Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Random Thoughts of Whimsy

Ranter's Bed & Breakfast

Yes, my personal B&B was open again and I must admit the summer visitors are easier than the springtime, fall or winter guests we get. Two guy friends of husband were here, and one couple with their two kids. I can't believe how much older the kids got in the three years since we last saw them all. I guess my kids aged too, but I don't notice it as much. The kids had a blast reconnecting with old friends and I took an adventure shopping with a preteen girl and her mom. Which ironically leads me to my first rant…

What a Crock

I went into stores shopping at the mall I normally would never go into and honestly I wish I had taken notes because the only store that comes screaming to mind now is Hollister Co. You walk in and it looks like some surf shop, it's dark and the clothes are flimsy and pricey. Here's the kicker though, everything displays the name Hollister, Ca—as in California. Which is obviously just a marketing technique that I'll get to later but what I couldn't get over was how dark it was in the store. Even the tween girl complained briefly that she couldn't understand why it was so dark. I guess it's so you can't see how flimsy the clothes are you're buying or so you can't completely read the price tag. Or maybe it's also you can't tell if someone else has blown their nose on the clothes, either to me is completely possible.

Let Me Fill You In on the real Hollister California

Nowhere near the beach, located in San Benito County, Hollister mostly home to migrant illegal immigrants; which are probably the backbone of its mostly agricultural economy. Hollister is a hole of a town, and resembles nothing of the "Dudes" and "Betty's" it proclaims in the store and I doubt few people actually living there can actually afford to wear those clothes.

Is It Wrong?

To be jealous that the tween girl I was shopping with has a Coach purse? It turns out I have something in common with her, we're both bag hounds, and she explained that she told her dad she needed a new purse, and her dad insisted that she just buy a Coach bag, probably under the impression that it was the ONLY Bag she'd ever need. Poor guy never knew what hit him. Lets be honest though, I really felt I "needed" one I'd just buy it but it's just not that needed.

BFD Report

Paris Hilton puts her house on the market for 4 million bucks and her neighbors are celebrating, as I would imagine, and probably taking up a collection to try to buy the place themselves to restore some sort normalcy to their neighborhood. Britney Spears has a melt down during a photoshoot that she arranged and cleans up dog crap with a designer gown. The lawyers for OK! Magazine are currently talking to her lawyers and I'm sure soon money will change hands. Also, her divorce is finally final and she's completely free to move on to the next Mr Spears.

Lindsay Lohan's alcohol bracelet went off but, unfortunately it was before her lawyer could find her and she was arrested for her second DWI, Driving with a suspended license and trafficking cocaine.
11 days after her release from Promises Rehab, where they proclaim they can teach you not to drink in clubs while treating alcohol and drug abuse. Naturally her mother, sensing the end of the gravy train spoke out in her daughter's defense. After all she's just doing what young, stupid, rich girls do, right?

Also, Whoopi Goldberg is joining the View and I found that about as interesting as Drew Cary joining the Price is Right.


The Bump reports were right Nicole Ritchie is pregnant and going to jail good for her.

If only clearing up the war in Iraq could be settled so easily. In all seriousness what we clearly need to do, is send a very direct message to the fledgling Iraqie government. They need to meet certain deadlines or we leave. I think its fair and possibly more effective than all the blowhards in congress saying, we must leave but do nothing really about it. I also feel that some sort of slap on the President's hand is in order for getting us into this conflict under false pretense so that HISTORY will remember understand we weren't just complacent.

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