Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm Back and Not Very "Rested"

Playing Family (I Mean Vacation Time)

Actually I shouldn't complain we had some good times, ate some good food and saw some cool things. Like the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, and the great fun of playing miniature golf at Bullwinkle's Family Fun Center with husband the kids. As a lark we decided the winners would make the loser pay for lunch. I fully anticipated the seven-year-old washing dishes, since he only has a few quarters in his pocket at any given time. However that wasn't meant to be with both husband and my older son scoring around 54 and even my seven year old beat me with a score of 65, their scores might have been lower but I stopped keeping accurate records. My score was a whopping 90 and that was only because they had a 5-stroke max, toward the end, after being poked in the butt by the 3 year old in the group following us, I started just taking the 5 strokes. I even wondered why I left my flask of rum at home; my Dr. Pepper needed something extra. Then we spent another small fortune on the video games in the arcade all so my seven-year-old could win a Whoopee cushion, some play money, and Skittles, I could have bought him at the dollar store for way less than it cost us there. And needless to say I had to buy lunch for everyone but thank goodness I had my husbands credit card. By the time we got home that day, I was ready throttle the person that actually invented the Whoopee Cushion.

Of All Times

My cell phone died a horrible death, continually dropping calls and making me crazy and in a fit of final desperation I threw it on the ground. I'd had the phone for 2 years and suffered with it but now, since my older son needed one since he'll be going to middle school I decided it was time for a new one. I went to the provider store and they gave me the song and dance, saying how great this one was and that one and blinded me with a 3 for one offer. By three phones for the price of one and they had me. I walked out with a new phone for me, plus a phone for my older son and a phone for my husband. Plus I'm getting a 50 dollar rebate so the phones will really only cost me 60 dollars including the 25 dollar activation fee for adding the third line. Not too bad considering I was considering leaving the company all together but now they've got me until 2009, after that, if they don't carry the new iPhone, I'm walking.

Yes, I'm a Mac Geek

And I'm damned proud to be one. Nuff said.

Other Adventures

Other things we did included a journey to the Fruit Loop, we I debated leaving behind my husband since he really had gone crazy with all the family warmth we shared. Then we started preparing for our huge 4th of July blowout. We've invited a lot of people, will they show up; we don't know. Will they bring food; we haven't a clue. What will happen, who knows? Meanwhile I've been spending days cleaning the house. I'm ready to bring in the big guns and hire a freaking service…Where is my husband's credit card anyway? I think he took it back, smart man, especially since I'm better at signing his name than he is.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...

Well, welcome back. Home sweet home and all that. 90 at miniature golf? Whoopee!

Judy said...

3 phones for 1??? You rock! What's your service???

We just got back, too - I know that not very rested feeling all too well...