Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful Thursday

What am I Thankful For?

  • I am Thankful that the boys are off for the next couple days because that gives us extra time to get all the stuff done we haven't had time for yet.
  • I am Thankful Piss-boy is getting A's and B's in all his classes, so I don't have to attend a parent/teacher conference.
  • I am Thankful that I got to sleep in a little this morning, though the dog did wake me up thinking we had missed the bus. (no school today or tomorrow)
  • I am Thankful for a dog that LOVES the neighborhood children so much he wakes up early for the chance to see them.
  • I am Thankful that Fredo didn't cry when we went for our flu shot...well not much, he cried when we first got there but I told him to look at me, and he didn't know that the shot was over.
  • I am Thankful I didn't cry getting my flu shot....damn that thing freaking HURT!
  • I am Thankful for ice cream.
  • I am extremely Thankful for my family.
  • Ditto to my all my friends, real or internet, bloggers and on line buddies a like. I am truly Thankful for all of you!

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Feeling Lazy

Kind of Sort of, in a Way

I don't know if it's the darkness in the morning, or if it's just feeling of fall, but I'm feeling lazy today. I know I'm tired of the election. I know I'm tired of paying bills..which reminds me...

As I was saying, I tired of just about everything. So maybe I'll try like Abby to think of things to be thankful for. Maybe I'll call this Thankful Thursday. Wait! It's not Thursday, it's Wednesday. Damn! It's Why is it Wednesday but I don't even have a why is it to complain about.

I'm sure there is something, like the fact I'm leaving lights on all over the house because its so dark when I get up, therefore probably not saving any money. Remember when our lovely congress decided to save us money by extending day light savings time by a few weeks. So now we change our clocks in November rather than October and change them again in early spring. Yeah, that was a brilliant plan, causing more problems for companies, computers and everything else run by a computer (which is just about everything) and we saw little to no savings from it.

I really hope that whoever is elected our next president stems congress from trying to help us out too much.

GM is looking for a bailout and why not, we're giving millions to banks to help them out because they wrote underwrote mortgages to people that couldn't pay for them. So, GM wants to merge with Chrysler, and wants a hand out to do it. It needs to be said, or written, that the same company that has controlling interest in Chrysler also owns controlling interest in GMAC, Cererus Capital Management LP.

Ironically GMAC is also asking for money, after making the announcement they will only finance car loans to people that have a 700 or higher on their Credit Scores. While I'm sure congress is concerned about the "little people" that might lose their jobs if these companies fail, but it also needs to be said that Cererus would benefit greatly from this bailout. It's like they're holding people's jobs hostage and effectively saying, pay 10B dollars or we'll be forced to fire them all.

So now the government is in the lending business with Freddie and Fannie, the banking business with that 700 Billion dollar bailout, and now they'll be in the automotive business.

And McCain is calling Obama a socialist because he used the term spreading the wealth. With or without Obama, this country is well on its way to becoming just that. Really the media shouldn't be so concerned with this minutia (what, who paid for a candidates clothing, who is supporting who, and who is likely going to win), and people need to remember that just because someone campaigns for something doesn't mean instantly when they get into office it's going to happen.

It's not. There will likely be no tax cuts, and if anything who ever is president will likely have to raise taxes ON EVERYONE to pay for this. Of course the ultra wealthy will hire the best tax attorneys who will advise them how not to pay their taxes, so the brunt will fall on the working class and it will be business as usual in Washington. It's appearant since the past 8 years congress has spent, spent, and spent ourselves further into debt, and remember 6 of those years congress was controlled by the republicans, so we can't blame just the spendocrats on this. They're all to blame, and they're all corrupt.

The FDIC seized WAMU and promptly sold it to JP Morgan Chase for 1.9 Billion dollars, despite the fact WAMU had 300 Billion dollars in assets. Now JP Morgan is getting money from the 700 billion dollar bailout. It just doesn't sit well with me now, at the time I understood why WAMU had to be sold, even if it was for a rock bottom price. AIG took their executives on spa vacation at the expense of the tax payer...What will be next? Ya know, I could use a bail out too.

Honestly, if we're going to be socialists I would rather we be the kind that provides health care for all the people, rather than the kind that controls the banking, lending and auto industries.

It's a slippery slope and we're sliding.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Man Gathers What Another...

Monday Blues

The day started off not so bad, go up, got Fredo ready for school, saw the bus leave. Really the whole day was fairly uneventful and I was looking forward to a nice quiet evening after the kids went to bed. Piss-boy announced that he needed to use our computer, which was fine, so he set to work typing away hours later went to print. I had told him to wait until I got there; I was busy cooking dinner at that moment. Suddenly I heard him say it wouldn't print.


I knew it was going to happen and of course it was going happen when he needed to print something for school. I had found the black ink, but our printer is stupid, and believes even if you choose black and white, it still needs to use color (which it was totally devoid of). Did I mention our printer is old? So old they no longer make old they no longer sell the ink for it.

I knew my MIL had a printer she had gotten when she purchased her laptop some three years ago, which she never used (the printer; the laptop she uses everyday). Naturally she was out with her neighbor, shopping at Kohls no less, so I called her cell phone. She said she was going to be on her way home soon, and said, since I have a key, I was more than welcome to go over, and get the printer. I figured since my father-in-law is as deaf as a doornail, I could just slip in and out before she even got home and maybe help myself to a soda.

I got to her house to discover my key for her door didn't work but I continued trying different keys, none of which worked. I went back to the car, and called Piss-boy to remind him NOT to let his father's Brussels sprouts burn. As I hung up, her friend drove up and I explained my key didn't work, so she of course had to check to make sure her key still worked...don't ask. Then Father-in-law's key. Both of those worked. She gave me his key. I went into the empty closet (I'm not kidding the only thing in this closet was the vacuum, and the printer box) and got the box. Sprinted to the car, and drove home.

Thankfully dinner was ready before I left the house (except for those Brussels sprouts that Piss-boy didn't let burn), so opened the box and set to work hooking it up. Now normally the hooking up of anything, like the putting together of stuff, is husband's domain, but I couldn't wait for him. I followed the instructions and it worked.

Yay me....Meanwhile husband came home for dinner, bellowing about where this was or that...give me this...bring me that, but since I was busy, I didn't have to deal with that. After I printed the assignment for Piss-boy, husband again mentioned that he was still looking for a piece of paper he acquired from last year. I'm good. Very good. I found it. Stuck in a file he told me to put it in, I don't know why because he has his own place to put that crap in, but for some reason decided NOT to. He's lucky I thought to look the file labeled HUSBAND'S CRAP. Normally that's where I stick all the receipts for the planter box err ah Hot Tub.

Soon he returned to work to finish his shift, grateful probably on many levels, one being that he doesn't have to dea with hooking up the printer when he got home from work and the other being that I found that paper. No one in this house is grateful for my chicken. That would be too much to ask.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 27, 2008

Brotherly Love or Is Christmas Coming

Big Book of Crap

Saturday the boys were nice to each other, kinda weird but both were excited for different reasons so I chalked it up to that. Piss-boy was excited to go to a haunted house later that evening, and Fredo was excited to spend the night at his grandma and grandpa's house. We dropped Fredo off b
efore leaving to meet our other friends at a pub downtown and he was so excited he barely hugged me. While visions of candy, sodas, grandma's French Toast, raced through his head, I couldn't really fault the kid. Grandma has her rules though, rules one would think might impede fun but according to both kids insist they don't. Of course they don't mind being waited on for everything, I mean who doesn't?

The haunted house was fun but at one point I got separated from my group (there was six of us), and was approached by a sinister looking ghoul with amazing sky blue eyes who proceeded to tell me I looked delicious and he wanted to eat me (he said this several times). I didn't miss a beat, and told him he could eat me later. For just a moment as my words sunk in, he broke character and I walked away. I didn't see him later....oh well.

