Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It's Already Tuesday

And I Thought this Time Change would be Different

I woke up waaaaay too early for a Sunday morning, 7AM to be exact. I know for some that might be sleeping in, but for me it's clearly not, especially after staying up to physically see the time change. At least on the computer.

Friday was Halloween and our house finally had that Halloween put together look abo
ut it. The kids had a blast, Piss-boy scaring people by hiding by the front door. Fredo by going out and shaking down neighbors for candy. Fredo this year said he wanted to be Dracula, so his costume though easy for him to put on, and fit him well, required that copious amounts of black hair spray-like stuff to be applied. I should be glad it wasn't raining because it would have dripped all over himself. That said, he did look sufficiently scary enough. Their bathtub after he showered was another story and I'm still cleaning off the now gray hair stuff left behind (insert numerous grumbles here). Image courtesy of Mr. Ranter. That was hanging in Pissboy's bedroom window.

Saturday was spent doing Autumn prep, trimming of plants, pruning of trees, and dodging the usual landmines of dog poop.

Monday Madness

Sunday evening the kids were at each other throats and I just had a feeling about Monday. I had warned Fredo before school but I just had a feeling. He came home, got off the bus, waived to the bus driver and looked at me. He said I could punish him. Naturally I asked why and he actually told me what happened. And as much as I hate him using bad words at school I was kind of proud that he told me about it. Normally, he'd come off the bus, ask about his snack, and act as though nothing had happened, then an hour or so later the principal would call and inform me of what he had done. This time when the principal called I was able to tell him what Fredo told me had happened and those stories matched. He was surprised too and explained that he spent time talking with Fredo again about consequences, and on Tuesday he'd have to eat his lunch in the office and stay in during recess. While he was a little whimpy about that, he also accepted it even when I reminded him of what the principal had said. His punishment is the one he picked out, absolutely NO TV for tonight and he has to do extra chores around the house. He helped me with emptying the dishwasher, picked up his dirty clothes and separated them, then he emptied all the waste baskets (I didn't tell him to do that last one he did it on his own).

All bad words now are officially banned from this house. I'm not sure how we'll all communicate with each other but we'll get by somehow.

Now...Get out and Vote!

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Judy said...

I think we might be at the point where Travis can choose his own punishment - I need to try that next time.