Tuesday, October 18, 2005

If One More Thing Happens...

I'll scream.

Last night, brother and sister-in-laws knocked on our door, they were over to look at the house they're going to rent, and stayed for dinner. I swear I'm beginning to understand why Rainbird lived three thousand miles from his family. It was much quieter. I guess, I just feel used by everyone and I'm tired of it. K called up saying how fun it was to go shopping with mother in law and I yesterday, I tried not to say too much because I'm tired of her mooching off them. All she can talk about is the baby, J, and the baby she's going to have. She hardly ever mentions her older children, I get the feeling she doesn't speak with them often.

Rainbird did talk to his niece today and she's getting married, but I don't think she's told her parents yet. He spoke to his nephew last month, and their baby is growing (they emailed pictures), but he found it odd that the nephew didn't mention the parents either. What a fucked up family.


gary j. introne said...

Hi. Enjoying your funny connections and people. Keep writing. Maybe check my spot out; drop me a note. I like to correspond.

Thanks. Gary Introe
email - njabate@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Oh no, they are renting across the street?

Whimsical Ranter said...

Oh yes they are.