Friday, October 07, 2005

Life As a Dog.

I've come to the conclusion that dogs are disgusting creatures, it's not just me, Animal Planet has this show called Most Extreme and dogs were listed as number 9 or something for the smelliest animals. Rainbird is away, so the dog has assumed the job of "man of the house," and is making me crazy in the process. The dog wakes up when I get out of bed, and follows me down the stairs, and his tail starts thumping. I feed him, let him outside and listen while he chases small woodland creatures that have the misfortune of wandering into our backyard and curse the darkness outside because I can't see where he is; the only sound is rattle of his collar. I yell, he ignores me.

When I eat anything, he sits beside where I am, thumping his tail with brown hopeful eyes watching me in the most unnerving way. I take a small piece of food off my plate and the dog watches with his tail thumping harder causing me to feel the vibrations under my feet. I lift the small morsel and hold it to him, and he gobbles it up in a microsecond. I resume eating, as he watches more excited and tail thudding now against anything in it's way. I tell him that I won't share with him unless he tastes what I feed him; his ears perk, and his eyes follow as I take another small piece of food off my plate. He takes the food slower, as if he understood, seemingly chews and swallows. I thank him and he goes and lays down, either he thinks I won't be giving him anymore, or I'm making him work too hard for it.

Looking at him, I wonder if reincarnation is real and if it is, what he was in a past life. I'm willing to bet a lawyer.

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