Armistice Day as it was called then, was to celebrate the men that fought in the first world war, the idea was that WW1 was the war to end all wars (how optimistic was that?). It was later changed to Veterans Day in 1954 by Eisenhower. This date isn't attached to any significance past or present, aside from it being for VETERANS. I would also think for travel purposes having it on a Monday would be more convenient rather than in middle of the week.

Train Kept A-Rolling

As long as I'm ranting, I might as well continue and I hate sounding like an old fart but....what is it with parents? I'm not talking about parents of little kids, I'm talking about parents of children in the 25-30 year range that are not in school. At first I thought it was a little strange that a parent would continue to let a child live at home, and we've all heard the jokes about the 30 year old, living in his parents basement, playing video games. Never had a date, etc., but it's really not a joke anymore, now it's like cool to be that guy, or girl. It used to be, hence the joking, something to really be ashamed of but now it's not. It's cool if you have a job, earn money, don't pay rent, have meals prepared for you, laundry done, don't have to clean, budget for household expenses, save for "wants", pay for car insurance, car registration....I can go on. I personally know and have heard of LOTS of parents that are enabling (let's call it what it is) their children to not grow up, and why should they when they have everything done for them? Is this helping them to learn any kind of responsibility or is it just prolonging childhood when we had no worries? I don't know if the parents are afraid of an empty nest (another rite of passage) or if they're afraid their children can't make it without them.

Is this fallout from the 1980's when children's self esteem was all consuming and included letting children win at games so they wouldn't feel bad about losing. No one was picked last, teams were decided by the teacher. Parent/Teacher conferences were attended by the parents only, without the children, because the teacher didn't want the child to hear bad things being said about them (in some areas that's still the norm). Or is it because parents want to be their children's best friend rather than a parent? When my 14 year old son comes to talk with me about something sometimes the mom hat is on, sometimes it's just the adult hat, or no hat, depending on the conversation. I will say though the "friend" hat is never on. I'm not a peer of his, I'm his mom.

I've heard stories that just curl my toes, like the daughter that told her parents to pay for her lavish wedding, and then demanded they give money for a downpayment for a house. Which for some reason the parents did, then the housing market dropped, the house ended up being foreclosed because the "children" coudn't afford the payment on the adjustable mortgage. It gets better...Then these parents said they'd buy these children (I use the term children lightly) another house, because their daughter was having a baby. These so-called children said they would accept the house ONLY if they could pick it out themselves. WTF? These "parents" aren't wealthy, their own house is mortgaged to the hilt, but took the money out of their retirement savings to purchase this house for the daughter.

I know another family, two sons grown in their early 30's, one still lives at home, the other "lives" in a house down the street, the parents inherited. This son that "lives on his own" pays none of the utilities, and eats ever meal at home, showers at home, and does just about everything at home and by home I mean MOM and DAD's HOME, not his own. He's supposed to be paying rent but doesn't because he just bought a new truck and needs to pay for that, this is in addition to the new Honda he bought last year. He works 4 hours a day as an plummer. He could work more hours but doesn't want to.

I know more but just can't go on....I feel my blood pressure rising.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 08, 2008

A Bargain for you

Lego Batman Arkham Asylum In Original box

Never used, Includes all the pieces (the box to my knowledge was never opened). You pay for shipping.

Let me know.

Best offer plus shipping.
Batman Arkham Asylum

Friday, November 07, 2008

I Must Be Missing Something

Flashbacks of the Great Potato-Potatoe Debate

Yesterday I settled down to watch TV, I saw a blurb about McCain's people saying that Sarah Palin, who I am no real fan of to begin with, was more than just a little problematic. Aside from refusing to sit down with staff before the Katie Couric, she also had no idea that Africa is continent, if South Africa is it's own country or a state in the United States of Africa. She went way over budget on her wardrobe (I giggled at that one--it sucks to be a woman) She yelled and screamed, throwing stuff at staffers, had no idea about NAFTA or what countries were involved. NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGGREMENT, might have provided a clue but I guess not.

