Friday, April 14, 2006

A Couple Things

Sit Down or Stand

Can anyone explain to me when this ritual started of men having to pee standing up? Are men so important that they must stand to so their superiority or is so their dicks don’t get wet (as if) by pushing it between their own legs while sitting on the toilet. If someone would explain it to me, I’d appreciate it.

I Wonder

Tom Cruise has said that when what’s her name delivers his child, he’ll take the child and run down the hall and not stop until he shows the baby to his pet chimp…Oops wrong celebrity. He did say that she’ll have a quiet birth and if she needs drugs, she needs drugs. I wonder if that includes drugs for Post Partum Depression considering his views on that and I wonder if we’ll ever hear about it if she did.

© 2006


The (real) Stepford Wives said...

They stand because they can-like writing their names in the snow.
You hit the nail on the head. He's just as weird as MJ.

Whimsical Ranter said...
