Saturday, October 01, 2005

A Quiet Saturday

I really enjoy quiet Saturday's when I can just not worry about doing a lot of stuff. Rainbird will be gone most of the day today collecting things for his golf trip next week. Kids are playing video games and rotting their brains. The dog is upset because it's raining and he can't eat his poop. I wonder if he's thinking all that perfectly good poop going to waste--No wonder, he twitches when he sleeps.

I do need to call my Grandma this weekend. I also have clothes in the washer that need to go into the dryer. I cooked a roast earlier yesterday before the pot-luck dinner, so dinner is fixed for tonight.

Speaking of the pot-luck, what do you do when someone just shows up unannounced and uninvited? The pot-luck thing is with people Rainbird mostly works with that live nearby and are a down-to-earth bunch with kids around Piss-boy's age. They played video games, watched movies while the rest of us sit around the dining room table and drink wine chatting.

Well, Rainbird's brother and wife showed up with their baby J. J is very cute but he cries a lot, and D is the type to tell his wife to just let the kid cry--He's got to learn. Um, what exactly does he need to learn? Okay, I don't believe in jumping up at the first whimper, but this was horrible. The kid was screaming in his little car seat, while everyone had to talk over the kid. Everyone was gone within an hour and a half. Rainbird tried to tell his brother that they weren't welcomed but that wasn't noticed by either of them. K said nothing about it when she called this morning to ask me if I wanted to go shopping for the new baby.

I'm glad I told I had other plans, even though I don't. I'm not paying out for a lot of things just because she can't keep her legs closed. When she called just last year and told us she'd left D, and needed a place to stay, we let her into our lives thoroughly. She lived here, we helped her find a job, got her a driver's license, etc. She's got no family to speak of because D has been her life for many years (they have two grown children) and I think D has kept her away from her family. When we found out she was pregnant with J we were very supportive, maybe too supportive in retrospect. Rainbird and I paid for a lot of things and I'm not doing it again.

K tells me that D doesn't have a lot of money now and things like that, but they're talking about buying a bigger house? Don't bigger houses cost more than smaller ones? K said that they want a house big enough that each child can have their own room and I wonder if that includes their grown children?

I think I've been snowed royally by these people and I don't like that feeling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, I would have to agree.