Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Twilight Zone

The Bradley Effect

The past few days I've been hearing much about the Bradley effect in relation to the election next month. It refers to Tom Bradley who was mayor of Los Angeles, during his bid for being Governor of California, was (this is a little before I became politically aware) ahead in the polls over the republican candidate George Deukmajian, however, Deukmajian won the election. It was believed at the time that race was the issue, people would say they would vote for Bradley during the polls, but secretly knew they had no intention of doing so.

As I recall Deukmagian wasn't a horrible Governor, so I can't really make a statement either way. However with the currant media buzz surrounding this issue, it seems the media is implying that if Obama loses the election it will be not because the majority of Americans believe his plans for our future aren't better, but instead because we are all really racists. I find it all rather disturbing. And it seems that will do nothing but create more tension in this country if McCain wins the election. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

What About the Colin Powell Effect?

While Republicans are downplaying this by mentioning all the people that are endorsing McCain, I think it's quite a pin from the Pope for Obama. I do see some undecided people that are against Dubya, might be swayed on this issue. That said I don't think its going to be a huge help either. Maybe as much as Palin appearing on SNL.

What About Socialism?

I guess the catch-phrase of this election is the redistribution of wealth statements made by Obama and everyone is hanging on to this. I'm sorry but ALL taxes are redistribution of wealth. PERIOD. That said, what is rather socialist about Obama is the health care issue but is the media mentioning this? NO. I hear these so called conservative nitwits on the radio and they keep missing the point they're so focused on few percentage point tax increase on people making more than 250K that they are neglecting the real issues. Of couse these are the same people that continually used Obama's middle name. So what can you expect? His health care plan is going to cost us MILLIONS of dollars and I just don't see how he will be able to pay for it.

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1 comment:

Abby said...

I live in a battleground state and the smothering of all things election gets worse every day. I'm tired of "what do women want?" or "what do minorities want?" etc. That has nothing to do with it. They'll keep bringing it up though.