Like I said, I'm not a fan of her, but damn. Since so much fuss was made about Obama and the people that he aligned himself with, tenuous or real, what the hell was the McCain campaign thinking by picking her? Didn't she go through a vetting process, or was taking her at her word that she could see Russia enough? Or was she there to be a typical woman and keep her mouth shut, look pretty and smile for the cameras? Suddenly I like Sarah Palin a little bit more--these attacks on her are not only unfair but incredibly stupid of the McCain camp to put them out. It doesn't make them appear too swift in the brain department or were they pandering to people that already said they didn't care for her like me? Either way I'm not buying it. Yes a 150K on clothes to the average person does sound outragous, but you can't wear the same thing all the time. Men can get away with wearing black or a navy blue suit, they change the tie and it's a totally different outfit, if a woman does that she's a slob. You must have more than one outfit. Plus outfits for different times of the month, when she felt fat. Not to mention if you appear in one area, then go to another in the same day....come's like going to multiple parties during the holiday season, you can't keep wearing the same thing. Of course on the other hand, the money spent on her wardrobe might have been put to better use in the McCain camp, like paying for more people to get his message out. Or to put Joe the Plummer on his payrole.

My God I'm Defending Her!

Just like when people would get on Dubya's case for things he had no control over, or no part in, I would find myself defending him. There's enough that he did wrong without having to invent things. The same is true for Palin, who obviously made some errors notably the Katie Couric interview and if she didn't prepare for that, it was a huge mistake. Now, I have lunatic right wing people sending me emails about impeaching Obama because he's not a real US citizen, their claim being he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii and his birth certificate was forged. It just makes my head hurt. He's not even president yet. Yes, his mother commited this fraud way back in the 1960's just on the off chance he would one day become president and just for fun, lets all agree it was because aliens (the kind from outer space), told her so. I like that story better's got that whole Wesley Crusher wonder boy thing going on.

Make it so, Number One.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

And I Thought the Election Would Be Close

Without reservation, Barack Obama is elected the 44th President.

I will say I'm thrilled that the people spoke LOUD and CLEAR to what they wanted. I listened to McCain's speech, and heard the crowd booing when Obama's name was mentioned and I couldn't help but to think that was why they lost. McCain in the end understood it, and that is why he stopped them. The country has spoken, opted for unknown change and maybe the majority is right. Time will tell.

It's no mistake our country for the past 8 years has been clearly divided, and I believe it's one of the reasons our economy has gone so sour.

I wish the President-Elect all the luck in the world. I hope he can put an end to the red verses blue states, I hope he can unify this country in a way that it hasn't felt since 1980.

Myself, I believe it can be done, but it's not going to be an easy road.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

It's Already Tuesday

And I Thought this Time Change would be Different

I woke up waaaaay too early for a Sunday morning, 7AM to be exact. I know for some that might be sleeping in, but for me it's clearly not, especially after staying up to physically see the time change. At least on the computer.

Friday was Halloween and our house finally had that Halloween put together look abo
ut it. The kids had a blast, Piss-boy scaring people by hiding by the front door. Fredo by going out and shaking down neighbors for candy. Fredo this year said he wanted to be Dracula, so his costume though easy for him to put on, and fit him well, required that copious amounts of black hair spray-like stuff to be applied. I should be glad it wasn't raining because it would have dripped all over himself. That said, he did look sufficiently scary enough. Their bathtub after he showered was another story and I'm still cleaning off the now gray hair stuff left behind (insert numerous grumbles here). Image courtesy of Mr. Ranter. That was hanging in Pissboy's bedroom window.

Saturday was spent doing Autumn prep, trimming of plants, pruning of trees, and dodging the usual landmines of dog poop.

Monday Madness

Sunday evening the kids were at each other throats and I just had a feeling about Monday. I had warned Fredo before school but I just had a feeling. He came home, got off the bus, waived to the bus driver and looked at me. He said I could punish him. Naturally I asked why and he actually told me what happened. And as much as I hate him using bad words at school I was kind of proud that he told me about it. Normally, he'd come off the bus, ask about his snack, and act as though nothing had happened, then an hour or so later the principal would call and inform me of what he had done. This time when the principal called I was able to tell him what Fredo told me had happened and those stories matched. He was surprised too and explained that he spent time talking with Fredo again about consequences, and on Tuesday he'd have to eat his lunch in the office and stay in during recess. While he was a little whimpy about that, he also accepted it even when I reminded him of what the principal had said. His punishment is the one he picked out, absolutely NO TV for tonight and he has to do extra chores around the house. He helped me with emptying the dishwasher, picked up his dirty clothes and separated them, then he emptied all the waste baskets (I didn't tell him to do that last one he did it on his own).

