Friday, October 28, 2005

What A Morning

What a horrible morning. Piss-boy came into the bedroom at 6:40 wondering why I wasn't already up..UGH. I raced down the hall, freaking out, and ran into Fredo's room. Did I mention the bus comes for the kids at 7:04? I tell Fredo to get out of bed now but of course he doesn't move and starts complaining. OMG, I don't have time for this...So I bribed him with a poptart and thankfully, he hasn't had one all week otherwise he'd never know I only had the ones that he doesn't like.

I rushed to help Fredo (normally he does it himself but we didn't have time), then I rushed to get him to eat something, drink some juice (it's like coffee to him) and go to the bathroom, finally brushing his teeth. He didn't argue too badly, so we put on his jacket and I look down and he's got no shoes on his feet. Did I mention it's pitch dark outside and raining buckets? I pop the garage door open and tell Piss-boy to stay with his brother and watch for the bus while I start running around the house to find his shoes. Piss-boy begins to follow me, so I scream the instructions again, adding a few expletives. I find the shoes in his bedroom, by now the bus should be coming in around a minute, so I bolt down the stairs, and get them on Fredo.

We wait in the garage for the bus. Finally, it comes and they go to school.

Did I mention the bus was 15 minutes late?

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