Friday, April 14, 2006

A little More From Welfare Debate

I feel myself slipping to the dark side, and I’m sorry but I’m tired of same people defending the same welfare shit again and again, with stupid arguments. I still believe whole-heartedly that you can’t plan for everything life might throw at you, but some of the people [on that board] defend those that can’t or won’t plan at all.

One thread involves someone calling CPS because the family doesn’t own a sofa…what the fuck is that about????

Another thread talks about housing being more affordable, which is true but…they fail to mention that too many people are being encouraged to think of their homes as bank accounts. Again this preys on the penny wise-pound foolish crowd, like my grandmother, that refinanced her 20K original mortgage into a 250K loan, of course this happened over a period of 20 years or more but it was still stupid. Too many people defend stupidity and I’m tired of it. I actually feel more stupid after reading through some of the threads and it’s time to stop.

People are so fucking stupid on the issue of illegal immigration, it makes me want to vomit.

Does it sound to anyone that this person knows what the hell she is talking about?

Here is the link

I'm sorry but there is NO Fucking way I can defend anyone that has to sneak into this country. Don't give me that bullshit that they pay taxes or are keeping SS afloat because I don't fucking believe it--since most are getting paid under the table and those companies that aren't, need to be prosecuted for breaking the law. Most are doing jobs that some wouldn't want to do but after getting a bid for cleaning up our front and back yard to the tune of $700--I have no sympathy. I highly doubt there are any undocumented (shit I hate that term) immigrants employed as CEO's making a million a year.

They [illegal immigrants] threatened to stop buying for a day...go ahead. That might hurt some local economies but the nation as a whole will certainly survive (WalMart and Dollar stores might take a small hit in some areas). I'm tired of public interest groups and those who say they aren't like Bank of America taking the illegal side. Kinda like Germany defending Saddam of course he owed them money and the country stood to lose money. Just like BofA stands to lose money if all the illegal immigrants are tossed out on their collective asses in their wire transfer dollars. A final point I'm sick of both sides pandering to this law-breaking group it does make me ill. You want to defend law breakers, go ahead but make the argument intelligent. Don't simply regurgitate what you might have heard your favorite pundit say on TV, heard on Radio, or read in some candyass newspaper.

Furthermore, from the same thread, if someone is stupid enough to use payday loans as their own personal check cashing service then I’m sorry they deserve to pay 500% interest.

Then of course, there are the people that bitch that people make bad choices in life, while they cry and whine on other boards that, get this, their personal lives are a wreck because their fiancé refuses to work. Yet they take a hard line on the Welfare Board about people sponging off the government. I guess having someone sponge off her is okay though. I love hypocrisy. Like she wrote on the Welfare Debate Board several times there is no excuse for anyone to be unemployed but I suppose, that doesn’t apply to someone she’s personally involved with.

© 2006


Anita said...

Sing it, sistah!

Anonymous said...

immagration isn't hte prob. Closed boarders is.

The (real) Stepford Wives said...

If people can't understand the words they are using during a debate, they have no business debating. Did you read what that one person wrote about deporting? They don't seem to know what the word means.

Melanie said...

I think what anonymous meant to say was...

Immigration isn't the problem, closed borders are.

If I butchered the English language like that, I'd sign "anonymous" too.

Anonymous said...

i thik you need a lessen in being polight.

Whimsical Ranter said...


I don't know what to say...or how to respond to that.

Anonymous said...

You need a lessen to.

The (real) Stepford Wives said...

I think someone needs a "lesson" in grammar.

Anonymous said...

I think they are just warped, petty and I can't believe you read anything that they say. What do you expect from anyone on whinevillage.

Melanie said...

Spell check...please.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anita said...

See if this helps.

Melanie said...

Perhaps you should do some research on dyslexia before insulting everyone with the condition by your stupidity.

Whimsical Ranter said...

I don't know who you are that you don't have the ingenuity to give yourself a name. I'm whole-heartedly for free speech but when that speech crosses the line I do have the right to moderate your comments. For that reason I’m deleting your last comment.