Monday, May 01, 2006

Evening news

Does the media actually have a clue? Do they understand the idea or concept that these so called immigrants snuck into this country and that's considered illegal? Does the media have any real understanding that illegal immigration is a financial concern for this country?

Do they even care?

There is a whitewashing of their headlines that read 1 Million Immigrants Skip Work.

The article goes on to say that it doesn't matter if they are illegal. Fine. I've decided to make unauthorized withdraws from banks. Do you think the bank will mind? I've decided to make unauthorized purchases at department stores. Do you think they will mind?

Okay, now we know where they were, why weren't they rounded up and bussed out of the country? What is their constitutional right to protest???????????????????? They have NONE because they aren't citizens thankyouverymuch.


Anonymous said...

I've actually heard this demonstration compared to the African American protests in the sixties. Hello you freaking idiots, they were AMERICAN CITIZENS and as such DESERVED equal rights. AARGH....I can't stand stupid, bleeding-heart idiots.

Whimsical Ranter said...

I couldn't agree more!!!!!!!

Someone on the Welfare Board tried that shit with me. I explained that since they were citizens it was like comparing apples to bananas.