All bad words now are officially banned from this house. I'm not sure how we'll all communicate with each other but we'll get by somehow.

Now...Get out and Vote!

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful Thursday

What am I Thankful For?

  • I am Thankful that the boys are off for the next couple days because that gives us extra time to get all the stuff done we haven't had time for yet.
  • I am Thankful Piss-boy is getting A's and B's in all his classes, so I don't have to attend a parent/teacher conference.
  • I am Thankful that I got to sleep in a little this morning, though the dog did wake me up thinking we had missed the bus. (no school today or tomorrow)
  • I am Thankful for a dog that LOVES the neighborhood children so much he wakes up early for the chance to see them.
  • I am Thankful that Fredo didn't cry when we went for our flu shot...well not much, he cried when we first got there but I told him to look at me, and he didn't know that the shot was over.
  • I am Thankful I didn't cry getting my flu shot....damn that thing freaking HURT!
  • I am Thankful for ice cream.
  • I am extremely Thankful for my family.
  • Ditto to my all my friends, real or internet, bloggers and on line buddies a like. I am truly Thankful for all of you!

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Feeling Lazy

Kind of Sort of, in a Way

I don't know if it's the darkness in the morning, or if it's just feeling of fall, but I'm feeling lazy today. I know I'm tired of the election. I know I'm tired of paying bills..which reminds me...

As I was saying, I tired of just about everything. So maybe I'll try like Abby to think of things to be thankful for. Maybe I'll call this Thankful Thursday. Wait! It's not Thursday, it's Wednesday. Damn! It's Why is it Wednesday but I don't even have a why is it to complain about.

I'm sure there is something, like the fact I'm leaving lights on all over the house because its so dark when I get up, therefore probably not saving any money. Remember when our lovely congress decided to save us money by extending day light savings time by a few weeks. So now we change our clocks in November rather than October and change them again in early spring. Yeah, that was a brilliant plan, causing more problems for companies, computers and everything else run by a computer (which is just about everything) and we saw little to no savings from it.

I really hope that whoever is elected our next president stems congress from trying to help us out too much.

GM is looking for a bailout and why not, we're giving millions to banks to help them out because they wrote underwrote mortgages to people that couldn't pay for them. So, GM wants to merge with Chrysler, and wants a hand out to do it. It needs to be said, or written, that the same company that has controlling interest in Chrysler also owns controlling interest in GMAC, Cererus Capital Management LP.

Ironically GMAC is also asking for money, after making the announcement they will only finance car loans to people that have a 700 or higher on their Credit Scores. While I'm sure congress is concerned about the "little people" that might lose their jobs if these companies fail, but it also needs to be said that Cererus would benefit greatly from this bailout. It's like they're holding people's jobs hostage and effectively saying, pay 10B dollars or we'll be forced to fire them all.

So now the government is in the lending business with Freddie and Fannie, the banking business with that 700 Billion dollar bailout, and now they'll be in the automotive business.

And McCain is calling Obama a socialist because he used the term spreading the wealth. With or without Obama, this country is well on its way to becoming just that. Really the media shouldn't be so concerned with this minutia (what, who paid for a candidates clothing, who is supporting who, and who is likely going to win), and people need to remember that just because someone campaigns for something doesn't mean instantly when they get into office it's going to happen.

It's not. There will likely be no tax cuts, and if anything who ever is president will likely have to raise taxes ON EVERYONE to pay for this. Of course the ultra wealthy will hire the best tax attorneys who will advise them how not to pay their taxes, so the brunt will fall on the working class and it will be business as usual in Washington. It's appearant since the past 8 years congress has spent, spent, and spent ourselves further into debt, and remember 6 of those years congress was controlled by the republicans, so we can't blame just the spendocrats on this. They're all to blame, and they're all corrupt.

The FDIC seized WAMU and promptly sold it to JP Morgan Chase for 1.9 Billion dollars, despite the fact WAMU had 300 Billion dollars in assets. Now JP Morgan is getting money from the 700 billion dollar bailout. It just doesn't sit well with me now, at the time I understood why WAMU had to be sold, even if it was for a rock bottom price. AIG took their executives on spa vacation at the expense of the tax payer...What will be next? Ya know, I could use a bail out too.

