Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blogger's Block

As The Seasons Change

I think with every change of the season, I go through a period where I just can't seem to blog about anything. My life feels not really dull or sucky but unbelievably normal. Do you actually want to read about how my older son and I played the Wii all night one evening? Okay, we did, and I wrote it, but was interesting? Probably not. Husband took a trip without me to Vegas to visit a friend of his. He had fun, we actually had fun without him around, but it was a different kind of fun. It was more a stay at home fun, play games, and relax kind of fun. Husband is more of a lets go out and do something fun kind of guy, which is great but sometimes the kids (and me) would rather stay home and frankly do nothing. He'd rather eat nails than stay home. Thankfully there are a lot of Haunted House functions to keep him busy through the end of this month. Then we'll be into November, and making preps for Turkey day! I'll be shampooing carpets, I know, I know, boring stuff.

Is This What Happens To Blogs Before They Die?

My life lately is mired in the same old, same old and I'm starting to sound like a bored housewife, which there is nothing wrong with that but it’s not very interesting. I've seen this happen before and I'm not ready to give up on this blog.

Oh Crap Just Give the Dog Back Already

The Iggy saga continues, and the woman that owns that so-called shelter is just another freaking LA, LA land loony. Okay, yes Ellen Degeneres did make a mistake by adopting Iggy from the Mutts and Moms shelter and not reading the fine print on her contract. However this shelter has a policy of not placing dogs in homes with children under the age of 14. What the hell is that about? Aren't shelters in the business of finding good homes for dogs? Or is this woman using the shelter as a guise to satisfy her dog hoarding need? Now this isn't so far fetched as some might think. There has been several cases when these rescue shelters, have pushed out even SPCA out of communities, their rules are so strict that few actually qualify to adopt an animal. One shelter actually required copies of the person's W2's and asked for information regarding how much they spend on utilities and food under the guise of making certain the people adopting could afford the animal. Few qualified, and the shelter was later seen on Animal Cops being effectively raided. What kind of shelter has a policy that only homes with children 14 and older are suitable for dogs? Furthermore, the stylist's children are a 11 and 12…since when is that too young? If anything younger children benefit more from having a pet around than do older ones, so I have a hard time wrapping my head around that concept. I really don't understand it and feel it's rather unreasonable. What if someone without children, adopts a dog, then has a baby? Do they take that dog away?

I believe, this shelter owner, hoping to ride the current wave of celebrity backlash, and now has created quite a name for herself unfortunately I'm sure she'll discover that the kooks that agree that she was right will be lining up to adopt dogs from her, and I'm sure none will be psychopaths like her. Yeah right. Unfortunately this woman picked the wrong celebrity, Ellen is actually liked, though I find her a tad annoying.

In any event, while Ellen did violate the contract on I guess more than one level, I'm sure she didn't mean to do it otherwise she would have lied about not having the dog anymore. I really can't help as a dog owner and lover to feel bad for her since she truly felt she was doing the right thing. Regardless Ellen did spend roughly 3000 on training and having the dog neutered and even paid extra to have the dog stay the night with doctor, instead of having him stay alone at the hospital. This is not someone that recklessly disregarded the animal. This shelter owner, who was a former employee of Pasadena Humane Society also has thrusted her shelter in a very unfavorable light by taking this hard unbendable line and I hope the Pasadena Humane Society reevaluates their relationship with this so-called shelter.

I just looked and the Mutts and Moms webpage has been removed, but we'll see how long that lasts.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

Editors Note: Unfortunately blogger isn't cooperating and not allowing me to upload images or links...I'll try to come back and fix this later


Judy said... did I miss all of this? Hadn't heard the Ellen story, but then again, if it isn't on Disney, PBS or NPR, I probably don't ever hear it!

Melanie said...

I am so sick of that damned dog! It's a shame what happened, but come on. Ellen move on. The dog is happily now with another family.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone ever read the fine print? I know I should, but do I? It's a silly shame.