Monday, March 06, 2006

Oh, Monday Monday

Cue the Momas and Papas, I really don't care much for Monday's either.

Yesterday, we took Fredo to the movies; his first and he saw Doogal. Rainbird took his mom along because my ankle’s been hurting me, it happens off and on since I twisted badly a few years ago and I’ll never admit to Rainbird but I think it happens when I spend too much time on my ass. As I was saying, Grandma came along bringing with her, her big assed Grandma purse filled with snacks for the kids. Piss-boy said the movie stunk but give him enough popcorn, soda, and candy and he won’t complain too much. Fredo on the other hand loved it and found himself mesmerized by the whole theater thing.

You might wonder why we never took him to the movies before now, well, that reason is rather complex, and the first being taking the kids to the movies isn’t cheap. Even going to a matinee can end up costing us 40 dollars or more, by the time we add in all the extras, not to mention lunch before or after. Personally, I feel movie prices are out of whack anyway, maybe not on a pure proportional wage basis but when I can go to the video store and rent 6 or movies for that same 30 dollars, you start to wonder why go to the movies at all. If enough people don’t go to see a given movie it will be out in video within a month anyway. The second reason is bigger, and does go along with the first; simply put he’s a wimp. We’ve mentioned going to the movies with him before but he’s always cried, said no, and even screamed and no way in hell do I want him doing any of those things in a theater.

So, he never went until yesterday and had a great time, learned all about the chairs and why it’s best not to balance too much on your lap. Of course Bart and Homer went along also, I’m not sure if they enjoyed the movie though, they didn’t say.

The Oscars

Last night was also the 78th Oscar ceremony and this year Jon Stewart of the Daily Show was hosting. From what little I saw of it, it started at 5PM my local time and I thought it started at six, despite that it was pretty good. The biggest surprise was that Crash won for best picture when everyone was fairly convinced that Brokeback Mountain (aka gay cowboy movie) so when they read the name Crash...The audience seemed to go a little crazy with excitement causing one woman, to nearly have a wardrobe malfunction from jumping up and down so much that she had hold on to her strapless gown to keep her “girls” from making an appearance.

One thing that does bug me are the microphone hogs, you know, when more than one person wins an Oscar and one stands up there talking and thanking, basically using up all the time. Then the next person starts to say maybe one word and is cut off by the orchestra, I feel bad for the person that draws that short straw, whoever goes first should be more courteous than that, don’t you think?

I didn’t pay much attention to the fashions of the evening having missed all the red carpet crap, but from the dresses I did see, they all looked very nice, except for maybe the hair. Hilary Swank is a case in point. Her dress was drop dead gorgeous but the hair, I swear I’ve had the same style and shouldn’t the Oscars be more glamorous than that? Sharon Stone, I caught a glimpse of at the "after" coverage, and would say the same about her hair—What was she thinking?

Does any one else think that Reese Witherspoon is just too nice? Really just too perfect, too sweet…I don’t know if she’s real. She’s always impeccably dressed, and isn’t she just the type you’d expect to be wearing little white gloves? I think she might be the reincarnation of Vivian Leigh, maybe with out, hopefully without all those mental troubles.

Other News

I tend to worry about little things, you know like life insurance and when I see the payment is due around the 17th of the month and I haven’t yet received the bill, I worry. I called and they said the bill was sent out on the 23rd of February but I haven’t gotten it. I’ll just have to send the payment and cross my fingers that it arrives, in the meantime they’re sending out another bill. Hopefully if for nothing else, that bill will arrive without incident. Also, my ankle is feeling much, much better today. Also I know I have a dental appointment coming up but didn’t write it down…UGH, I just hate it when I do that. I hope it’s not Friday because I don’t’ want to have to change it yet again. They’re going to start to believe I’m crazy. Right now, I’m on hold with them and I’m going to find out when my appointment is and when the kids are supposed to go again, since I’m pretty sure I made those appointments also (April?).

I hate it when I’m thoroughly caught being disorganized, as Rainbird always points out these simple scheduling conflicts wouldn’t come up in the first place if I were paying better attention. I never used to be that way; I used to juggle every employee’s schedule in addition to my own. Damnit all anyway, the appointment was scheduled for the exact same time as Piss-boy’s conference. Damnit, damnit, damnit!!!!!!! How could I be so irresponsible? I suppose Rainbird could go in my place and I could just go to the dentist.

Ever have a day where things just fall into place? It would seem so far, today is my day, after hanging on hold for sometime, the dentist office said they have an opening for tomorrow at 7:45 AM which works out too perfect for me. Funny how that all works out. I did also check on Fredo and Piss-boy’s appointments and Fredo’s might have to be changed to an after school appointment but I’m going to wait a little longer before deciding that since they aren’t going until April.


Unknown said...

So, how'd that dentist appointment work out for ya?!?!?!

Whimsical Ranter said...

Read the Years of Bad Karma posting.