Friday, November 07, 2008

I Must Be Missing Something

Flashbacks of the Great Potato-Potatoe Debate

Yesterday I settled down to watch TV, I saw a blurb about McCain's people saying that Sarah Palin, who I am no real fan of to begin with, was more than just a little problematic. Aside from refusing to sit down with staff before the Katie Couric, she also had no idea that Africa is continent, if South Africa is it's own country or a state in the United States of Africa. She went way over budget on her wardrobe (I giggled at that one--it sucks to be a woman) She yelled and screamed, throwing stuff at staffers, had no idea about NAFTA or what countries were involved. NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGGREMENT, might have provided a clue but I guess not.

Like I said, I'm not a fan of her, but damn. Since so much fuss was made about Obama and the people that he aligned himself with, tenuous or real, what the hell was the McCain campaign thinking by picking her? Didn't she go through a vetting process, or was taking her at her word that she could see Russia enough? Or was she there to be a typical woman and keep her mouth shut, look pretty and smile for the cameras? Suddenly I like Sarah Palin a little bit more--these attacks on her are not only unfair but incredibly stupid of the McCain camp to put them out. It doesn't make them appear too swift in the brain department or were they pandering to people that already said they didn't care for her like me? Either way I'm not buying it. Yes a 150K on clothes to the average person does sound outragous, but you can't wear the same thing all the time. Men can get away with wearing black or a navy blue suit, they change the tie and it's a totally different outfit, if a woman does that she's a slob. You must have more than one outfit. Plus outfits for different times of the month, when she felt fat. Not to mention if you appear in one area, then go to another in the same day....come's like going to multiple parties during the holiday season, you can't keep wearing the same thing. Of course on the other hand, the money spent on her wardrobe might have been put to better use in the McCain camp, like paying for more people to get his message out. Or to put Joe the Plummer on his payrole.

My God I'm Defending Her!

Just like when people would get on Dubya's case for things he had no control over, or no part in, I would find myself defending him. There's enough that he did wrong without having to invent things. The same is true for Palin, who obviously made some errors notably the Katie Couric interview and if she didn't prepare for that, it was a huge mistake. Now, I have lunatic right wing people sending me emails about impeaching Obama because he's not a real US citizen, their claim being he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii and his birth certificate was forged. It just makes my head hurt. He's not even president yet. Yes, his mother commited this fraud way back in the 1960's just on the off chance he would one day become president and just for fun, lets all agree it was because aliens (the kind from outer space), told her so. I like that story better's got that whole Wesley Crusher wonder boy thing going on.

Make it so, Number One.

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1 comment:

Abby said...

I was never a fan of Sarah Palin either. Oh sure, I wouldn't mind hanging out with her at our kids' hockey games and stuff, but VP? It does seem that the McCainers made a quick rush to "get a hot girl" on the ticket.