Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Today, we had the parent/teacher conference for the kids. Piss-boy is doing well, has 100% of work turned in, one of the highest in the class, but has issues with spelling, and needs to become more competent using the dictionary. Over-all, I'm pleased and he seems to be doing great. Rainbird also attended and asked, after I had to depart to Fredo's conference, about the one thing every teacher has always said about Piss-boy that he can be too chatty. The teacher appeared shocked, and said that he never spoke when he wasn't supposed to. Rainbird was proud. I'm thrilled. Life is good.

Well, until Fredo's conference. As expected testing is in his future, but I'm not sure at all how effective it will be since it requires him to participate. The teacher lightly mentioned to me Autism, but seemed also shocked that Fredo, does make eye contact with us at home and speaks understandably better now. We've seen many positive changes in him, but we need and can do more.

Rainbird pointed out that he believes part of Fredo's problem might be his schedule, and that he lacks adaptability so, I guess it falls on me to vary his day more when he's home. Absolutely no TV until After Piss-boy does all his homework is the start, and that will ensure time for the teacher to reach us if there was a problem during the school day. When he gets home from school, right after lunch, we'll spend some time reading, then doing a different activity. If the weather is good, I might look for a park that he can play at, or take him to the mall, or library, even Target and the grocery store can be called an outing. Not all the outings will be fun, because we don't want to start in that claptrap, and other activities might include things that he enjoys, like playing with playdoh.

If the weather is bad (shame winter is coming), he can play a game, or watch a movie--but it must be first be something that he hasn't seen and age appropriate. Not easy coming from the kid that only watches 4 or 5 movies total and never watches anything else. It seems that a lot of changes are in poor Fredo's future, but I think in the long run, he'll be happier.

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