Monday, October 24, 2005

Adventures In Flu Shots

Today, I took the boys to get their flu shots. Rainbird was kind enough to drive us and pick us up because the hospital parking lot is a horrible place and he has an assigned spot. Of course, right before we're supposed to leave, Piss-boy tells Fredo that he's going to the doctor for a check-up and will get a shot. Fredo starts crying so I told Fredo that he has to come with us because we can't leave him alone in the house. Fredo gets into the car and then begins the traditional fiasco of Piss-boy trying to buckle the car seat, complete with grunting, pissing and moaning.

We get to hospital and coax Fredo out of the car, I had already decided that if he pitched a fit, he'd not have to have the shot but he really didn't. Of course, he wouldn't dare pitch a fit in public (well, except when he's at school). I put Fredo on my lap, while Piss-boy got his shot at another station, and it only took a few seconds. The lady giving the shot asked if Fredo wanted a band-aid, and he said no, of course later as we were walking out the building, he changed his mind and decided that he did want the bandaid after all. This led to tears because, A) I have bandaids at home and B) I wasn't going back inside to ask for a bandaid. I lied, seems to be a trend this morning, telling him that if he wanted one of their bandaids he'd have to get another shot.

It didn't help quiet him, and he screamed all the way home. Of course, naturally, my bandaids are larger than the ones they had there, since I only have the large kind because no one in this freaking house ever gets a cut small enough to use those...And normally, Fredo rips it off three seconds after it's on.

So, we finally get home, I give Fredo a sucker, and he's still whimpering that he wants a bandaid. I put one on him, he keeps it on for three seconds and then starts to rip it off. Then, I asked him if his Homer and Bart dolls need a bandaid, he decides that they do, so I put bandaids on their arms. Then he comes back and says he needs another one. I give him the bandaid still in the wrapper and tell him that I'm giving him another one.

He just asked again as I'm writing this and I told him to ask Santa for special hospital Bandaids, because if anyone can get those it's Santa.

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