Friday, October 05, 2007

Life (such as it is) Sucks

In Transition

First thanks for all the well wishes both private and public...Now onto the blog: Okay, maybe I'm being a little harsh, life for me doesn't completely suck but lately it's been too normal, and by normal, I mean regular. Dare I say boring? I've gotten over the cold from hell and haven't started blogging again, why? Nothing new to say that hasn't already been said, but now and again I'll come up with a decent idea, thinking that I should blog about this, and then like the changing of the seasons the idea has left me.

It's a vicious cycle all this trying to decide what to blog about. Senator Craig has been discussed and most people, certainly gay men, know the man is guilty as sin. Britney Spears losing custody of her children doesn't really interest me because frankly I feel bad for her. I really do! Yes she's an idiot and yes you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you'll never take the trailer park out of the girl. The problem is this girl has talent, she's not an heiress, she's worked hard to get to where she is today financially speaking and she's out of control. On what planet does she exist that she feels it's okay to get a latte instead of showing up at your children's custody hearing? I think it's worse for her because she has two children and I'm not going to get into all the psychology about why she has them. Did she think having kids was something she was supposed to do? Perhaps. Is she going through ppd? Maybe. Has she encapsulated herself around people that refuse to be honest with her? Duh. She needs help for the sake of her children, and the people that do seem to really care about her. Hell yeah, is a parenting coach the answer? Probably not. Parenting and life coaches are California's answer to high cost of therapy. Is there any question bigger? Well PETA is worried about her taking care of her dogs and wants Kfed to get them.

I feel another River Phoenix is coming and whether it will be Britney, Lindsay, or someone else, still remains to be seen but it will happen and maybe people will wise up, but I doubt it.

So What Did I Do While I Was Sick?

I watched a lot of TV and allowed my brain to become somewhat stagnant for a week. Was I thrilled with anything? Pushing Daisies looks somewhat promising but Caveman, which was ripped from TV commercials, I doubt will last. While I'm on the subject, how many versions of Law and Order, and CSI do we really need? What about all these stupid games shows like Deal or No Deal and all the other rip offs. Kid Nation? UGH, what a piece of crap that show is—I watched about 5 minutes of it and flipped it to Food Network. I wonder what kind of parents sign a release that says if their children are killed or catch a sexually transmitted disease they won't hold the studio responsible.

I watched a lot of stupid movies on AMC, most of which are so forgettable I can't even recall the titles.

Looking Forward

I also watched a good deal of the news, including all the pre-election coverage, which ironically is making not want to vote for any of them. They more they talk, the more I want to change the channel. Personally there are too many of them, none with any valid suggestions but all say they have plans. I would love to see all contributions for ANY special interest group eliminated from all elections and limits on how much individual people can donate. I would like to see debates that aren't so much like reality TV, and more like real debates. I would also like to see the words, NONE OF THE ABOVE added to EVERY election form to send a clear message to those dumbass politicians that refuse to listen. Lastly, I don’t want the next election to be a coin toss, I've done that too many times in the past 10 years and frankly I'd rather not vote at all.

Christmas Season is Coming

Have you started any planning or arrangements? Now is a great time to start figuring out when the carpets will be cleaned, have your furnace serviced and arrange the photographs of the kids.

Also October is a great time to start stocking up on pantry items for the holidays, flour, sugar, nuts (which can be stored in the freezer), yeast (also stored in the freezer) and canned goods. Even breadcrumbs for the stuffing can be made ahead and stored in the pantry or freezer.

Start by making a master list for the holiday feast and adding things to it as you see them on sale. You'll be grateful when December rolls around and you can avoid the big crowds at the grocery store. Not to mention a shortage on silly cans of jellied cranberries Grandpa MUST have with his turkey.

Also don't forget about unusual storage options such as storing potatoes, onions and apples in a cellar or even a wine locker, its cool, dark and they'll last for months. Wipe down apples first with a teaspoon of household bleach mixed with a gallon of water to kill any microbes that live on the fruit and prolong spoilage. Or, if you feel very ambitious you can cut them up, add some lemon, a bit of flour, sugar, and cinnamon then can them, store them in your pantry. Piecrust can purchased premade in the frozen food aisle, or made ahead and frozen either rolled out or just formed into a ball.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


BUMBLE!!! said...

If you hear of someone watching Cavemen, let me know. I didn't think people liked the commercials - let alone a TV show.

that said, it's friday, i'm trying hard to watch baseball (the yankees lost and that seems the most important thing)... and yeah... Britney having to be on suicide watch and dj's doing the whole dead pool thing with her... so uncool, but sadly, she's got a long way to go to the bottom and she's falling rapidly.

speaking of peta, there was talk of vick doing a peta commercial, but then they wouldn't have him.

go figure.

Whimsical Ranter said...

The show following it, Car Pool or something like that was pretty good so you never know. More than once a lame show has lasted only because the one followed it was good. How else could Mad About You last for more than one season?

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better.

I agree, Brittany needs help, she's way off the path. Makes me glad that none of my kids are prodigies in anything.

As far as TV, I can't stand most of what's on. Kid Nation? Even the commercials annoy me. I predict a quick extinction for Caveman.

And thanks for the helpful holiday tips! Are you really Martha Steward incognito??

BUMBLE!!! said...

Mad ABout You was that period of time when I was in England and the Air Force and knew nothing about US television (91-96) except XFiles.

You would figure that single Reese would happen as soon as I get female interest from the reality of life!! That said, she's probably still all about Jake Gyllenhall.

Nevertheless, getting rid of the X... I don't know what she ever saw in him.