Monday, December 22, 2008

another picture

This is a shot of the steps going up the side of my house. I know, you'll have to believe me when I say there are really steps there....Big steep steps.


Christmas is Canceled!

I'm Done

It's over with. Not happening until maybe this weekend. Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Frosty After the Holiday Party

Yes the kids tried to make a snowman, but when it fell over, they adapted.
Our frosty just had too much to drink and needed a nap in the driveway!
© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Somewhere that's Green

A Green Christmas?

I'm not talking about ecology, or global warming; I'm also not talking about green as in money, I'm just talking about the color green. I've spent a week seeing nothing but white. Frankly it's a boring color. White hills, white trees, a monochrome blanket of white across my lawn, driveway and house. I feel like I'm stuck in a photo before color.

When I was a child in San Francisco, I would watch TV like most kids and during the holiday season I would see the endless shows displaying snowy landscapes and wonder about it. What was it like, I would ponder, to get a sled for Christmas instead of a bike? Or did those kids get bikes and sleds? It seemed silly to me to ride a bike in the snow, so I assumed they could get a bike but not get to ride it until springtime. I got to ride my bike right away. Of course they got to ride their sleds so things evened out.

After many eggnog's with extra nog my Grandmother would play the piano, and start to badly sing White Christmas. I clearly remember being around 4 and thinking that snow must be really special because everyone was always singing about it. Dreaming of a White Christmas, asking to "please have snow...; Hear the snow crunch...; Walking in a Winter Wonderland...; (I could go on), so, I reasoned, snow is obviously important to having Christmas. My Christmases began feeling incomplete, as though I was being cheated out of such an intricate part of the holiday.

Only the Rudolph song gave me hope, because it specifically mentioned fog. Now fog was something I knew about. I understood fog. I had seen fog cover my house most days and nights in a blanket so damp it would make the power lines crackle. I was comforted by fog. I also understood it could be dangerous, many a day I couldn't see the house across the street from me, and headlights would just cause light to bounce around. That was the tricky thing about driving in fog, you were better off not using headlights, because they would limit your ability to see. However without them, you were greatly diminishing the ability of others on the road from seeing you.

I also understood Rudolph's nose wouldn't be much use to Santa, but whatever; the song was about fog. I know some believe that it was about Rudolph, but without the foggy Christmas Eve, Rudolph with his bright nose would have been sporting a uzi waiting for the other reindeer that picked on him and wouldn't him play their reindeer games to return. A bloodbath would have occurred with Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen's guts sprayed all over the north pole, thereby cancelling Christmas forever. The fog saved Christmas not Rudolph.

But I digress, after a week of seeing nothing but white I'm ready to see green again. I miss it and find now you can keep your snowy landscapes, I'm dreaming of a green Christmas, just like the ones I used to know.

The kids are currently enjoying an extra long winter break, having been off the week before they were officially supposed to be off. I did get most things done but not everything, the rest can wait, I am no longer going to obsess over getting the holiday cards out. If they don't get them until after the holiday, oh well. At least they got one. Between our storms you'll find me cooking and going to the grocery store.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Mixed Bag

This and That

It appears the body of Caylee Anthony was found yesterday, I mean what are the chances that it's not? I guess it's possible but I doubt it. I've been thinking a lot about the grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony and how badly I want to smack them. On Wednesday night they appeared on Larry King professing their daughters innocence, what about their granddaughters innocence that was taken much too early? People say they're in denial but that's just an excuse. Cindy Anthony has made excuse after excuse for her psychopathic daughter from day one and I'm tired of it.

She reminds of Scott Peterson's parents saying Scott was framed. By who? Well who knows maybe the satin worshippers that took Lacy also took's as good as a defense as anything. I don't understand a parent that is that so completely blind to the facts that show their child did the unthinkable? I can say if it were my child and I heard all that evidence I wouldn't be saying a word. I'd be mourning, wondering where the fuck I went wrong. I sure as hell wouldn't be telling the press they were wrong. I think in all this there is a much bigger question, if it is the body of Caylee, what will Nancy Grace have to talk about now? Maybe she'll rehash the whole Auruba thing again for a ratings boost.


At least for now the senate has voted down the Auto Bailout. I'm mixed about this revelation, as I wrote in a previous blog, I hate seeing any company fail and people lose their jobs, but the idea that something is too big to fail is just wrong. We cannot continue to hand out blank checks. Maybe it's time for the auto industry to merge, get the union under control. The truth of the matter is we are capitalists, part of capitalism is that business must evolve to stay competitive. If they don't stay competitive they fail. We can adapt the notion that some companies are too big to fail but honestly is our fault they continued making a product no one wanted to buy? It doesn't matter if it's microwave ovens or cars, if you can't sell it, you shouldn't be making more.

