Friday, March 24, 2006

Finally Friday

Yesterday Rainbird brought home a note from his secretary asking me not to feed him Lentil soup anymore when he comes home for lunch. I wrote a note back saying that I was sorry and wouldn’t do that to them again. Also, last night Fredo too had a case of the farts and he didn’t even have any lentil soup but I swear he let one go that made everyone’s eyes water. Even the dog tried to roll on him. Dogs do that, you know, roll in shit to mask their scent and considering that Dumbass recently had a bath, it figures he’d want something strong to mask his scent.

I took a nap mid-afternoon yesterday instead of doing the usual cleaning and such around the house and didn’t wake up even when Piss-boy came home from school, though I heard him come in. I rarely nap during the day but lately every night I’ve been staying up until 1 in the morning, and getting up at 5:30, so I guess it’s catching up with me. Also, later today, I can catch up on all the housework anyway since the kids will be home and I won’t have to stop. Rainbird wants for us to go to Costco so I can finally cook something other than the crap I’ve been cooking lately. I’ll have to sit down and really think about what I want to cook, and then work out a list, but at least the freezer is cleaned out.

© 2006

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