Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Why is it Wednesday

Hey Yaaaa ABBY!

Congrats to my blog buddy AbbyNormal and her beautiful hot and gassy new addition (waaaaay hotter than me)! Who knew something that blows hot air could be that wonderful? Even more so since it's not a politician.

Are Firefighters Always Good Looking?

Why is it that I'm walking through the grocery store, pushing my cart, paying attention to my list, when I look up and see the most gorgeous man standing in front of me. He was tall, at least 6 foot, dark hair with the most dazzling dancing sky blue eyes, I have ever seen. Muscular, dressed in blue, I was awestruck. So struck, I couldn't help myself but to stare at him, until I pushed my cart into a display sending everything flying.

My mind screamed, what do I do....what do I do! Do I run away and leave the mess, or clumsily pick up the stuff I knocked over. Thankfully a store employee came to my rescue and started picking up the stuff for me, saving me the further embarrassment, and allowing me a quick exit. I avoided further collisions, well until I was in the check out line, and spied him in the next aisle over, bending over. Oh My God. Okay, I said that out loud twice, the first after seeing him, the second, when I bumped my cart into the woman in front of me. She gave a look that could have killed, but then her eyes followed my gaze just as he was righting himself. Her eyebrow raised and she started fanning herself with her check book.

He looked at us and smiled; he's probably used to it, and for that moment I doubt either of us felt frumpy. It must be a rule that all firefighters must be good looking, because it doesn't matter where I go, where I live, or where I visit, it seems they always are.

When I got home, I looked around pondering if I could somehow set my house on fire, just to see him again. I decided that probably wasn't a good idea.

Are School Meetings Always Stressful?

In a word probably, even if it's only been three weeks since the last one, I find myself preoccupied with what has gone wrong, or if another shoe will drop. I have to keep reminding myself that it's still early in the year.

Debating the Debates

Why can't we just watch the debates then move on? Or rather why must we have endless debate about who won, who lost, and why. Both sides baring their ideas, showing soundbites that bolster their argument and for what purpose? There is nothing else for them to say. Sure they could continue to give talking points about why you don't need to pull your money out of the bank, or why it's going to take so long for the economy to recover. They could talk about the Iraq war, or ponder where Bin Laden is. But they don't want to cover any real news, they just want to know which candidate might have answered the question about "what they don't know" the best.

Finally Why Is It...

I feel a migraine coming two days before it actually hits? It's really annoying but thankfully they don't come that often. My head is still aching and probably will until tomorrow.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Abby said...

YAY for new furnaces! Maybe mine was installed improperly and a firefighter will make a visit to MY house!

Judy said...

LOVE firefighters...yeah, they're all good-looking. And, getting to see them in uniform (and getting out of uniform) is one of the perks to teaching preschool - it is fire safety month!