Will a Tree Fall on My House if I Clean it?

Today we're supposed to get our first blast of winter, in the form of wind and rain. Beyond our back yard stands around 20 or more 100 foot plus cedar trees. I worry about them falling on my house so I have this thing I do...I clean my house from top to bottom before the storm hits. I don't know why I do this, but I do. Oh and by the way there is only 13 more days until Christmas.

I was taken aback when I realized it. There is so much still to do and not a lot of time to get it all done, for example I need to pick up a few more things for my mother-in-law, one more thing for father-in-law, write and send christmas cards, mail the pictures to my grandmother in California, and I really should take a few more to send to her.

My card list has been cut waaaaay down to a scant few family members and close friends we actually see or hear from during the year. Everyone else I'm basically cutting out. The only time I hear from these people is when the holidays roll around and while it's nice, I also don't really care. It's not like they say anything, they just sign their name. Some don't even do that, they send out one of those letters that explain why they were too busy all year to pick up a phone and call or send an email or whatever. Everyone must get at least one of those; it's the one with the small picture in the upper corner or as part of header with them all standing in front of a Christmas tree or snowman, wearing matching clothes, holding some sort of prop like a cup of hot cocoa. I know I sound jaded and cynical but I don't care anymore. Just like the people that never bother to send out cards (I'm not talking about people that are older and can't), they've been cut from our list too. So, my list that used to be around 70 long is now dwindled to around 15. That's quite a change.

I guess I'm also a bit homesick.

For Your Viewing Pleasure:

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chasing Santa

For the past five Christmases we've lived here each year around the same time, we'd hear the sirens, and someone talking on a loudspeaker wishing everyone in the area a Merry Christmas. When I say sirens I mean lots of sirens as if a 5 alarm fire were burning out of control. I'd hear them but never see them around so I didn't think much about it until the following year and with the same result. One year I recall it was raining so I guess we missed it completely. Another year, I had seen a sign while walking the dog but didn't put it together until...

This year; I saw the sign saying that Santa would be conducting an Operation Santa fundraiser, which is in effect a Fire Fighter parade (I later learned that on our local fire department's website), where they cover the big engines in lights and travel different neighborhoods with sirens blaring and Santa seated on top of one of the engines. It didn't give a time but I knew it happened in the evening. As I stood outside, talking to Piss-boy about the holidays I heard the sirens, and thought DAMN!

I flew into the house yelled for Fredo to get his jacket on, being 8PM the kiddo was already in his jammies, but he complied, putting on his heavy winter coat, and shoes. The boys were in the van while the dog barked out warnings, and I relented yelling for Dumbass to run to the van. He did...if something exciting was happening or if the whole neighborhood was burning to the ground, he wasn't hanging around, he was going with his pack.

I had no idea what they took for donations but I figured cash always works and thankfully this year I had 20 bucks in my wallet.

We drove down the street and saw the firefighters leaving our area, and moving on to the next, which I had no clue where exactly it was, I saw them turn down a street but being behind them...well there wasn't enough room. I whipped around, and turned down a different street, yes I made a couple illegal u-turns, and I'm grateful the cops were busy elsewhere, so I drove down a different street and saw them coming toward me.

I flagged down the lead engine, and they said they'd be thrilled to take the cash (they really need every type of donation they can get especially this year). He said to hold my hand out the window and they'd come by. Fredo was in the back seat ooohing and ahhhing at the massive size of the engines while Dumbass stood beside him poised to attack in case the big vehicles stormed us. As they continued to drive by, the kids waving, and them waving back to us, one vehicle pulled close, it was the HUGE engine covered in lights and carrying Santa, I reached my hand out the window and handed the money to the driver, he held on to my hand for a minute and thanked me for the donation. It felt personal. It felt good.

Finally it feels like Christmas.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 01, 2008


To Bumble for the Winning the Name that Tune Challenge!

You can copy this image and display it proudly on your blog! LOL

Yes, indeed folks Bumble answered the musical question correctly Norwegian Wood was the first song that featured George Harrison playing the sitar on the Beatles Album Rubber Soul. 1965. Isn't it good?

Name That Tune

Question is the first Beatle song that featured George Harrison playing the sitar (not the regular guitar).

Hint: In the 60's Ravi Shankar is credited with teaching George Harrison how to play the sitar, which he later used on several Beatles albums and songs, but I'm looking for it's first appearance.

Bonus points if you can tell me what album it was on and the year. Partial points if you can just guess the album.

And I am working on making an award.