Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Today, I am Dull

Tell Me Something We Don't Know

We all know the economy is in the toilet and while we wait to see if Congress has the courage or not to flush it, I decided to change gears. I'm not going to watch the VP debate on Friday, because I don't care about them. I know it sounds weird coming from me, and while I do care who is elected president, I just can't bring myself to care who the VP is. I know today they do more than just waiting for the president to die or be killed but I still just don't care.

Why Am I So Dull

I guess it's because I'm not doing anything exciting, well, unless you count blogging to be exciting. I got up early, as usual, got little son off to school or rather on the bus that takes him to school. Grabbed the car keys and before anyone else was up ran to the store to pick up a few things. Very few since I"m trying to watch my pennies, just bought things that were needed to keep the house running until my husband gets paid again. Nothing exciting happened there unless you count the register guy I know begging me to jump ahead in line so he could buy cookies for his break. They time the breaks you know--at least that was his excuse.

My older son got up, and informed me that he was feeling better (he had a sore throat yesterday) downed a muffin and cup a tea then bolted outside to pick up dog poop in the backyard. See? Even he is dull. Meanwhile husband shows himself downstairs, complaining about things that for once have nothing to do with me, so I let him prattle while I sipped coffee. After he's finished with his complaints, I went upstairs to clean the master bath and make the bed, while he prepared to leave the house on an outing with a friend. Older son leaves for school, with his normal..."Bye Mom, love you, see ya later."

It took me a full 20 minutes to realize I'm alone..well almost. The dog is still here but he doesn't count really so I contemplate flipping on my iPod and decided against it. Weird for me, since that is normally the first thing I'd do, but today I felt like I needed the silence. I finished cleaning the bathroom, threw in some towels to be washed, and cleaned the other bath upstairs. Then I came downstairs to clean that bath but the computer called me.

Really, it made a noise. Boooooop! I guess it meant I had mail or something, I did check but it wasn't anything great. I pondered briefly the notion of having the computer make a noise only when I have mail from someone good. Of course that kinda led me here.

My Big Fat Nothing Day

That's exactly what today is, a big fat nothing day. I'm making a shrimp scampi like thing with pasta tonight for dinner. Sound exciting? No, not really to me either. I still have that final bathroom to clean, but now I'm all about avoiding it. My mojo isn't in the mood and I'm thinking of taking the dog for a walk instead. I do have tonight to look forward to since it's MMN (mom's movie night) this week my selection is In the Heat of the Night starring the amazing Sidney Poiter and Rod Steiger.

Maybe I'll try to plan some excitement for tomorrow. Can excitement be planned like a birthday party or does it just have to happen on it's own?

I'll let you know.

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1 comment:

Judy said...

There are days I would love to have some dull moments.

No such luck.

Enjoy your "dull" day!