Later after having gone through the three different 'houses' we went to this haunted graveyard which was nice because this one was free. Mr. Ranter told me that this place was very cool, but I had no idea what to expect. It was incredible and totally appropriate for younger children to go and look. Made me wish Fredo was with us.

Sunday we went to Trader Joe's, did some laundry and had bad Chinese food, it was bad in the sense it made us hurl, just bad in the sense it was more American Chinese, than real Chinese food. Mr. Ranter was supposed to take Piss-boy to one more haunted house but decided he didn't want to drive all the way to get there. In the meantime Fredo was picked up from nirvana, and made to get ready for school on Monday--the crosses we all must bear. I finally had a chance to open the Sunday paper and saw the coveted Toys R Us big book, I handed it to the boys with usual warning...You may write your name on ANYTHING in the book but that doesn't mean you're going to get it. They both said they understood and went upstairs. I could hear complaining about how this was a little kid toy, or the page after page of girl stuff but finally they returned it to me. Fredo wrote his name on two things and Piss-boy found three Wii Games to his liking. Remember what I said about them wrting stuff down but it doesn't mean they'll get it? Okay, while that was true when they were little and would write their names on EVERYTHING, it's not so true today. They'll get what they marked. I'm stuck with kids that are reasonable and never ask for things that are too expensive. Plus there are plenty of relatives that want to buy for them, so they "buy" from me instead. I have become the defacto toy store and I think last year I made a profit, though small.

Sunday night was spent watching The Omen on DVD, which was probably better than most of the other bland offerings of night time television. Pet Semetary is on deck for later this week.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men Often Go Arwy

Ethay Arterstay Otshay

You might recall on Monday, I posted about our adventures getting the flu shot. Well, as it turns out, the shot we all received wasn't exactly good. By 'good' I don't mean toxic or deadly it's just not good. Apparently the hospital got a batch of the flu shots that were shipped too cold, and virus held inside didn't survive the cold temperatures to provide the needed immunity. So that first shot we're now referring as the Starter Shot. We're all not happy about it, and of course I knew Fredo would be the most upset but he actually understood, and that coupled with the promise of ice cream after seems to be okay with going again.

I told Piss-boy about it and his only response was, "uckfay." My eyebrow arched at hearing him say that but to his credit he didn't exactly say the other word...just pig Latin version. My eyes lowered and soon I found myself uttering, "uckfay" too. Somehow it just seems appropriate.

Of Birds and Windows

Yesterday as you can tell just wasn't a great day, though it wasn't exactly a bad day either. While unloading the bags of groceries I purchased at the super cheap but somehow sad place, I heard a small bang on the window. I waited a few minutes before venturing outside to see if anything was still around. A small bird laid on his back but I could tell it was still breathing so I closed the door and returned inside to wait a few minutes. As per the directions received previously by our local Audubon society, I waited 15 minutes and again checked, the bird was still on his back, but also still breathing. So, I went into the garage and got a box, put an old sweatshirt of Fredo's in the bottom of it, and went back outside. I gingerly picked up the bird with a gloved hand, and put it upright into the box, covered it lightly and returned into the house.

I waited the customary amount of time (roughly an hour and half) before returning outside, normally I'd find the box empty but the bird was still inside. It hadn't moved but was still very much alive and somewhat startled at my opening of the box. I closed the lid again and left the box alone for another hour. When Fredo came home from school together this time we peaked into the box and the bird was still there in the same position and still alive, so I called the Audubon society and relayed to them the story. They said they'd call back and let me know when someone could pick up the bird. I checked on the bird an hour or so later and the bird had moved but was still inside the box. A short while someone from the Audubon society called me back, and said he was sorry but no one could pick the bird up until the next day. I explained that the bird had moved in the box to a different spot and he seemed encouraged. He said to call back just before the office closed to give him an update.

About 15 minutes to 5 I looked outside again and the bird wasn't in the box but instead had moved to the lawn. I called them back and they said that it was unusual for a bird to still hang out that long, so I should poke some air holes into the box, put in a warm towel, some water, and put the bird back in it, and then cover the box with another towel to thwart the efforts of the bird to escape. Dutifully I did as told, punching several holes into the box, adding a nice but old fluffy towel, and some water, then I returned outside and found the bird in the same spot.

I tried to get the bird into the box but it had other ideas and hopped away from me, I continued to pursue it but soon it was out of the front yard and into the much vaster green space adjacent our house. I called them back just a minute before they closed for the night, explained that they didn't need to come, the bird had left. They were happy the bird was able to get away and to call them back if it did return.

A before dusk settled in I ventured again outside, and saw what I believe to be that bird, I stepped closer and it again hopped away, I carefully took another step and flew into the air landing on a nearby tree.

Damn thing didn't even thank me. But upon further inspection of that old sweatshirt, it did leave some crap behind...I guess that's enough.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 23, 2008

But It's My Job...

When You're an Adult, Then You Can Be Mean

Those very words were uttered to my 14 year old Piss-Boy when I not-so-politely asked him for the millionth time to empty the dishwasher. It's his job and unlike the bathroom, I'm not going to let him off the hook about it. I don't have a set schedule for running the dishwasher, except to say when it's full, or we've run out of glasses I run it. It could be in the afternoon, morning or night, who knows when it will be full--I can't predict the future. Though, I'm not entirely sure that I can't make the hot tub go on with my mind (I'll get to that later). Though I'm good at reading my kids minds I'm not psychic and I won't be called to Hollywood to appear on a psychic detective show.

I Taut I Taw a Puddy Tat

Okay Fredo didn't use those words exactly but he did say, "Mom, I see a cat sitting on a log out side." We have several downed trees in our area from various windstorms and there plain as day was my nightmare cat returned from last year. This was the cat that for some reason felt I was a soft touch and would feed it, if it meowed in a cute way. It almost had me too but my dog went into a jealous rage over the very notion. But the cat is very cute and very Sylvester looking, with his white chest, whiskers and feet. And seems rather friendly all the while maintaining his natural aloof behavior, as if he doesn't care if I feed him or not. But who is he fooling?

Actually, we've been seeing many cats around, one with a raccoon-ish looking ringed tail, another pure orange and Sylvester. I haven't seen mailbox cat in well over a year now and consider maybe MBC didn't survive the winter. Mailbox cat was by far the friendliest, and just wanted so much to belong to someone, at least when I first met him/her. MBC would run up to me when I got the mail out of the box, wrapping itself around my legs and loudly purr. I know a neighbor was providing MBC shelter during the winter months, I guess I can hope that it adapted to the home and decided not to leave it.

Cats are by nature such curious creatures, almost an enigma. One minute you're the best thing that's happened since their last feeding, but then again, you're not and cats will always remind you of this. If the house down the street gives better treats, they'd just as well live there. There is something about their temperment that if they choose you, and really choose you, they are quite forgiving. But still something under the surface reminds you that if you aren't nice enough on their terms, they will leave you. It makes you want to do more.

Am I Psychic or Just Psycho?

So, yesterday I was cleaning out my big bathtub, scrubbing it, then cleaned the shower (yes this boring but important so pay attention). The dog was running around, so I went downstairs and let him out. The air outside was crisp and cool, but the sun was shining so I lingered outside waiting on the dog to do whatever it was he wanted to do. As I stood out there, looking at the trees gently swaying in the breeze, listening to the sounds of the birds chirping, and the leaves falling, the dog returned, running into the house. I remained outside thinking about returning to the bathroom and thought to myself I should fill the tub and run those jets. I've taken several baths, but have used bubbles and I'm told bubbles and the jacuzzi jets don't mix. So I'm thinking about running those jets when I hear this noise coming from the back yard.

Several seconds ticked by before I realized the sound was coming from Mr. Ranter's $7,000 planter box. Or what normal people call the Hot Tub. I went down and shut it off, and told Mr. Ranter the story when he came home. He looked at it, well lifted the lid, turned it on, turned it off and said everything seemed fine. I told him what I was thinking when the tub spontainously turned its self on. With a sheepish look on my face I asked him if he thought I made it go on with my mind.

