Monday, April 14, 2008

I know...

It's only been a week since I was admitted to the hospital, but still I really hoped I would be feeling more myself by now. Yet, I'm not. I'm exhausted and tired of coughing at night. I have one more day of antibiotics to take. They're supposed to continue working for 7 days after I stop them. I hope they do, because if not, I'll have to go back earlier.

If all goes well I'll just have to see the doctor at the end of the month.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Damn, Will I Ever Learn?

I'm not convinced (entirely)

I've been sick with pneumonia and yes, hospitalized. I'm back home. Thank goodness. I'll be back to post about this latest installment of Ranter's Karmic retributions. Just give me a couple more days.
