Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Man Gathers What Another...

Monday Blues

The day started off not so bad, go up, got Fredo ready for school, saw the bus leave. Really the whole day was fairly uneventful and I was looking forward to a nice quiet evening after the kids went to bed. Piss-boy announced that he needed to use our computer, which was fine, so he set to work typing away hours later went to print. I had told him to wait until I got there; I was busy cooking dinner at that moment. Suddenly I heard him say it wouldn't print.


I knew it was going to happen and of course it was going happen when he needed to print something for school. I had found the black ink, but our printer is stupid, and believes even if you choose black and white, it still needs to use color (which it was totally devoid of). Did I mention our printer is old? So old they no longer make it...so old they no longer sell the ink for it.

I knew my MIL had a printer she had gotten when she purchased her laptop some three years ago, which she never used (the printer; the laptop she uses everyday). Naturally she was out with her neighbor, shopping at Kohls no less, so I called her cell phone. She said she was going to be on her way home soon, and said, since I have a key, I was more than welcome to go over, and get the printer. I figured since my father-in-law is as deaf as a doornail, I could just slip in and out before she even got home and maybe help myself to a soda.

I got to her house to discover my key for her door didn't work but I continued trying different keys, none of which worked. I went back to the car, and called Piss-boy to remind him NOT to let his father's Brussels sprouts burn. As I hung up, her friend drove up and I explained my key didn't work, so she of course had to check to make sure her key still worked...don't ask. Then Father-in-law's key. Both of those worked. She gave me his key. I went into the empty closet (I'm not kidding the only thing in this closet was the vacuum, and the printer box) and got the box. Sprinted to the car, and drove home.

Thankfully dinner was ready before I left the house (except for those Brussels sprouts that Piss-boy didn't let burn), so opened the box and set to work hooking it up. Now normally the hooking up of anything, like the putting together of stuff, is husband's domain, but I couldn't wait for him. I followed the instructions and it worked.

Yay me....Meanwhile husband came home for dinner, bellowing about where this was or that...give me this...bring me that, but since I was busy, I didn't have to deal with that. After I printed the assignment for Piss-boy, husband again mentioned that he was still looking for a piece of paper he acquired from last year. I'm good. Very good. I found it. Stuck in a file he told me to put it in, I don't know why because he has his own place to put that crap in, but for some reason decided NOT to. He's lucky I thought to look the file labeled HUSBAND'S CRAP. Normally that's where I stick all the receipts for the planter box err ah Hot Tub.

Soon he returned to work to finish his shift, grateful probably on many levels, one being that he doesn't have to dea with hooking up the printer when he got home from work and the other being that I found that paper. No one in this house is grateful for my chicken. That would be too much to ask.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Judy said...

GOOD FOR YOU! With my husband's new work schedule, we don't see him until bathtime most nights. So, you KNOW where all those "little jobs" are ending up - ON ME!

I'll call you when I need to hook up a printer. I always manage to suck at that.

Abby said...

Geez, R&W. We had a similar incident last night as our printer cartridge was on fumes to begin with. Wolfgang went to print a page and didn't get much. I told him to put it on the flash drive and print it out when he got to school. The end.

Oh... but I did find the long lost library book.