Once he stopped laughing, he dashed my dreams and said it was probably the main control pad, which was recently replaced.

It hasn't done it since, at least that I'm aware of, so I'm not convinced I didn't make it happen.

Stupid Scary Movies

I need a few ideas for stupid scary to rent over the next week or two. Just those movies that are vaguely entertaining. Last night my Mom's movie Night selection was The Little Girl That Lives Down the Lane. Starring Jodie Foster and Martin Sheen, it's a mid 70's thriller about a teen aged girl who keeps up a charade that her father is still alive after his untimely death. Piss-boy actually enjoyed it (I know it kinda defeats the whole Mom's Movie Night premise but I had nothing else to watch and was fairly confident I wouldn't want to watch it twice...

So, anyone have any ideas on other movies to rent?

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just Another Day


For me at least, it's official, I'm finished all I have to do now is wait. I'll be honest, I do kind of suck at waiting; you've probably seen me because I'm the one in line at the grocery store, stuck behind the person who decides at the last moment they are paying by check, or counting pennies. I'm at the bank stuck behind the person that hasn't filled their deposit slip. It's me behind the person at dry cleaners that's lost their slip and is taking FOREVER to describe their clothes. Did you catch me 'waiving' to the person on the freeway that entered doing only 35 instead of freeway speed. Yup that was me.

However, as I said I'm finished, I've done all the research I'm going to do, so for me it's all over, until
the Tuesday following the first Monday of November I am effectively finished. I took three hours filling out my ballot and I'm bittersweet about some of the hard choices I had to make. I don't always agree with mandatory sentences for people caught with a controlled substance. I believe it should always be handled in a case by case way. I don't believe that a 18 year old should have to register as a sex offender because his 16 year old girlfriend's father and mother decided they didn't like the fact their daughter had sex. I believe the law should always be applied in a common sense way not because people just want all sex offenders off the streets--so yeah I'm against knee-jerk laws of any type.

The Best Advice

A Long time ago when the first Bush was running for president, there was a young Ranter in line waiting her turn to vote for the first time. An older gentleman in line ahead of her struck up a conversation, and unwittingly handed over the best voting advice she's ever gotten. He said to her, almost never vote to raise your own taxes. It sounds so easy coming from a retired person probably taking full advantage of California's Prop 13*, but I pondered it. I queried, what about school bond issues? He did agree that would be an exception in some cases but he also felt he was paying more than his share in taxes (income tax rates were higher under Reagan than they were under Clinton). He pointed out several things on the ballot that were just wasteful spending or that he felt the private sector could fund. I have done a fairly good job of following that advice with few exceptions.

This election I've found myself asking these questions more and more, but I'm almost certain a tax hike is in our future (at some point) regardless of who is elected. I think all any of us can do is make the best choice we can.

Of Cleaning and Men

It's not a secret, the men living in this house are slobs and that I'm sure anyone could agree if you could see the condition of my house. So I spent 3 hours yesterday cleaning a bathroom my older son, Piss-Boy was supposed to be cleaning. I had fully anticipated cleaning the floor well and cabinet fronts (about an hour) but I had no idea that I also had to scrub the bathtub/shower area AND spend 30 minutes cleaning the toilet! Mind you just the inside! I also spent a while unclogging Fredo's hardened toothpaste filled drain. Today, I'll be spending most of the day cleaning the rest of the house, since the bathrooms are sparkling, the rest of the house needs to.

*For those of you from other states Proposition 13 was overwhelmingly approved by California voters in 1978, which froze their property taxes at whatever level they were currently paying for as long as they owned their home. If you purchased a new home, your property taxes would go up based on the amount you paid for the house (figure around 10%) but remain frozen (meaning they couldn't go up any higher). A majority of the those monies collected go to the school systems in the state. The exception is bond issues, if approved those will increase the property taxes, as would sewer increases, and other miscellaneous items but they never added up to much. So in California it was very possible for a retired person that owned their home for 35 years could be paying around $200 dollars a year for their property taxes while their neighbor that had just purchased their house would be paying $6000 a year, plus those special bond issues.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Twilight Zone

The Bradley Effect

The past few days I've been hearing much about the Bradley effect in relation to the election next month. It refers to Tom Bradley who was mayor of Los Angeles, during his bid for being Governor of California, was (this is a little before I became politically aware) ahead in the polls over the republican candidate George Deukmajian, however, Deukmajian won the election. It was believed at the time that race was the issue, people would say they would vote for Bradley during the polls, but secretly knew they had no intention of doing so.

As I recall Deukmagian wasn't a horrible Governor, so I can't really make a statement either way. However with the currant media buzz surrounding this issue, it seems the media is implying that if Obama loses the election it will be not because the majority of Americans believe his plans for our future aren't better, but instead because we are all really racists. I find it all rather disturbing. And it seems that will do nothing but create more tension in this country if McCain wins the election. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

What About the Colin Powell Effect?

While Republicans are downplaying this by mentioning all the people that are endorsing McCain, I think it's quite a pin from the Pope for Obama. I do see some undecided people that are against Dubya, might be swayed on this issue. That said I don't think its going to be a huge help either. Maybe as much as Palin appearing on SNL.

What About Socialism?

I guess the catch-phrase of this election is the redistribution of wealth statements made by Obama and everyone is hanging on to this. I'm sorry but ALL taxes are redistribution of wealth. PERIOD. That said, what is rather socialist about Obama is the health care issue but is the media mentioning this? NO. I hear these so called conservative nitwits on the radio and they keep missing the point they're so focused on few percentage point tax increase on people making more than 250K that they are neglecting the real issues. Of couse these are the same people that continually used Obama's middle name. So what can you expect? His health care plan is going to cost us MILLIONS of dollars and I just don't see how he will be able to pay for it.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 20, 2008

Woke Up This Morning Feeling Fine

Question Everything

On Friday, after posting to my blog in the early morning my email was flooded with this email saying the presidential election was going to be held over two days. Uh huh. Ranter sense went up (it's kinda like spidey sense but much more cynical), all republicans are supposed to vote on Tuesday the 8th, and Democrats vote on the 9th. Independent, and other miscellaneous people, under this plan are shit out of luck. Ya. I made use of the delete key and moved on to more important stuff.

Then later the same day I got another email saying effectively the opposite of what the other emails had said, I sighed thinking how many stupid people will actually fall for this? The fact that people are forwarding this to everyone they know is bad enough. The fact that it's gone so far that SNOPES is involved speaks volumes. I didn't need to go to Snopes to find this information, it found me right there in my weekly Snopes update email, which I normally derisively scan and delete.

It also needs to be said that I'm tired already of sitting on this hard, 100 year old kitchen chair, instead of the comfort of a real computer chair. That said I am making due, though I was cursing it's existence while performing the random google searches life sometimes requires of me.

Shot in the Arm

Yeah, it's flu shot season, and given my bout with pneumonia this past April, I'm not taking any chances, well okay, I did get the flu shot last year too, but three days in the hospital were enough to convince me that it's a chance not worth taking. The problem was what to tell Fredo since he's developed a phobia of shots, breaks down at the thought of them. A few weeks back at school, I guess someone mentioned shots, or getting a shot and he freaked out, wouldn't calm down. He was afraid he was getting a shot, like that day or something. One of his teachers called and I assured her no shots forthcoming. It wasn't exactly a lie, it was an omission that I didn't think would come back to bite me later during one of his progress meetings. The teacher brought it up using it as example of when to call me, she said Fredo was afraid of getting a shot, 'so I called mom who said there were NO SHOTS on the horizon'. Oh Crap! Ya, I was screwed and knew it. If I made him get the shot now I'd be a liar, but if I didn't he'd be at risk for the flu.

I held my breath and waited, debating do I tell him before or after Friday cookies? I decided to wait a little longer after cookies and milk, better to tell him on Friday night rather than have him freak out in line on Saturday. I held my breath and dove into the shallow end of pool, head first. Of course there were tears, whining, gnashing of teeth. I explained some shots you have to get because the illness is worse than the shot...but then my head raced what if he gets the flu anyway?????