Honestly, if we're going to be socialists I would rather we be the kind that provides health care for all the people, rather than the kind that controls the banking, lending and auto industries.

It's a slippery slope and we're sliding.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Man Gathers What Another...

Monday Blues

The day started off not so bad, go up, got Fredo ready for school, saw the bus leave. Really the whole day was fairly uneventful and I was looking forward to a nice quiet evening after the kids went to bed. Piss-boy announced that he needed to use our computer, which was fine, so he set to work typing away hours later went to print. I had told him to wait until I got there; I was busy cooking dinner at that moment. Suddenly I heard him say it wouldn't print.


I knew it was going to happen and of course it was going happen when he needed to print something for school. I had found the black ink, but our printer is stupid, and believes even if you choose black and white, it still needs to use color (which it was totally devoid of). Did I mention our printer is old? So old they no longer make old they no longer sell the ink for it.

I knew my MIL had a printer she had gotten when she purchased her laptop some three years ago, which she never used (the printer; the laptop she uses everyday). Naturally she was out with her neighbor, shopping at Kohls no less, so I called her cell phone. She said she was going to be on her way home soon, and said, since I have a key, I was more than welcome to go over, and get the printer. I figured since my father-in-law is as deaf as a doornail, I could just slip in and out before she even got home and maybe help myself to a soda.

I got to her house to discover my key for her door didn't work but I continued trying different keys, none of which worked. I went back to the car, and called Piss-boy to remind him NOT to let his father's Brussels sprouts burn. As I hung up, her friend drove up and I explained my key didn't work, so she of course had to check to make sure her key still worked...don't ask. Then Father-in-law's key. Both of those worked. She gave me his key. I went into the empty closet (I'm not kidding the only thing in this closet was the vacuum, and the printer box) and got the box. Sprinted to the car, and drove home.

Thankfully dinner was ready before I left the house (except for those Brussels sprouts that Piss-boy didn't let burn), so opened the box and set to work hooking it up. Now normally the hooking up of anything, like the putting together of stuff, is husband's domain, but I couldn't wait for him. I followed the instructions and it worked.

Yay me....Meanwhile husband came home for dinner, bellowing about where this was or that...give me this...bring me that, but since I was busy, I didn't have to deal with that. After I printed the assignment for Piss-boy, husband again mentioned that he was still looking for a piece of paper he acquired from last year. I'm good. Very good. I found it. Stuck in a file he told me to put it in, I don't know why because he has his own place to put that crap in, but for some reason decided NOT to. He's lucky I thought to look the file labeled HUSBAND'S CRAP. Normally that's where I stick all the receipts for the planter box err ah Hot Tub.

Soon he returned to work to finish his shift, grateful probably on many levels, one being that he doesn't have to dea with hooking up the printer when he got home from work and the other being that I found that paper. No one in this house is grateful for my chicken. That would be too much to ask.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 27, 2008

Brotherly Love or Is Christmas Coming

Big Book of Crap

Saturday the boys were nice to each other, kinda weird but both were excited for different reasons so I chalked it up to that. Piss-boy was excited to go to a haunted house later that evening, and Fredo was excited to spend the night at his grandma and grandpa's house. We dropped Fredo off b
efore leaving to meet our other friends at a pub downtown and he was so excited he barely hugged me. While visions of candy, sodas, grandma's French Toast, raced through his head, I couldn't really fault the kid. Grandma has her rules though, rules one would think might impede fun but according to both kids insist they don't. Of course they don't mind being waited on for everything, I mean who doesn't?

The haunted house was fun but at one point I got separated from my group (there was six of us), and was approached by a sinister looking ghoul with amazing sky blue eyes who proceeded to tell me I looked delicious and he wanted to eat me (he said this several times). I didn't miss a beat, and told him he could eat me later. For just a moment as my words sunk in, he broke character and I walked away. I didn't see him later....oh well.

Later after having gone through the three different 'houses' we went to this haunted graveyard which was nice because this one was free. Mr. Ranter told me that this place was very cool, but I had no idea what to expect. It was incredible and totally appropriate for younger children to go and look. Made me wish Fredo was with us.

