Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Feeling Lazy

Kind of Sort of, in a Way

I don't know if it's the darkness in the morning, or if it's just feeling of fall, but I'm feeling lazy today. I know I'm tired of the election. I know I'm tired of paying bills..which reminds me...

As I was saying, I tired of just about everything. So maybe I'll try like Abby to think of things to be thankful for. Maybe I'll call this Thankful Thursday. Wait! It's not Thursday, it's Wednesday. Damn! It's Why is it Wednesday but I don't even have a why is it to complain about.

I'm sure there is something, like the fact I'm leaving lights on all over the house because its so dark when I get up, therefore probably not saving any money. Remember when our lovely congress decided to save us money by extending day light savings time by a few weeks. So now we change our clocks in November rather than October and change them again in early spring. Yeah, that was a brilliant plan, causing more problems for companies, computers and everything else run by a computer (which is just about everything) and we saw little to no savings from it.

I really hope that whoever is elected our next president stems congress from trying to help us out too much.

GM is looking for a bailout and why not, we're giving millions to banks to help them out because they wrote underwrote mortgages to people that couldn't pay for them. So, GM wants to merge with Chrysler, and wants a hand out to do it. It needs to be said, or written, that the same company that has controlling interest in Chrysler also owns controlling interest in GMAC, Cererus Capital Management LP.

Ironically GMAC is also asking for money, after making the announcement they will only finance car loans to people that have a 700 or higher on their Credit Scores. While I'm sure congress is concerned about the "little people" that might lose their jobs if these companies fail, but it also needs to be said that Cererus would benefit greatly from this bailout. It's like they're holding people's jobs hostage and effectively saying, pay 10B dollars or we'll be forced to fire them all.

So now the government is in the lending business with Freddie and Fannie, the banking business with that 700 Billion dollar bailout, and now they'll be in the automotive business.

And McCain is calling Obama a socialist because he used the term spreading the wealth. With or without Obama, this country is well on its way to becoming just that. Really the media shouldn't be so concerned with this minutia (what, who paid for a candidates clothing, who is supporting who, and who is likely going to win), and people need to remember that just because someone campaigns for something doesn't mean instantly when they get into office it's going to happen.

It's not. There will likely be no tax cuts, and if anything who ever is president will likely have to raise taxes ON EVERYONE to pay for this. Of course the ultra wealthy will hire the best tax attorneys who will advise them how not to pay their taxes, so the brunt will fall on the working class and it will be business as usual in Washington. It's appearant since the past 8 years congress has spent, spent, and spent ourselves further into debt, and remember 6 of those years congress was controlled by the republicans, so we can't blame just the spendocrats on this. They're all to blame, and they're all corrupt.

The FDIC seized WAMU and promptly sold it to JP Morgan Chase for 1.9 Billion dollars, despite the fact WAMU had 300 Billion dollars in assets. Now JP Morgan is getting money from the 700 billion dollar bailout. It just doesn't sit well with me now, at the time I understood why WAMU had to be sold, even if it was for a rock bottom price. AIG took their executives on spa vacation at the expense of the tax payer...What will be next? Ya know, I could use a bail out too.

Honestly, if we're going to be socialists I would rather we be the kind that provides health care for all the people, rather than the kind that controls the banking, lending and auto industries.

It's a slippery slope and we're sliding.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Judy said...

I was reading your post to my husband (lifelong Republican, but he's seeing the light, lol) and all he could do was nod and say "yep, uh-huh, yep..."

Anonymous said...

I ahve to say I agree with you. Absolute power?

Abby said...

yep, uh-huh, yep...

Get ready for staggering inflation.