Let's face it, flu shots don't always work but given my older son's problems with asthma, it's just not really something I've wanted to take a chance with. Mr. Ranter has always balked about getting his flu shot until he got the flu two years in a row, making him a believer. He still balks about it, yes there are other things I'd rather do on a Saturday morning too but...he complies.

So, I told Fredo, and while watching him freak, I did the bad mommy thing and bribed him, I asked him if after maybe he'd want to get burgers, and it didn't work. I sighed and said, well what if you go to Grandma's afterward? He stopped crying, almost immediately, sniffed a few more times and promised to be brave when he got his shot.

Score one for Mom, then I picked up the phone and told my mother in law who laughed and felt proud that her and father-in-law have that kind of effect on little Fredo. Later, the fear started creeping up in me though, what if he changes his mind and decides he doesn't care about Grandma's house?

Undaunted I took my in laws, Pissboy, husband, to the flu shot clinic, and we waited in line. His fidgeting increasing with each step closer. At last we got the "form area" and I filed out the forms for Fredo and myself not at all certain what if anything he'd say. They asked for our medical cards together as a family, something they didn't do in the past, which extended our time, finally we were through. Then we waited for "family area" to open up. A couple with their little girl was already in there and she was screaming her head off. Now this does NOTHING for Fredo's already stripped nerves. They left, and I pointed out how young the girl was making all the racket. Mr. Ranter had jumped the line opting instead for going into the adult area, where he was back before Fredo even had a chance to sit. They asked him if he wanted to sit on my lap but he said nothing except, "no no no no no" and was in the middle of mid "NOOOOO" when the lady giving the shot said, you're done. Mr Ranter jumped in and said, "dude, you're done." Fredo caught again in mid "nnnnnn" stopped short and said, "I am?" The lady then slapped a band aid on his arm, handed him a sticker and told him to step aside. Piss boy got his shot, then myself. Grandma and Grandma were just coming out of the adult section when we were finished.

I'm not sure what if anything Fredo really thought about the whole thing, but we kept up our end of the bargain and dropped him off at grandma and grandpa's house where the promise of French toast wirled through is head. He did before exiting the van, give me a thumbs up signal as I kissed his cheek reminding him of his bravery.

I'm Easy Like Sunday Morning

Most of day Sunday was spent in recovery for Mr Ranter, thoroughly hung-over and complicated with aching muscles, spent most of the day napping. I spent the day doing all kinds of very boring wifey type things, like laundry, vacuuming (just to annoy the Mister) and running the dishwasher a couple of times. I did accomplish much of the precleaning stuff; read, tossing out clutter so tomorrow I won't have as much to do. And that's enough for me.

Experimental Sunday

Well, I experimented with dinner last night and it must be said that my family HATES it when I do that because half the time it doesn't work. I made chicken breasts and thighs (boneless skinless), topped with a mango salsa like thing. I cut up the mango, which is nearly impossible to cut up because of that damn membrane inside it. Added a jalapeno, diced, red onion, garlic, some lime juice and Italian Parsley, I think cilantro would be a better choice but Mr. Ranter hates it. Anyway after cooking the chicken, I added some wine to get up those tasty bits off the bottom of the pan and added the mango stuff. Cooked it a little then added the chicken back. I roasted brussels sprouts in the oven and served the whole thing with brown rice.

Mr. Ranter sat nervously down to the table, and surveyed the food, asking if this was indeed a real recipe or if I was just experimented again. I said taste it. He did and liked it. After that I confessed that I just came up with it on my own, though it wasn't very hard so I'm sure someone else has thought of it before. He commented on the food like an Iron Chef America judge, saying he enjoyed the different textures. Piss-boy, his fellow foodie agreed that dinner was good. Upon total reflection, he said he would have liked smaller mango pieces...Okay, I can do that next time.

I smiled as they cleaned their plates, and quickly left for the Haunted House they were going to. Naturally their dishes remained on the table. Oh well somethings I just can't change. I through Fredo into the shower and we settled down for a quiet Sunday evening reading books. It was a good day. A very good day.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 17, 2008

Finally Friday

I'm So Glad

Bonus points for anyone that can tell me which trio recorded that song. It's a fantastic Friday and I'm excited, not sure why maybe I'm just overly optimistic about the future or perhaps it's the rose-colored glasses I just got in the mail from Ronco. In just a few more weeks the country will embark on the election and come January good or bad, Dubya will be OUT.

It's no secret I'm not a fan of Dubya, but I was less of a fan of the other choices in the past couple elections. This election I do feel differently, since lets face it neither is gong to be able to do half of what they want to accomplish. I don't feel nearly as fatalistic than I thought I would feel. Maybe the prozac I stole from my mother-in-law is working.

Rose-colored glasses or no, I feel albeit guardedly optimistic our economy will recover without any further meddling from Washington. Maybe I'm insane but it's time to let the investors do what they need to do.

In Other News

My desk chair has finally said that it's had enough and snapped yesterday evening. We've had it a long time, and it a great find at my then local Goodwill Store. An 18 dollar bargain that's lasted nearly a decade. It's held my fat ass, with a child on my lap for years now and I'm kinda sad to see it go. But with the way it is now, with all four wheels firmly on the ground yet the back of the chair on the floor, it's just not going to work, nor is possible to save it.

Husband was home ill yesterday which annoys everyone to no end since we can't do what we want to do. Namely watch what we want on TV in the evenings--after all I gave up MMN the previous night for the debate. I know he's not home at night often but can't he just submit himself to an hour of Survivor without making snarky comments? So, instead we give in, handing over the remote, and exist in a hell that shows everything on the Food Network channel and the Travel Channel. Oh Boy! Me without a safe computer chair, well it just sucks.

The upshot is I get to go to back to Target, our newly remodeled one, the one that is like Disneyland with better prices for a new chair. The downside is that I have to wait until Rainbird gets paid again, since just a couple days ago I made a big deal about him not being able to make an expensive Halloween prop to house Dead Ted, or was it Dead Fred. I don't know I always forget which is which.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 16, 2008

While the Country was Distracted

As the Stomach Turns

Since I've been so preoccupied lately with my financial health and well being I've realized I've missed quite a bit of celebrity gossip. Like Madonna and her kept man, er ah, director husband are divorcing. Nancy Reagan was hospitalized after breaking her pelvis, which forgive me but she's so frail looking (and has looked that way for decades) I'm surprised she didn't break in half. Dick Chaney was in and out of the hospital also yesterday for his atrial fib.

The big shocker though to me was this little article about Ryan O'Neal and his son Redmond, who is also the son of Farrah Fawcett, were arrested for possession of meth. I always knew Ryan, Tatum, and the whole O'Neal clan are just train wrecks but I never imagined Meth, hell I was surprised to read he was still alive.

It's All Over

At least the debates are, the final debate between McCain and Obama was last night, and I don't think there was any "winners" however that said, I think both candidates did a better job than the last debate. Both sides said some things that I found rather humorous, like when McCain said that Obama has spent more on his political ads than any other candidate in history. Why did I find this funny? Because to me, it's a big kidding. Airtime isn't free, they pay to have the commercials made, they pay money to air them. I'm sure they cost more now than they did 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, or 28 years ago. It's kind of a no brainer and if McCain hasn't raised enough money to pay for more ads, tough luck. Half the time he sounded a bit whiney about this issue, as though he expected Obama to apologize for having more funds.

McCain did score some points by pointing out he's not Dubya, but his plan is very much like a Dubya plan, though it has been tweeked. He did finally broach the topic of William Ayers, but I think it was too little too late for that. Obama said what I expected regarding Ayers. McCain brought up ACORN, but I don't see how Obama is responsible for the actions of that group. This is a group that paid people based on how many they registered to vote and it's not the first election this has happened during, it happened in 2000 and 2004. Yes the numbers are incredibly high this year, but isn't that more of an economical issue? If people weren't feeling so desperate for money, the incentive might not have been so great to lie. Again this already been covered to the hilt by the media and has nothing to do what people care about, their money, their jobs, their very way of life.

