Monday, May 01, 2006

It’s Monday…Already?!

Well the weekend was complete chaos, thanks for asking and I won’t bore with details, just know that the kids do no longer need to follow their father around anymore. At least for a while, he’s thoroughly burned them out by doing boring things. Yesterday, he took them to the golf course, and I swear even the angels wept for the children.

Meanwhile, I finally cleaned out my small file cabinet beside the computer, got rid and shredded all the crap and it’s amazing how much of that said crap there was. Then, I got one of those drawer organizers, but I ‘m not sure I like it because nothing else will fit into the drawer now (Rainbird said that’s the point). I seem to be on a spring-cleaning and purging kick, several times now the kids are asking if we’re moving. I keep trying to assure them that we’re not, but they remain suspicious, as does Rainbird.

This morning Piss-boy couldn’t find his jacket, then nearly left the house without his backpack; Fredo ironically enough, knows exactly where his things are since he places them in the same place each and everyday. I don’t know what is going with Piss-boy lately except that he’s got the summer shakes. You know how addicts get the shakes until they get a fix? Well, that’s how kids are when summer vacation nears.

I wish the weather would just make its mind if it’s going to be hot or freezing cold, tonight we’re expecting frost with lows in the mid thirties. I’ll have to be sure to drag all plants inside and I’m not looking forward to that, because I’m not taking a chance with my new herbs I painstakingly planted. I’ll also have to remember to turn on the heater a few mornings ago, I left it off and the temps in the house dropped to 61 degrees. Of course that was the same day the AC nearly came on and I was sweating in my bed at night.

Yeah, That Makes Sense

Mexico has called for boycott of American businesses like McDonalds and Wal-Mart to coincide with the ridiculous protests being carried out across the country. Now, I’m sure that Wal-Mart doesn’t bus American’s in to work there. I’m sure Mexicans do [work there] and, if the regular people can afford to take a day off without pay well that’s their business. They’re calling it a day without Gringos. Well, more power to them, because the Mexican government will have a shit load of trouble more than they currently have now if we did finally get smart about closing our border.

I can say after hearing everything, I’m not buying Tyson chicken anymore (also others). I’m really glad that I didn’t hire those landscapers to do our yard, since I haven’t seen a single truck driving around or parked in our local market’s parking lot (they always park there at lunch time). I also read that a local homebuilder stands to lose several thousands dollars because half his staff aren’t showing up for work. Yeah, illegal immigrants don’t take jobs away citizens; who wants to do things like CONSTRUCTION anyway? Don’t give me that shit that they are supposed to clean up or something…because that doesn’t wash either…half the staff? Some housewife on some news talk station was whining that housekeeper didn’t come to clean her house today. While I agree that she should fire them, when she said they take jobs away from white people…she crossed the line. They take jobs away from anyone that goes through the trouble to be here legally. I say it’s also time for us as Americans to go after companies that encourage illegal workers by not properly checking I9 requirements. I’m sorry but just because anyone waves a SS card don’t mean that it’s actually his or hers to wave. There are ways to check but employers need to actually do that; furthermore this don’t ask and don’t tell way of doing things doesn’t work for the military and it doesn’t work where illegal immigration is concerned either. DUH. These companies are doing business fraudulently and if we are a country of laws, then they should be held accountable.

Personally I feel that we should use this time to round [the illegal] all up and drive them out in huge busses, let the Mexican government deal with them, I’m sure they’d appreciate it. Then, and I see no problem with is, take all the people that are on Welfare give them those jobs. They work or they don’t collect. PERIOD. Save the assistance for the people/families on disability and even up their benefits. They shouldn’t have to struggle so, especially when they can’t work for a legitimate reason. With all the money saved on paying out welfare checks, we could further give each person in this country free daycare for all children and after extend after school programs to keep kids off the streets.

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