Sunday we went to Trader Joe's, did some laundry and had bad Chinese food, it was bad in the sense it made us hurl, just bad in the sense it was more American Chinese, than real Chinese food. Mr. Ranter was supposed to take Piss-boy to one more haunted house but decided he didn't want to drive all the way to get there. In the meantime Fredo was picked up from nirvana, and made to get ready for school on Monday--the crosses we all must bear. I finally had a chance to open the Sunday paper and saw the coveted Toys R Us big book, I handed it to the boys with usual warning...You may write your name on ANYTHING in the book but that doesn't mean you're going to get it. They both said they understood and went upstairs. I could hear complaining about how this was a little kid toy, or the page after page of girl stuff but finally they returned it to me. Fredo wrote his name on two things and Piss-boy found three Wii Games to his liking. Remember what I said about them wrting stuff down but it doesn't mean they'll get it? Okay, while that was true when they were little and would write their names on EVERYTHING, it's not so true today. They'll get what they marked. I'm stuck with kids that are reasonable and never ask for things that are too expensive. Plus there are plenty of relatives that want to buy for them, so they "buy" from me instead. I have become the defacto toy store and I think last year I made a profit, though small.

Sunday night was spent watching The Omen on DVD, which was probably better than most of the other bland offerings of night time television. Pet Semetary is on deck for later this week.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men Often Go Arwy

Ethay Arterstay Otshay

You might recall on Monday, I posted about our adventures getting the flu shot. Well, as it turns out, the shot we all received wasn't exactly good. By 'good' I don't mean toxic or deadly it's just not good. Apparently the hospital got a batch of the flu shots that were shipped too cold, and virus held inside didn't survive the cold temperatures to provide the needed immunity. So that first shot we're now referring as the Starter Shot. We're all not happy about it, and of course I knew Fredo would be the most upset but he actually understood, and that coupled with the promise of ice cream after seems to be okay with going again.

I told Piss-boy about it and his only response was, "uckfay." My eyebrow arched at hearing him say that but to his credit he didn't exactly say the other word...just pig Latin version. My eyes lowered and soon I found myself uttering, "uckfay" too. Somehow it just seems appropriate.

Of Birds and Windows

Yesterday as you can tell just wasn't a great day, though it wasn't exactly a bad day either. While unloading the bags of groceries I purchased at the super cheap but somehow sad place, I heard a small bang on the window. I waited a few minutes before venturing outside to see if anything was still around. A small bird laid on his back but I could tell it was still breathing so I closed the door and returned inside to wait a few minutes. As per the directions received previously by our local Audubon society, I waited 15 minutes and again checked, the bird was still on his back, but also still breathing. So, I went into the garage and got a box, put an old sweatshirt of Fredo's in the bottom of it, and went back outside. I gingerly picked up the bird with a gloved hand, and put it upright into the box, covered it lightly and returned into the house.

I waited the customary amount of time (roughly an hour and half) before returning outside, normally I'd find the box empty but the bird was still inside. It hadn't moved but was still very much alive and somewhat startled at my opening of the box. I closed the lid again and left the box alone for another hour. When Fredo came home from school together this time we peaked into the box and the bird was still there in the same position and still alive, so I called the Audubon society and relayed to them the story. They said they'd call back and let me know when someone could pick up the bird. I checked on the bird an hour or so later and the bird had moved but was still inside the box. A short while someone from the Audubon society called me back, and said he was sorry but no one could pick the bird up until the next day. I explained that the bird had moved in the box to a different spot and he seemed encouraged. He said to call back just before the office closed to give him an update.

About 15 minutes to 5 I looked outside again and the bird wasn't in the box but instead had moved to the lawn. I called them back and they said that it was unusual for a bird to still hang out that long, so I should poke some air holes into the box, put in a warm towel, some water, and put the bird back in it, and then cover the box with another towel to thwart the efforts of the bird to escape. Dutifully I did as told, punching several holes into the box, adding a nice but old fluffy towel, and some water, then I returned outside and found the bird in the same spot.

I tried to get the bird into the box but it had other ideas and hopped away from me, I continued to pursue it but soon it was out of the front yard and into the much vaster green space adjacent our house. I called them back just a minute before they closed for the night, explained that they didn't need to come, the bird had left. They were happy the bird was able to get away and to call them back if it did return.

A before dusk settled in I ventured again outside, and saw what I believe to be that bird, I stepped closer and it again hopped away, I carefully took another step and flew into the air landing on a nearby tree.