McCain said something else that I think he might have bit his tongue afterward, when talking about the bloated federal goverment, he said that in the past 8 years the goverment has expanded, and the democrats have been in control 2 of those years. That made me shake my head, and yell....what??????? Does that mean the republican party is solely responisble for the 6 years that preceeded that? Interesting. I don't understand what point he was trying to make because I don't think he really meant to say it like that. I was surprised Obama didn't jump on that later on, but again, maybe Obama is for bigger goverment so he didn't care.

I would have liked to see Obama defend the three million (the number keeps changing), to purchase an "overhead projector" for a Planetarium (a dreaded earmark). This brings up an image of that antiquated piece of equipment used in schools but that's not what it was. It was in fact a "smart board" which is cutting edge technology. If you want children to become more interested in science then why put in something where they can touch a "planet" and learn all about it. A computer generates images on the wall that children can touch and learn more about what they see. It's an amazing learning tool that eventually will make its way into every classroom in the country. Then again, maybe it's better Obama didn't say anything because it's likely McCain wouldn't have understood that new fangled stuff, since the man can't use a computer or even understand how to send an email. Of course it's entirely possible that Obama doesn't understand it much either.

On Abortion, neither did really well, but on health care Obama really poked holes in McCains so called plan to give everyone a 5000 dollar tax credit so they can buy their own health care. And McCain really looked like he was just taking up space. I don't think McCain understands what a crisis the health care industry is in, probably because his health care is great. Especially with the pre-existing condition clause so many families face daily. McCain was so focused on picking apart Obama's health care plan, he lost focus on his plan and nor did he refute the fact that he'll tax the money employers spend on their employees health care. I don't know if it's true or not, but he didn't say it wasn't. That could force employers to stop offering health care to their employees and force more people to go without.

On the general economy both candidates failed miserably and I don't think either of them understand or comprehend how bad it is or what to do to fix things.

On education, McCain said they should spend money to find out what causes Autism. Now as a mom of an autistic child, you'd think I'd be jumping up and down but honestly, I would like to see No Child Left Behind fixed so that schools are left holding the bill for things they can't afford to provide and more money spent on special education. Finding out what causes Autism is like finding out what causes cancer or multiple sclerosis, or MD and I think it should be left to the private sector, spend the government funds on ways to educate these children so the government can really say that no child is left behind. Obama brought up NCLB, but I don't think he was strong enough.

Enviromental issues Obama did well but I would have liked to have seen him spell it out even simpler. We consume 20 million barrels of oil a day, more than half of which are imported from other countries, primarily Saudi Arabia. There is enough oil in the US, including areas of North Dakota, off shore, and Alaska (if we had access to it today) to sustain us for roughly 10 years at our currant rate of consumption. Then what? That said I do have to take McCain at his word that he would invest in other forms in energy.

A final point about Joe Plumber

Here is the complete context of the Plumber verses Obama, so you can decide for yourself. I had to weed through literally 50 different youtube posts to find one that didn't show the "Fox News commentary." Or Joe's opinion of Obama's Socialist view and if he believed that he had the opportunity to say it to his face instead of claiming it in his 15 minutes of fame to Neil Cavuto on Fox News. Unfortunately thanks to McCain, his 15 minute will probably last longer.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why is it Wednesday

He Gets it from his Father

It's why is it Wednesday and I have a huge one to tell that happened a little less than a week ago. Last Thursday, little Fredo was waiting in line to go out to recess, and the teacher warned the students none could leave until all in line were quiet. Well that Thursday the kids decided they wanted to be noisy and noisy they were. Fredo has a tendency driven by Autism to say whatever pops into his head at any given time, whether he has thought about it or not. This isn't always a bad thing because it can lead to a spontaneous show of affection, like when he blurts out that he loves me. But that being said it can also be used for evil.

While in line, focused solely on the experience of recess; they were just nearly outside the door, and growing ever impatient waiting for his classmates to quiet down, he blurted, well, screamed (possibly bellowed) the unthinkable, "Shut up you Fucking Idiots!!!!"

The Principal called that afternoon, and my first instinct was to laugh, because I can honestly say having been on that playground every kid has heard the F-Bomb being dropped before--and they didn't have to hear it from my kid. My mind raced back in time listening to a much younger Piss-boy going on about how "all the class has to do is be quiet in line and they'd get to play but could they....ooooh NOOOOOO." I'm confident that very sequence of words his younger sibling uttered at school last week, ran through his mind a thousand times. However, young Piss-boy's edit was firmly in place and he wouldn't have dared or maybe risked getting into that kind of trouble and besmirch his "permanent record."

The Principal gave Fredo five options, and he chose to apologize to the class on his own, which for him is a huge thing and I was actually proud of him for that. However it did shed light on the issue that his echolasia wasn't limited to Spongbob cartoons but also included all the frequently heard words we used. Not good because if swearing or cussing were an Olympic event, we'd be gold medalists.

I decided there and then to implement a swear jar, and charged a dollar an infraction. I emptied the laundry tip jar, and cashed in those coins, changed the label, and started charging.

Since then, I've put nothing into the jar but Rainbird hasn't been so lucky, he's put well over 20 bucks so far and even offered to get a note from a doctor to explain his apparent Turrets Syndrome. I explained that would be fine as long as he goes to HIS doctor and not just get a note from any doctor he works with. Fredo understands that since he places no real value on money, he must perform chores, which has only happened twice. Myself, I find myself surprised that I haven't contributed, and believe there are enough people here to remind me if I slipped. My self edit, has always been fairly decent when at places with children and normally restricted to my home, and the pages of this blog. I can only hope that Rainbird does learn to edit himself and this issue for Fredo will go away.

I can only hope but still it begs to ask, why is it that our children pick up on the very habits we often don't want them to. Sometimes these habits are small things but sometimes it's much bigger, like our bad words, our cynical attitudes toward our fellow man or even our good habits blown wildly out of proportion. What is it about "do what I say and not as I do." that makes it so hard to follow?

Since I'm on a Blogging Roll of Sorts

I've been posting fairly regularly lately, which is weird for me but I'm willing to continue as long as I have things to blog about. It's kind of like therapy or something, but anyway I was debating if I should even bother with this post and then I read this post by Abby and realized I needed to write about this. If no other reason to remind myself I'm not alone in this.

Now I just need to tear a page from Judy's blog, and start getting serious about losing weight.

Welcome Back

In honor of Bumble's return...

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Of Chickens and Eggs

Are Diamonds Really a Girl's Best Friend?

Or is a girls best friend the person that gives the diamonds? Diamonds are nice, especially when they arrive with a promise....awwwwwwww. My friend Bumble popped the question to his matchdotcom girl, and she said yes. Here's a snap of the ring he emailed me with.

Oh Bumble you done good.

Normally I'm ever the cynic when it comes to engagements but not this time. I'm thrilled for them both and hope they have a wonderful, long healthy life together. And Bumble...Welcome back to the wonderful world of blogging!

You can Take the Girl Out of California

I've said it before but it bears repeating, I'm a city girl living in the sticks. And I'm not going to suggest that California didn't have it's share of rural areas, because it did. I just didn't live there. I lived and grew up close to San Francisco. I'm probably one of the few people that could relate to the movie Colma the Musical on a personal level. I did however have the benefit of growing up in an Italian neighborhood, and they raised chickens, rabbits and other small creatures the law at the time allowed. All which were painstakingly, but lovingly prepared in the stove located in garage, because no self respecting Italian woman would risk dirtying the oven in the kitchen. People might see that! The kitchen was for show, like the living room, except it wasn't hermetrically sealed in plastic.

Now I was a kid then, and paid little attention because my parents bought their chicken, eggs and other items from the grocery store. As I got older the laws changed and the chickens, rabbits and other small creatures disappeared from the neighborhood. However I digress.

