Monday, June 11, 2007

Weekend Wrap-up

Not with a Bang but a Whimper

No, I'm not talking about Paris Hilton going back to jail but instead the Soprano's series finale. I imagine everyone has heard about what a disappointment it is and I'd like to thank those people for spoiling it for the rest of us that refuse to pay for HBO. Now I have to wait months for it to come out on DVD to add my voice to the chorus, but by that time, no one will care. I'm also confused about the Soprano's season 6 DVD which says it's 6 Part 1, yet I'm watching interviews with the cast saying it's season 7. So will the next DVD set be Season Six Part 2 Or Season 7? If it says season 7, then what about season 6 Part 2. Maybe that cast just doesn't know which season they are working on since they had to keep so quiet on the bad ending.

Can You Believe They're Appealing?

No, not Paris Hilton, but the prosecutors in Atlanta, GA say they're going to appeal the decision handed down by a judge today letting a 19 year old free after serving only 2 years of a 10 year sentence for child Molestation. Before you start saying right on, the guy was 17, and the girl was 15. I'm sorry but when I was in high school I dated guys that were 17 and I engaged in sexual activity with them. As if this wasn't bad enough the guy wasn't screwing the girl but going down on her. Yes! They were engaged in oral sex.

Had he just screwed her, he would have been charged with a misdemeanor but instead he was charged with FELONY molestation because he was engaged in oral, and she was 15. Remember he's only 2 years older than her and never been in trouble a day in his life. Can you imagine having to register for the rest of your life as a sex offender for going down on your girlfriend? The law in Georgia was even changed because of this case so it can't happen to another kid and YET the prosecution wants to appeal the judge's decision? This pisses me off even more than the Paris Hilton crap.

Sister Paris?

Yes, about Paris Hilton, who was heard screaming Mom, Mom, Mom, when they judge ordered her back to jail, finally got a responsible driver in the back of a LA county Sheriff, who took her back to jail, while she sobbed. Now, she's had an epiphany and vows to be a better person, and that her time in jail has changed her life. Wonder if she got a refund on all the party supplies that will have to wait until her real release? Wonder if she'll become a nun? Sister Paris? I think if you look closely her booking photo, there could be a halo.

What amazes me is that she cries for her mom and whole media who before was ready to hang her by her well-manicured rich thumbs, did a 180 by saying how unfair the judge was? What? She claimed she didn't know her license was suspended, she at first tried to get out of appearing all together at her sentencing and then showed up late so yeah, and had a big blah attitude as if saying, "this is so not hot." Finally lets all understand that under California state law, she faced up to 90 days in the clink and already got off easy with 45.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


BUMBLE!!! said...

That story with the blowjob guy was on ESPN quite some time ago. Apparently, going down is sodomy in the prison colony that is GA (aahhh... the parts of history we all should know).

Thinking back to that period of time, as a 17 year old having a 15 year old girlfriend, everything could be nice and wonderful, but then if guy turns 18, all of a sudden it becomes a major sex crime (considering the difference in how the law treats a 16 year old vs. a 15 year old).

While we could talk about maturity at such and such an age, the question of when to sexually activate kids and what it could do in a really sick way for those that prey on them has to be considered.

All the same, looking at society's outlook on the oral sex taboo being chipped away at may lead some hardcore BS moralists to bring us back to talk of potential acceptance of hot man/dog action (thanks Rick Santorum) if the barriers keep crumbling.

All the same, one has to wonder if the main reason for the extreme charge might have been tied to an inter-racial relation between said guy. Yeah well.


Viva la Paris!!!

Anonymous said...

there are always going to be sickos. Kids when they are with other kids should be treated as kids.

I think Tony got whacked.

The (real) Stepford Wives said...

I'll be happy to talk to you about the Sopranos finale, after you've seen the whole season.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen ONE episode of the Sopranos. I'm an alto myself.

Yeah, we've all been 15... and 17. Not a crime.

Paris Hilton? Who's she?