Friday, March 03, 2006

I Once Read

That raising a teenager is like nailing jello to a tree. Preteens or "tweens" are little different.

Pissboy throws all his clothes around his room, and yeah that makes me crazy, but not nearly as much as all the paper on the floor.

He draws and leaves paper scattered all over the floor, both finished drawings and scraps of paper. I'm getting annoyed. We bought him a desk for his room, but he doesn't seem to want to use that. Anyway, this morning he comes down stairs wearing a shirt that looks like he pulled it out his ass; it was horribly wrinkled and I know I didn't wash it from the last time he wore it. I told him, nicely, to change his shirt. He grumbled that there was nothing wrong with it. Then I commented on his room telling him that he needs to get it cleaned up when he gets home from school so I can clean it (he's the one with allergies) and he starts griping about wanting a day off.

One might consider with today being allowance day, he'd be a little more receptive? Just a smidge?

A couple weeks ago Piss-boy's teacher called the house talking about how great he's been doing in school, even got an 83 on his states test, which was very impressive. Each child was given a blank map, and told to write in the names of each state plus its capital. Thankfully, spelling didn't count for him (he's horrible at spelling). I was impressed because while I might know most of the Capitals, I haven't a clue where they are located on a map for the most part--I can get close but I find some of the Southern states and Eastern state locations confusing.

In any event, I really expected the teacher would NOT request a conference, so I was surprised when he brought home a paper saying there will be one for him. Piss-boy is worried but honestly, I'm not or maybe I should be? I know with Fredo, the teacher and I talk a lot so since she's got nearly 60 students and only one day for conferences (kindergarten am and pm), we're passing on conferences. I'm sure there are more students that she doesn't have contact with their parents and needs to speak with them for various issues. I told her I would leave it up to her and so far, he's brought home nothing indicating such a conference.

Meanwhile, Fredo is home sick (again) today and missing his field trip. Hopefully with cold/flu season diminishing he won't be missing as much school. He was up often during the night coughing and sniffling--I really feel bad for him because he wanted to go. I really hope next year things will be better for him.

Finally, Rainbird has nothing lately to piss me off, wonder how long that will last. He's planning us to take a short trip maybe when the kids are out of school; I'm fine with that and think it be fun, but I wonder how long it will before my inlaws start saying, "I wish we could go (where ever), I'd like to see it."

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