Monday, October 24, 2005

A Blonde Moment

I can't believe I forgot to post this yesterday. I'm a huge caramel fan, I will go anywhere for a good caramel apple and the other day Rainbird brought one home for me as a surprise. It was the best I'd had in a long time, I think they used Tokyo Rose apples, which are an excellent baking apple.

In any event, yesterday I was craving caramels and came across a small bag of chewy Werther's Originals and I couldn't resist, I ripped open the bag and ate a few while I answered some emails on the computer and chatted with a friend. Then, I heard the laundry was finished, so I placed another handful into my pocket, and went upstairs to fold clothes and watch a little TV.

So, I'm on the bed folding, watching TV and eating caramels--Life is good to me I know. Unknown to me, well, not completely unknown but certainly not remembered, was an OB tampon. I unwrapped the tampon absentmindedly and can confirm that they taste nothing like the chewy caramels I love.

Like I told my friend Anita, later during chat, I was lucky that I wasn't in the bathroom, I might have mistaken a caramel for the tampon, and stuck that up my hoo-hoo.


Anonymous said...

LOL HAHAHAH!! I loved that! You are so funny!That sounds like something I would do. I use O.B.'s as well and I love caramel too!
Just wanted to let you know that you made my day! Thank you and keep up the great blog!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the first time I tried Tampax. My "older and wiser" friend advised me they were way better than when I came out of the bathroom (20 agonizing minutes later) she comments, "I hope you didn't flush the applicator". I was like..."applicator(?)" NO wonder it hurt so bad!!!!