Damn thing didn't even thank me. But upon further inspection of that old sweatshirt, it did leave some crap behind...I guess that's enough.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 23, 2008

But It's My Job...

When You're an Adult, Then You Can Be Mean

Those very words were uttered to my 14 year old Piss-Boy when I not-so-politely asked him for the millionth time to empty the dishwasher. It's his job and unlike the bathroom, I'm not going to let him off the hook about it. I don't have a set schedule for running the dishwasher, except to say when it's full, or we've run out of glasses I run it. It could be in the afternoon, morning or night, who knows when it will be full--I can't predict the future. Though, I'm not entirely sure that I can't make the hot tub go on with my mind (I'll get to that later). Though I'm good at reading my kids minds I'm not psychic and I won't be called to Hollywood to appear on a psychic detective show.

I Taut I Taw a Puddy Tat

Okay Fredo didn't use those words exactly but he did say, "Mom, I see a cat sitting on a log out side." We have several downed trees in our area from various windstorms and there plain as day was my nightmare cat returned from last year. This was the cat that for some reason felt I was a soft touch and would feed it, if it meowed in a cute way. It almost had me too but my dog went into a jealous rage over the very notion. But the cat is very cute and very Sylvester looking, with his white chest, whiskers and feet. And seems rather friendly all the while maintaining his natural aloof behavior, as if he doesn't care if I feed him or not. But who is he fooling?

Actually, we've been seeing many cats around, one with a raccoon-ish looking ringed tail, another pure orange and Sylvester. I haven't seen mailbox cat in well over a year now and consider maybe MBC didn't survive the winter. Mailbox cat was by far the friendliest, and just wanted so much to belong to someone, at least when I first met him/her. MBC would run up to me when I got the mail out of the box, wrapping itself around my legs and loudly purr. I know a neighbor was providing MBC shelter during the winter months, I guess I can hope that it adapted to the home and decided not to leave it.

Cats are by nature such curious creatures, almost an enigma. One minute you're the best thing that's happened since their last feeding, but then again, you're not and cats will always remind you of this. If the house down the street gives better treats, they'd just as well live there. There is something about their temperment that if they choose you, and really choose you, they are quite forgiving. But still something under the surface reminds you that if you aren't nice enough on their terms, they will leave you. It makes you want to do more.

Am I Psychic or Just Psycho?

So, yesterday I was cleaning out my big bathtub, scrubbing it, then cleaned the shower (yes this boring but important so pay attention). The dog was running around, so I went downstairs and let him out. The air outside was crisp and cool, but the sun was shining so I lingered outside waiting on the dog to do whatever it was he wanted to do. As I stood out there, looking at the trees gently swaying in the breeze, listening to the sounds of the birds chirping, and the leaves falling, the dog returned, running into the house. I remained outside thinking about returning to the bathroom and thought to myself I should fill the tub and run those jets. I've taken several baths, but have used bubbles and I'm told bubbles and the jacuzzi jets don't mix. So I'm thinking about running those jets when I hear this noise coming from the back yard.

Several seconds ticked by before I realized the sound was coming from Mr. Ranter's $7,000 planter box. Or what normal people call the Hot Tub. I went down and shut it off, and told Mr. Ranter the story when he came home. He looked at it, well lifted the lid, turned it on, turned it off and said everything seemed fine. I told him what I was thinking when the tub spontainously turned its self on. With a sheepish look on my face I asked him if he thought I made it go on with my mind.

Once he stopped laughing, he dashed my dreams and said it was probably the main control pad, which was recently replaced.

It hasn't done it since, at least that I'm aware of, so I'm not convinced I didn't make it happen.

Stupid Scary Movies

I need a few ideas for stupid scary to rent over the next week or two. Just those movies that are vaguely entertaining. Last night my Mom's movie Night selection was The Little Girl That Lives Down the Lane. Starring Jodie Foster and Martin Sheen, it's a mid 70's thriller about a teen aged girl who keeps up a charade that her father is still alive after his untimely death. Piss-boy actually enjoyed it (I know it kinda defeats the whole Mom's Movie Night premise but I had nothing else to watch and was fairly confident I wouldn't want to watch it twice...

So, anyone have any ideas on other movies to rent?

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