Yesterday, I went to our local market to pick up a few things. The usual, milk, eggs, rice....things on sale. I came home to find our local "egg lady" standing in my driveway. She proclaimed the hens were laying and she had too many. "Damn" I muttered under my breath, and quickly explained that I already bought eggs. Undetterred she started pulling my bags out of the back of the van and carried them to the front door as though running a sprint. Silently I cursed myself since now I'd have to invite her in, as I made my way to the door.

Naturally she followed me into the house, sitting the bags ontop of the kitchen table, then she started pulling things out, putting them away. My head then was ready to explode because I HATE that with a passion. I know, she was just being helpful, but it just grated on my nerves. Then she took out a dish from the cabinet (after opening and closing several) and started putting the eggs I just bought inside it and left it on the counter.

All the while she never stopped chatting about how they were getting a new goat, and about the chickens, most of which I tuned out. I reached for the eggs and put them into the fridge (they wouldn't fit on any shelves but I figured I'd deal with that later when I heard her ask in an incredulous tone, "whatever are you doing that for?" "Ummm," I stammered, "I always put eggs in the refrigerator."

For craps sake woman, my mother put her eggs in the refrigerator, as did her mother before her, before that the freaking fridge hadn't been invented yet!

"Why?" she asked in the same tone, "they don't come out of the chicken's butt cold." I changed the subject and having put all the groceries away, she asked about the eggs but I politely refused. She left, saying she'd try the people down the street. After she departed and I breathed a sigh of relief I briefly pondered the subject of eggs and chickens. Not about which came first but about other perplexing notions. Like do eggs really come out of a chickens butt? Or do they pop out somewhere else, I know nothing about chicken anatomy for all I know they could come out their mouths, but if Foghorn Leghorn cartoons are right, they sit on the eggs. I would assume they come out that way. But like women, isn't there another hole? Thanks to Google, I now know in fact there is only one exit area on a chicken. I'll probably never think of chickens the same way again.

The second question that came to mind, which is much more important, must they be refrigerated? That's a little more difficult to answer half the websites say yes, the other half say no, there's lots of anecdotal evidence saying they don't but I'm not so sure that applies to eggs you buy at the store.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Happiest Place On Earth

Dateline: Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest

The boy formally known as Piss-boy needed shoes for school. I promised him a few weeks ago that we would go and get shoes but it wasn't high on his priority list so he didn't mention it again. On Friday, I knew the man formally known as Rainbird, said to me that he had Friday off and was taking his parents to a Indian Gaming place they love to visit. I glanced at my calendar and ascertained that the children were also off from school.

I made the decision while he was out with his folks, we'd do a little something to help the economy.

When the Going Gets Tough; The Tough Goes to Tarjay

We walked through the doors of our Newly remodeled Tarjay a feeling of warmth surrounded me, truly Target, is Disneyland for moms, except with better prices and shorter lines. We made our way to the shoe area in the back of the store, and started looking for tennis type shoes for Piss-boy. I turned around and saw a whole row of snow boots, for kids going to adults...and every possible size in between. I immediately set out finding snow boots for the child formally known as Fredo and it only took me a few minutes to find a pair that fit him.

Then I thought to myself, I need snow boots too, so I started looking over the women's selections and there they were.

Everything Old is New Again

On the shelf, beside the faux fur lined snow shoes was a gray snow boot with a pink lining that caught my eye. My mind drifted back to a time when my hair was bigger and my rear was smaller. It reminded me of high school and my best friend's 16th birthday when we both decided to wear pink mini skirts with pink and gray tops. Naturally pink with gray mocs completed the ensemble We looked so cute. I recall her cousin was upset because my friend didn't tell her about our clothing choices and felt left out.

Not at all deterred the whimsical thoughts of the past, I tried them on, they felt warm and toasty but a little bit big, but I decided that I could just steal a pair of Rainbird's extra thick socks to add further cushion. I snapped them up.

Yes the years have changed me, my hair isn't big anymore and my rear has grown considerably, but some things just never change.

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I really do enjoy the Autumn season, there is something about cool temps and crisp air, the colors and stores setting up their Christmas displays? Well, yeah, I went to our local home improvement center (read: Mega-chain) to look for a duster with a telescoping pole for my mother in law. There by the door where the fall and Halloween stuffs were formally located, was about 3 aisles of Christmas stuff. Those HUGE inflatable things that you put in front of your house, the super-sized sleighs with a waving Santa.

I did walk up and down the aisles looking at the various wares, when I saw a HUGE Frosty the Snowman...I'm a sucker for Frosty. It must be a "real" Frosty, not just any old snowman with a silk hat, scarf and button eyes. What's funny is that you know a real Frosty when you see him, because, well duh, he looks like Frosty.

Countdown to the Holidays

Some people do Spring cleaning, but I prefer Autumn cleaning. Over the next several weeks I'll start decluttering the house of all the junk we've accumulated since Spring. The goal is to make cleaning easier when the holiday's are in full force and I have no time for it. I will admit some rooms will be easier than others, but I'm sure it will be worth the effort. As long as everyone doens't start cluttering them back up again.

I've also started our Christmas shopping, though this year will be lighter, each kiddo getting a few things they really want rather than a hundred things they don't.


To my Bumble Buddy who just this past weekend got engaged to his matchdotcom girl!! Congrats to you both.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sound of Silence

Free Falling

It's scary out there, the Dow has dropped a couple thousand points in the last few days, the Government just gave AIG even more money despite reports they took their executives to a spa. I guess they needed massages after all that work they did screwing up the company. I'm sorry, they said that company was too big to fail? They couldn't let it happen, yet they let Lehman Brothers down without a second glance. What the hell is Paulson doing anyway, the government approved the "bail out" but as of yesterday he has yet to spend any of it.

I don't care how bad things get, I will NOT shop at Wallmart.

Now that I got that off my chest, I can go back, remember that boring post a few weeks ago about the subprime mortgages. Well, during the debate on Tuesday, McCain said something that interested me, he mentioned that the government should buy people's mortgages, and sell them back to homeowner at what their house is currently worth. Sounds like a plan doesn't it? The question is, is it a good plan, and let me say, some will benefit from this but I'm afraid that it just won't work for most.

Remember that senerio involving the person making 60K qualifying for a loan amount of around 450K to buy a drastically overpriced house? Okay let's revisit it, and lets say for the sake of argument, he recieves a call from McCain, since McCain considers everyone his friend McCain tells him, "My friend, I'll buy your house, and sell it back to you at it's currant value." Houses in his area are now selling for around 350K, naturally he has no money to put down, so he'd be financing the whole amount, which puts his payment around 2100 a month. Just his payment, even if they waive the PMI, and insurance...and remember he makes $4600 a month before taxes. Based on that information he might make it if he foregoes doing anything else. This person will be existing to pay their mortgage which will still be over half of his take home salary.

So what would it take to make this work? That's even more scary.

To make this work, an appraiser would need to appraise his house and all the houses in the neighborhood at far less and how is that fair to everyone else that played by the rules and bought a house they could afford. To work for this individual the appraised amount would have to come in at around $275K...that's down from the orginal price of 480K or a $205K drop in value! Let's not forget he owes a bank far more than that because he's paid only the interest for several years.

Is it fair that my property values should drop because some asshole felt entited to buy a house he couldn't afford in the first place and now can't afford?

Short answer no. Long answer is...longer. Four years ago, we paid a good price for our house, actually an excellent price, just as the market here started going up. Today houses in our neighborhood are worth roughly $200K more and that's in a slow market. In order for some of these people to stay in their homes their values would have to be reduced to a price less than what we paid for our house, effectively wiping out my equity. Now we're lucky that we haven't taken out a home equity loan. But what if we had? Our kitchen and bathrooms do need some attention, so say we had taken out a home equity loan for 50K, since we're handy we did the work ourselves.

