Tuesday, October 18, 2005

They Did It Again

Well they showed up again for dinner. Ate all the food and left. I told Rainbird he needs to speak with his brother.


Melanie said...

What did Rainman say?

Whimsical Ranter said...

He said he'd think about a way to bring up the subject. Don't get me started, I'm in a really shitty mood over this. I'm waiting to see if they show up tonight, I've got NO food.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, you are going to have to set up some serious ground rules.
It sounds like your life is becoming "Everybody Loves Kelly".

Whimsical Ranter said...

Yeah lots of rules and I'm already working on that one. Funny but if my mil and fil said they were selling their home and were going to rent the house across the street from us, I really wouldn't mind it. They have their life and we have ours (just like when they lived with us for a while). But the other two...they both just bug the hell out of me now.