Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Stupid Shit On Television, Shopping Adventures & Other Shit that Comes to Mind

I’ll admit I’m a channel flipper, and when I’m flipping, I’ll watch maybe 2-5 seconds of each channel, so if for a show to catch my eye, it’s got to have a hook. Shows that caught my eye, Supernanny, also a movie on lifetime [home of bad acting and films depicting woman as victims of whatever], I watched maybe 15 minutes of the lifetime movie before flipping down the dial until I hit SuperNanny on the second pass around the dial. I only had one question about that episode last night, okay maybe two questions. First didn’t Supernanny already jump the shark? Second, why would someone so horrible at raising children have so many of them? Haven’t they heard of birth control? Okay that was three questions. I’ll admit that I didn’t watch the first half hour of the show and only really about 10 minutes of it in total, but I saw nothing that “Nanny Jo” did to permanently fix this family’s problem. Maybe more goes on behind the scenes.

I saw a snippet of Elaine from Seinfeld fame consider having sex with a woman and later kiss some other guy. Oh and there was something about a guy bringing his own chicken into a restaurant. That said this week’s winner of dumbshit shows no one should watch is Medium—which I guess is the show’s name. In any event, it’s a show about an FBI agent or something that has, get this, psychic powers, which apparently make her slightly psychotic. That I guess, could explain why she was standing in the middle of a freeway screaming at traffic but I’m sure that ghosts will somehow be to blame for it.

Adventures in Shopping

I really despise tabloid gossip but that doesn’t stop me from reading the headlines in the supermarket checkout lines; I figure it’s harmless as long as I don’t buy or otherwise touch the magazines. One tabloid had Tom Cruise and that bimbo married, while another professed they were through. Another had Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt finished and another had them married in a secret ceremony. Do you see a pattern?

The best was the headline that Camilla is talking to a divorce attorney. I chuckled at that one for a long while (the idiot in line ahead of me paid in pennies) I waited. Now I don’t really care, or wonder if this true but it just struck me as horribly ironic. Charles carries on an affair with that and then it gets a clue and whatever? That would make Charles a real looser wouldn’t it?

Midnight Snacking

Another thing that drives me crazy is when Rainbird goes to the store is that he’ll use the ATM, which I know what everyone is thinking and you’d be wrong. What he does that drives me crazy is that he’ll buy things like Klondike bars and then he’ll hide them somewhere in the freezer and not tell me anything about them. He’ll then leave the receipt by the computer for me enter in the register. Duh! He must know I’ll look at it and see that he bought the fucking Klondike bars and rip apart the freezer until I find them, which I did, and he got the Heath ones…YUM!

Whimsical Ranting

Finally I’d like to offer why I think the Democrats will NOT win any major numbers of seats in the upcoming elections. The latest impeachment talks against GW. It really frustrates me when I think about this because all it does is make the Democrats look like fools, and this coming before an election they desperately need to win. I doubt very seriously people will vote Republicans out of office. The Democrats sit around a large table like in a Mel Brooks movies harrumphing over the way the country is heading but offer nothing except those harrumphs and encourage others to harrumph just as loudly, and if someone doesn’t harrumph, they are told to.

The loud harrumphing does nothing though because they offer no real alternative, which would make people want to vote for them. Most people don’t thoroughly read about the candidates, they just listen to 20-second sound bite that tells them what’s good or bad. But if the sound bite says nothing except what the other person is doing wrong, they don’t win votes that way. When both sides sling mud at each other, the election is reduced to a coin toss. I’m convinced that’s exactly why Bush won the last election, because Kerry could only focus on what Bush did wrong, but forgot to say what he would have done differently. The election for most people became a coin toss between the evil we know versus the evil we’re not sure about.

What really pisses me off is that for me this coin toss has become all too commonplace. During the last election I participated in, while still in California between Simon and Davis and believe me I though both of them sucked eggs, I flipped a coin. I also hate to admit when Bush ran the first time, against Gore, I flipped a coin then too because I just couldn’t stand either of them. Neither had a real plan for the country, just like Simon and Davis had clue what to do about California. I now no longer feel that voting third party is throwing away my vote but instead hopefully sending a clearer message that I’m mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. I would only hope that others take up that idea and do the same.

© 2006

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And may I add that the Dems that think the censure issue is wrong, will not stand up and say that they disagree with it, shows that the party is indeed in disarray.