Under the adjusted amounts so that asshole could keep his home, we would then owe more than our house is worth, which does figure into your FICO score and our credit would take a serious hit for that. Our interest rates would go up, we'd pay more for insurance, and we couldn't qualify for another loan if we needed it.

Wall Street Blues

Let's face it, i'ts a mess out there but have we hit bottom; I'm thinking we're close but not yet. One would think it's a great time to buy, but the problem is there isn't enough buyers and that drives stock prices down further. Coupled with the S&P downgrading companies left and right, which I think just further complicates the healing process. I mean would invest in a company that's just been downgraded? Probably not, and if a company you invested were downgraded you'd think of selling. It's a natural response. Today the market went down to below 8000 but now is back up to around 8500. It hasn't closed yet so we don't know what will happen. Overnight the Japanese stock market tanked, as did the Ausrailian.

Banking Woes

Banks around the world are in trouble, lets face it, Americans are to blame for it, we can't lend money to other banks overseas, in return they won't lend to us, or anyone else, out of fear. This leads to a shutdown of the global banking markets. Our government's idea is to privatize banks, taking their cues from Europe, now some think this is unheard of but it's happened before in the 1930's during the great depression.

What about Gas Prices?

Oil is like anything else, people will pay only what they will pay. Its true with anything, you're not going to pay six dollars for one piece of fruit, if you can get the same peice of fruit somewhere else for six cents. It's not about bargains, it's about common sense. Housing is another example, someone attaches personal memories to the price of their house, under the idea they will 'not give it away,' and the problem is the same, the house will not be sold.

Compettive pricing is essential, oil prices have dropped because the oil buying counties like this one are going through hard times. Things aren't that rosie in India and China, the two other huge oil consumers, as well as Canada, Europe, South America, Japan, Austrailia are all having financial problems. Once the markets and banks start improving in these countries, oil prices will again go up. Stockpiling oil isn't the answer because right now few companies can get the credit to do it.

It's all about banking.

A friend has said to me that if the United States Sneezes the world gets a cold. Well the US has a bronchitis and the world has gotten pnuemonia.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Politics Free Thursday

Smells like Autumn Reign

Not exactly that kind of chili, but something happened yesterday, something fitting, yet strange that left me a little happy. I got up in the morning and house was cold, not it's normal cold, but very cold. If I notice it's cold, well it's cold, because I'm normally always warm. So I go downstairs and look at the thermostat and see the reading, I blinked several times and read it again, not trusting what I saw. Then I unceremoniously flipped the button from "off" to "heat" and heard the sound of the furnace firing up for the first time since mid May. I poured myself my first cup of coffee, and went to the computer, and there it was in my email box. An email from Accuweather, who informed me for the next several days our temperatures would be dropping overnight possibly into the 30's. They recommended that I move my "delicate" plants indoors.

I don't mind the idea of having the furnace on in October, and actually I'm a little comforted since I'm not a fan of hot weather. Now that said, I don't like idea of moving my delicate plants (meaning plants in pots), indoors. In fact this year I've decided to clear some out, all together, and replant the pots in the spring. I will do my best to keep my rosemary alive, but the dusty miller can go, it's looking crappy anyway. What I really hate is finding a place for them, because the only place I have room for plants is the garage. Especially with the outdoor variety, which who knows what kinds of creepy crawly things have made their home in the soil.

So, this morning after taking the dog for a walk, putting the little guy on the bus, and drinking my second cup of coffee, I dumped the dusty miller, and sad looking thyme into the garbage. I moved the two rosemary plants inside the house, breaking my own rule, and moved the other also sad looking thyme and equally sad looking Italian parsley into the kitchen.

I left the basil outside since it's on it's last leg, and the peppers the birds seem to be so very fond of. Who knew Stellar Jays absolutely love cayenne pepper and jalapeno. Each time one would start to grow, a Jay would come along and eat it.

So, I guess the heater will just have to stay on now, or at least I won't be turning it off and on anymore manually. This morning I had to turn it on again when my little son came down for breakfast
but on the upside, at least the smell has diminished. I'm sure everyone knows what I mean, it's that annoying, you-haven't-used-your-furnace-for-a-season-smell.

Side Bar

I've added an anonymous polling feature to my blog, which if popular will be updated weekly. Please take the time to vote, and just to mess with my head, you can pick more than one answer.

About Today's Title

I've decided that Thursday will be a politic free day, because I'm tired of all things politics, unless something HUGE happens that must be talked about Thursday will remain about everything else. Like the idea that the child formerly known as Fredo is doing much better in school but the other child formerly known as Piss-Boy is a typical teen complete with eye rolling and sighing at every little thing.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Why is it Wednesday

Hey Yaaaa ABBY!

Congrats to my blog buddy AbbyNormal and her beautiful hot and gassy new addition (waaaaay hotter than me)! Who knew something that blows hot air could be that wonderful? Even more so since it's not a politician.

Are Firefighters Always Good Looking?

Why is it that I'm walking through the grocery store, pushing my cart, paying attention to my list, when I look up and see the most gorgeous man standing in front of me. He was tall, at least 6 foot, dark hair with the most dazzling dancing sky blue eyes, I have ever seen. Muscular, dressed in blue, I was awestruck. So struck, I couldn't help myself but to stare at him, until I pushed my cart into a display sending everything flying.

My mind screamed, what do I do....what do I do! Do I run away and leave the mess, or clumsily pick up the stuff I knocked over. Thankfully a store employee came to my rescue and started picking up the stuff for me, saving me the further embarrassment, and allowing me a quick exit. I avoided further collisions, well until I was in the check out line, and spied him in the next aisle over, bending over. Oh My God. Okay, I said that out loud twice, the first after seeing him, the second, when I bumped my cart into the woman in front of me. She gave a look that could have killed, but then her eyes followed my gaze just as he was righting himself. Her eyebrow raised and she started fanning herself with her check book.

He looked at us and smiled; he's probably used to it, and for that moment I doubt either of us felt frumpy. It must be a rule that all firefighters must be good looking, because it doesn't matter where I go, where I live, or where I visit, it seems they always are.

When I got home, I looked around pondering if I could somehow set my house on fire, just to see him again. I decided that probably wasn't a good idea.

Are School Meetings Always Stressful?

In a word probably, even if it's only been three weeks since the last one, I find myself preoccupied with what has gone wrong, or if another shoe will drop. I have to keep reminding myself that it's still early in the year.

Debating the Debates

Why can't we just watch the debates then move on? Or rather why must we have endless debate about who won, who lost, and why. Both sides baring their ideas, showing soundbites that bolster their argument and for what purpose? There is nothing else for them to say. Sure they could continue to give talking points about why you don't need to pull your money out of the bank, or why it's going to take so long for the economy to recover. They could talk about the Iraq war, or ponder where Bin Laden is. But they don't want to cover any real news, they just want to know which candidate might have answered the question about "what they don't know" the best.

Finally Why Is It...

I feel a migraine coming two days before it actually hits? It's really annoying but thankfully they don't come that often. My head is still aching and probably will until tomorrow.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Smoke 'Em if You Got 'Em

The Politics of Being Political

I've made a decision regarding the election. I've decided the candidate that will earn my vote is the person that doesn't engage in personal attacks or the least. I don't care what they think of each other, I don't care who was an acquaintance, minister, lobbyist or who had whom fired from their job when their sister was going through a divorce. I honestly don't care, and please don't tell me what's wrong with the other guy, tell me what you will do for me. That's what I care about, tell me about what your plan is for the fixing the economy, not that the other guy has NO plan.

It just makes you look desperate and on the future President of these United States, it's not a good look.

Laws of Physics or Something Like That

Isn't there something about inertia, or body that's moving will keep moving until it hits something, I don't know something like that. Anyway, things around here lately have been rather difficult, I don't know if it's the weather, impending constant rain or what, but husband and I have been testy with each other. Though yesterday I did get a lot accomplished, I was later slapped on the nose by older son for writing paper towels on the shopping list.

