Friday, September 07, 2007

Back To The Grind

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Yes, I decided to take a little time off. It's been over a month since I last posted in that time we went on several weekend excursions, plus a little camping trip. Camping in the forest below the ominous Mount Hood was interesting and very cold. Too cold for my tastes, and tent camping isn't the great fun it used to be. I guess I am getting old.

I got to sleep in, and not that piddly-hit-the-alarm 5 times but really not set it at all and sleep in. Most days I wasn't up before 9 AM! Most nights I was awake until after midnight, which is about the same as now but now I'm up at six. Strange, but I still recall vividly the days when getting up at 6, was sleeping in.

Did I Miss Anything?

Nicole Ritchie went to jail and served a few hours before being released, Lindsay Lohan was arrested and went into hiding—possibly into rehab, maybe a real one this time. Whoppie Goldberg joined The View and offered her opinion why Michael Vic was involved in dog fighting. Britney was cleared of being a bad parent and OJ's book, If I Did It, or How I Did It was scheduled then unscheduled for release. Denise Brown went on a rampage trying to stop the Goldman family from publishing the book after they won the rights to do so. Denise's reason was because she didn't want her niece and nephew hearing about this or becoming upset. I'm sorry but aren't they in college now? Haven't they heard all this already? I'm sure their father has done a good job of brainwashing them or they have forgiven him, which ever is the case I don't care. I wouldn't read the book, but I might check it out of the library.

Not to mention we had to relive the whole Death of the People's Princess and all things royal was new again. I especially enjoyed the commentary of the Mohammed Al Fayed former publicist talking about the conspiracy surrounding her death. Included of course were the obligatory comments about her so-called pregnancy, and imminent marriage to Dodi Fayed. None of which are true but are a lot of fun, I suppose to repeat and equally fun is the talk now legendary white car that was never found. I guess we must rehash something. I'm surprised Katie Couric wasn't sent there, or maybe she was. I don't watch CBS.

And this was on the heals of anniversary of Elvis' death which included numerous interviews with Pricilla talking about her early involvement with the King at the tender age of 14. People were really different then. As I watched her talk about it, I felt creepy. I never thought of Elvis as being a pedophile. Wonder if he'd be arrested today?

He's Baaaack

Bin Laden has released a videotape in these days just before the 6th anniversary of 9-11, which shows him sporting a new beard or at least a dyed one. I wonder if the black beard is a secret call to unleash hell or at the very least the hounds? I did enjoy the commentary about the beard and it's significance on all the cable news media shows. Maybe it's taped on and they couldn’t find a grey one? Maybe next he'll show the hemorrhoids on his ass and people can surmise if it's a call for solidarity?

Maybe they should concentrate more on his words, but of course the news media is on that one too. Asking every "expert" I've never heard of; what they think about what he said as though they have an opinion that I care about. It kind of makes me nauseous to think about Bin Laden, so I'll stop talking about it. But I still ponder sometimes that we should pull every soldier out of Iraq and put them into Afghanistan and vow not leave until every hole and the space beneath each rock is checked for him.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Judy said...

Good to see you back - welcome "home"!

Anonymous said...

Bin Laden's next one will be a music video entitled; These Camels were made for Walkin' - one of the his hit singles will debut on this upcoming video called, "Blew up Bayou" :-)

On on the Elvis and the 14 year old Priscilla, as I understand it, he didn't have *ahem* relations with her till she was 18. Assuming the truth was told, that is.

Anonymous said...

Wow, gone a month and you're all caught up. Impressive! Maybe you should take over for Katie.

BUMBLE!!! said...

I just posted on the Bin Laden thing... nothing is quite as scary as Bin Laden when you've been away from politics for the better part of a week and just enjoying life instead.