Monday, October 06, 2008

Kids Today

Out of the Mouths of Teens

My son today asked me a strange question that gave me pause. What if there is a tie in this election what happens then. I gave him the answer but also commented that I wasn't sure that could happen because not every state has the same number of votes. It would be difficult to achieve a perfect tie. That said there are 538 total votes, so technically 269 could be awarded to each candidate and 270 are needed to win. It's actually not that impossible.

Now this did kinda scare me, because according to our constitution, the President would be decided by the House, but only one person per state could vote. Can you imagine the arguing about that? So, first they need to decide who gets to make the vote, then they'd get to argue about how he or she would vote. Vice President is decided by the senate. Equally weird since we could effectively end up with a Democrat President and Republican Vice President. Or vice-versa, I guess. Of course back in the day this all was written the president was the person with the most votes and vice president was decided by the person who came in second.

Now for the really weird part all this must be done by the inauguration day in January. If they haven't decided by then, the currant VP becomes President until all this is straightened out. And I was hoping that they'd get to wrestle for it.

Weekend or Weekbeginning?

It happens every week, Friday comes around and before you know it, the weekend is over, and that's with having nothing special to do because it didn't stop raining. Well, we did have come 'periods' without rain but they were only long enough to run out maybe go to the store to replenish supplies of Maui Luau Barbecue Potato Chips. It's an addiction. Husband spent Saturday drinking beer and making beer with a few friends, while the kids and I went out to lunch. By the time lunch was over it was raining so hard we decided to forgo our walk and head home. I wish I could be like Abby and ride a bike (with a tricked out bell) everywhere but with this weather...ugh. It certainly would make me feel better about that bacon cheeseburger I ate for lunch.

And She Was

It seems in high school there are always the girls make other girls feel uncomfortable and my high school was no exception. Patty was a nice girl with a pleasant smile but an attitude that could cut you down without realizing it until later. She was thin, with legs that started at her armpits and the longest blonde hair I'd ever seen.

I remember the first time I'd seen her after high school, I ran into her at a local eatery about two years or so after graduation. I was dressed exceptionally wearing designer clothes that would have made the Sex in the City character Carrie Bradshaw proud. The next few times I bumped into her were more of the same, then I hadn't seen her or thought about her much, until around a year ago in our local Rite Aid.

I had no makeup on, wearing sweatpants-hadn't had my hair colored in months, fat, with my arms filled with stuff when I saw her coming toward me. She exclaimed, "Oh, Ranter, my you look..." followed by a pause that lasted a little too long, "...well, I almost didn't recognize you." Ouch, I thought, as I looked her over, thinking she still looks the same. I noted her shoes were Prada, while mine were keds.

She explained that she was living in this state now with her husband and 2.3 children.

Since that time over the course of the past couple years I've ran into her one other time, with the same result, until this time. Now, today I was at my bank and I was having a good hair day, wearing jeans, makeup, and a nice unstained shirt; on my feet high heels, not expensive but good enough. There she was in line just ahead of me. I saw her turn her head around, then she snapped it quickly forward and I thought she was ignoring me, when she turned around a moment later to face me. I smiled and said, "hi Patty." She smiled faintly and returned the hello, when I saw it..a roll of fat around her belly area. It was then I noticed how wrinkled her eyes were, and the cottage cheese around her thighs--her legs not looking nearly as long. I said nothing else and stopped paying attention to her when they opened another window, and she went to do her business. Before I could further examine her appearance it was my turn.

I left the bank before her, I could hear her saying something about looking for her account number, and I felt somewhat vindicated. It was the first time in years I felt a rush a self worth, instead of the traditional self loathing.

It felt good.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
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1 comment:

Abby said...

Oh gawd no. Not a tie. Remember the pregnant chads of 2000??

I kinda hope I don't run into the pretty girls from high school. At least the ones I wasn't friends with. So far, so good.