Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Odds & Ends

Last night while in the kitchen when I thought no one was around, I farted (loudly) and turned around to see Fredo standing there. He ran out of the room and told Rainbird and Piss-boy about it; I’m never going to live this down. Okay, so what Mom does fart on occasion but I certainly don’t make it an Olympic sport like those nutty people that I live with do.

I’ve started leaving the toilet paper off the roll thingy because I figure what’s the point; no one else does it, why should I bother? When we have company though I will put on airs and put them on the thingy. Actually one roll is still on the “thingy” and everyone is using the extra rolls on the back of toilet, who says conditioning is bunk?

Has anyone else seen those Cingular commercials with the guy talking and then everything goes silent, personally I find it pretty annoying because I don’t often watch TV and I begin to think there’s something wrong with the TV. Did anyone watch that David Blaine special on ABC last night? I love the announcers or whatever you call them reminding repeatedly to everyone not to try this at home. I don’t know but most kids that wouldn’t know better are in bed but then again they could be talking about adults on drugs. Too bad he didn’t succeed though but with all the carefully televised hype regarding this.

Speaking of ABC

Have you seen the previews for that Bird Flu movie they are showing tonight? I’m sorry but I’m sick of this “ripped from the headlines” crap and I really hope no one really watches the movie just for that reason. Not only do I believe this bird flu crap is way overblown but this in many ways confirms it.

You can read for yourself what the CDC says about the movie here

Again From the Welfare Debate

The aforementioned Welfare Debate board is at it again, yes with the nastiness but also somehow trying to defend the idea that girls as young as 14 should be allowed to marry if they want to because, here’s the kicker…. it would keep her off welfare. The level of stupidity just amazes me at times. And for once, most that are against welfare in general are making the most sense. Some of them are trying to convince that children at 14 are able to make those kinds of decisions. One person said she wasn’t talking about Minors but Teens (and as far as I could follow she wasn’t talking about 18 year olds, whom are called ADULTS). What the hell? Teens are not minors? I don’t understand the whole teen marriage thing anyway, because legally teens cannot enter into a contract. Oh and you know what the legal term is for children under the age of 18? They are called Infants.

Blonde Joke of the Day

Did you hear about the two blondes that died at the drive-in?
They had gone to see Closed For the Winter.

Speaking of Drive-In Movies

Are there any left anywhere in this country? Does anyone remember them? I remember making a huge shopping bag of popcorn and going to the drive in with my parents as a kid, and later going there to hang out, see how many people we could sneak in the vehicle, smoke dope and drink beer. Well, how many times did you see Fast Times At Ridgemont High? Or what about Up in Smoke?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha You Farted!

I stopped putting the toilet paper on the roll years ago.

Those commercials annoy me too.

Yes, David Blaine is an idiot, I suspect the same of the people watching it.

Yes, Bird Flu movie is a bunch of tripe.

Welfare Debate didn't you know it's really a support group for people with narcissistic personality disorder? Nuff said.

Ha-ha Blonde Jokes.

Yes, I saw fast times at least 20 times at the drive in, well the movie was playing but I never saw the whole thing.