Now, I'll admit, I'm a paper towel junkie and I'm on step three to deal with it, but I just can't go cold turkey. I understand about the landfill thing, and paper towels doused with chemicals, and I know I could easily use a roll a day if given the chance. So, I'm torn between being a good and understanding mom that leads her children by example, and being the paper towel glutton that I am.

I do have to admit he's right, even at the big box place where I buy my beloved paper towels, they're not cheap and currently running over 20 bucks. Now this is for a huge amount but, as my son willingly points out, I would run through them in a couple of weeks. So, I promised him to try not to. It's been over a month and still have a few rolls left. I seriously think my patience will run out before the towels do.

Now instead of just being able to toss a paper towel into the trash, I have to remember to lug a towel upstairs to the laundry room, lest someone come along and try to dry their hands using a goopy towel. Oh the horror.


Do I like Halloween, my younger son asked me yesterday. My husband and older son lifted their eyes briefly to me, hearing the young one ask. I know I have to be careful about how I answer the question, especially around this house surrounded by two Halloween nuts. I replied, yes, I liked it. Satisfied with the response he returned his attention to his carrots, which is probably why he asked, so he could avoid eating them.

Older son decided to further probe by asking, what do you like best about Halloween mom. I wanted to smack him, but instead, I thought quick and answered, 'seeing my boys so very happy.' Truth of the matter is I hate Halloween, I don't mind the handing out candy part, or the trick or treating, or the costumes. What I hate is the fact that my husband and son are willing to tear out a wall to exhume the big ladder from the lower depths of the basement, while they were both unwilling to do so when the gutters needed cleaning.

Both are so eager to climb up 20 feet to hang a corpse from the ceiling in the outside entryway and are carefully plotting out the strobe light placement. Why? Because it's fun. These are the same people that bah humbug their way through the Christmas season when I'm trying to decorate the house, and not to mention put up the Christmas tree by myself. Oh sure, they both love getting gifts but neither wants to put in any effort whatsoever. Those presents don't wrap themselves.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 06, 2008

Kids Today

Out of the Mouths of Teens

My son today asked me a strange question that gave me pause. What if there is a tie in this election what happens then. I gave him the answer but also commented that I wasn't sure that could happen because not every state has the same number of votes. It would be difficult to achieve a perfect tie. That said there are 538 total votes, so technically 269 could be awarded to each candidate and 270 are needed to win. It's actually not that impossible.

Now this did kinda scare me, because according to our constitution, the President would be decided by the House, but only one person per state could vote. Can you imagine the arguing about that? So, first they need to decide who gets to make the vote, then they'd get to argue about how he or she would vote. Vice President is decided by the senate. Equally weird since we could effectively end up with a Democrat President and Republican Vice President. Or vice-versa, I guess. Of course back in the day this all was written the president was the person with the most votes and vice president was decided by the person who came in second.

Now for the really weird part all this must be done by the inauguration day in January. If they haven't decided by then, the currant VP becomes President until all this is straightened out. And I was hoping that they'd get to wrestle for it.

Weekend or Weekbeginning?

It happens every week, Friday comes around and before you know it, the weekend is over, and that's with having nothing special to do because it didn't stop raining. Well, we did have come 'periods' without rain but they were only long enough to run out maybe go to the store to replenish supplies of Maui Luau Barbecue Potato Chips. It's an addiction. Husband spent Saturday drinking beer and making beer with a few friends, while the kids and I went out to lunch. By the time lunch was over it was raining so hard we decided to forgo our walk and head home. I wish I could be like Abby and ride a bike (with a tricked out bell) everywhere but with this weather...ugh. It certainly would make me feel better about that bacon cheeseburger I ate for lunch.

And She Was

It seems in high school there are always the girls make other girls feel uncomfortable and my high school was no exception. Patty was a nice girl with a pleasant smile but an attitude that could cut you down without realizing it until later. She was thin, with legs that started at her armpits and the longest blonde hair I'd ever seen.

I remember the first time I'd seen her after high school, I ran into her at a local eatery about two years or so after graduation. I was dressed exceptionally wearing designer clothes that would have made the Sex in the City character Carrie Bradshaw proud. The next few times I bumped into her were more of the same, then I hadn't seen her or thought about her much, until around a year ago in our local Rite Aid.

I had no makeup on, wearing sweatpants-hadn't had my hair colored in months, fat, with my arms filled with stuff when I saw her coming toward me. She exclaimed, "Oh, Ranter, my you look..." followed by a pause that lasted a little too long, "...well, I almost didn't recognize you." Ouch, I thought, as I looked her over, thinking she still looks the same. I noted her shoes were Prada, while mine were keds.

She explained that she was living in this state now with her husband and 2.3 children.

Since that time over the course of the past couple years I've ran into her one other time, with the same result, until this time. Now, today I was at my bank and I was having a good hair day, wearing jeans, makeup, and a nice unstained shirt; on my feet high heels, not expensive but good enough. There she was in line just ahead of me. I saw her turn her head around, then she snapped it quickly forward and I thought she was ignoring me, when she turned around a moment later to face me. I smiled and said, "hi Patty." She smiled faintly and returned the hello, when I saw it..a roll of fat around her belly area. It was then I noticed how wrinkled her eyes were, and the cottage cheese around her thighs--her legs not looking nearly as long. I said nothing else and stopped paying attention to her when they opened another window, and she went to do her business. Before I could further examine her appearance it was my turn.

I left the bank before her, I could hear her saying something about looking for her account number, and I felt somewhat vindicated. It was the first time in years I felt a rush a self worth, instead of the traditional self loathing.

It felt good.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 03, 2008

How Odd

I know I said

I wasn't going to watch the VP debates but I did see some of it. I do think Palin did okay but were there teleprompters used? She seemed to be looking down a lot, like she was reading a script. Biden did too but it wasn't nearly as obvious.

My only other complaint about Palin, and this was just based on 40 minutes or so I watched, was that she didn't seem to answer some questions. The moderator would ask her a question, then she would start talking about something else like gas prices.

I didn't see or note that Biden did this, though it's possible since I didn't watch the whole thing. I would have liked to have seen Joe Biden chip away at Palin's constant use of the word "Maverack" because while I know McCain isn't the most loved guy in the senate, he does vote with Bush most of the time. So he doesn't like earmarks, but it doesn't stop him for votiing for someone elses earmarks.

This Must Be a Record

At least for me since I rarely post everyday and I'm not sure what's gotten into me, but I'll go with it. Yesterday while I waited for husband to his lazy butt out of bed (okay, truth time, he's not that lazy, he gets home from work at midnight and goes to bed around 2 AM) so I could begin dusting and vacuuming, I decided to troll some other blogs. These blogs were just random, hitting the next blog button, and reading.

It's kind of a crap shoot doing that, since so many blogs are just spam, but some other blogs were just sad. One blog, the writer was upset with her father for having an affair and divorcing her mother. A different blog had about the same written but in reverse which made me ponder if the two were somehow cosmically related. I'm sure stranger things have happened.

Ahhh Choooo!

Another odd thing about today is that my younger son is home from school because he wasn't feeling well this morning. He said his throat was hurting and his head hurt, just like older son a few days earlier. Oh well it's not a bad weekend for being sick, its supposed to rain most of the weekend, we have nothing planned except my husband brewing beer with friend of his.

I have a few things to do around the house, since an outsider (homebrewing friend of hubby's) will be visiting and I don't want him to think that we're all just slobs. Even though, clearly we are. Maybe this will be a good weekend to do some work in my older son's bedroom, and get those shelves put together. Who knows what we'll do as I said a few days ago, excitement just can't be planned. Maybe I'll walk on the wild side and take out the carpet shampooer.

For Your Viewing Pleasure

I rememeber a friend of the family, who served his country in Viet Nam, hearing this song for the first time and he cried. I came across it today and thought I'd share it; the owner of this piece doesn't allow for embedded URL's so you can find it here.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved