Thursday, July 27, 2006

Didn't I Already Kill That Fly?

So, I'm in the family room and see a huge fly buzzing loudly by the window, I kill it. Then I go into the kitchen (like 25 feet from the first fly) and there is a huge fly buzzing, and it looks just about the same as last one. So, without any remorse or deep thought, I kill it.

I fill my cup and return to family room and to the computer. There's a huge fly buzzing around the window. Somewhere is there a line of flies waiting to enter my house with some head fly saying, "No...Not yet...okay......GO!"

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Andrea Yates Is Insane and the Jury Agrees...Finally

Andrea Yates Is Not Guilty by reason of insanity. Well no shit!

Is it wrong to be so angry with a few people I've heard today saying the Verdict in the Andrea Yates case was wrong? My West Virginia friend Tracey covered a lot of this in her blog, and I'm going to comment on the rest of the story. I still haven't a clue why the hell the prosecution didn't bring any charges against her then husband Rusty Yates for his obvious involvement in his children's death. It also demonstrates how incredibly closed minded the Texas Prosecutor's office is, I mean lets face, they have tunnel vision. They chose to focus on only half the story and that was their decision; yet the prosecutor is disappointed at the verdict.

Her husband, who didn't even have the courage to stay married to her (so much for that Better Or Worse part in the vows) and has since remarried, encouraged his INSANE wife to stop taking her meds and continue having babies. What the Fuck? Was nothing going to interfere with his god-given right to procreate? Rainbird even admitted, had things in our lives been different, and I was like that, insane, he would have gotten himself snipped long before child number 5 came along. He's the one that in my opinion deserved some jail time in this matter not Andrea.

Further when you add to the fact that she's been taken off her meds (Haldol) a number of times since then and had psychotic episodes following each removal, should be a strong indication that she needs the meds. It should also serve a strong indication that she shouldn’t be left alone to care for herself.

The verdict was innocent by reason of insanity, which means yes she did the deed, but even though she called police and told them, she truly believed at the time she was saving their lives. It sounds twisted, but to her it made perfect sense and that’s why I was angry when she was found guilty at the first trial. I’m so glad the prosecution was a bunch of idiots when they allowed the testimony of Dr. Park Dietz, who presented false testimony when he said Yates might have been influenced by an episode of the "Law & Order" television program. There was no such episode, unfortunately the judge wouldn’t allow the defense to go back and challenge it, which is was caused the “Reversible Error.” And that’s why the case was retried.
I only wish it had been done right at the beginning with the prosecution cutting a deal that would have allowed Ms Yates to remain psychiatric care, instead of going to trial and jail.

Sounds a little like Texas might be coming into the new Millennium after all.

Now for those that compared to what Andrea Yates did to Susan Smith, lets have a refresher course…

  • Susan Smith told the police initially that her car was carjacked by a black man while she was driving with the boys in the back seat. She drove around she said agonizing and even tried to take her own life but chickened out, sending her children instead into the water.
  • She appeared numerous times on TV pleading for their safe return all the while knowing and comprehending they were at the bottom of the lake.
  • She later confessed fully and admitted that she lied to the lead investigator who had “befriended” her.
  • During her trial it was discovered that she murdered Michael and Alex because she was in love with a man that didn't want children in his life (of course we all know that was an excuse he didn’t want her).

I hope now most can see the differences more clearly now.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Thanks Anita

Testing again. Thanks Anita for doing the siggy. It's a perfect fit for me

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

He Said It Better...

Than I ever could. Dan wrote the following on his blog and I quote (er ah copied)...

And in a completely unrelated story, it seems that those fuckwit terrorists over at Hezbollah are paying big $ to Lebanese people to let them store missiles in their domiciles. Yep. When Israel attacks, the peacenik idiots cry out over civillian casualties and America loses. And the protests go on, and Iran wins, and Syria wins, and America gets pushed into a corner where fuckwit John Kerry (why did I every think you were a better alternative than the talking chimp when at least he walks the talk he makes in everything save North Korea) can say that if he was in charge that this wouldn't have happened. Yeah - we'd already be choking on nerve gas or dealing with nukes in the country. Thanks to all those who made up for my idiocy (I can admit it when it happens - however rarely that is). At least with Bush, cowboy diplomacy is an option instead of bore them to death with incessant talk. So Bush, if you're reading... please, listen to all the people who want you to help end Hezbollah. Shotgun the first 4 seasons of 24 (on DVD for your convenience) and do what has to be done. What would President Palmer do?
Won't bother with the Copyright stuff because I only wrote like 2 lines. But more to come after I get over my depression and screaming to the gods about why is it whenever I take a vehicle in, it ends up costing me a thousand dollars??????????

Oh what the hell...

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter

All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 24, 2006

Can I say, God-Damn Well I declare…

Some time has passed since my last official post, so let's play catch-up in Ranterland, the kids have been out of school over a month now and are officially getting on my nerves in ways no one could imagine. I know part of it is because I’ve quit smoking…but that’s only part of story. We did manage to go a quick vacation, not as long as we had planned it, but what can you do? My vehicle is acting up and I need to bring it in, I’m hoping its not going to be too expensive but I fear with everything today it will be.

That's the way the money goes it seems, you spend money on something and you get slammed later with a bill for something else, it’s frustrating and depressing at the same time.

I Read The News Today Oh Boy

Ever feel like the whole world is coming apart at the seams? That's the way I've been feeling for sometime now, and while I'd love to have something pithy to say about how to fix the most recent situation involving Israel—I’ve got nothing.

How do you like that? The Whimsical Ranter has drawn a complete blank.

I do have a few chosen words for the asshole shooting at trucks in Indiana, I hope they find you, shove shotgun into your ass and fire it. I guess I agree with Dubya, we have to get tougher on terrorists. Homegrown or Al Qaeda they need to be dealt with in a serious way. Not as a deterrent, because we all there is no way to deter idiots from being as such, but simply because we’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

More coming soon and I actually mean soon.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved