Friday, October 07, 2005

I Know What's Wrong

That said, fixing the problem with Fredo won't be an easy fix. Its come to my attention that Fredo has ODD, and that explains a whole lot going on in his life.

Knowing that he has a problem should be a relief, but I can't help but to feel a bit guilty. Had I known about this earlier, I could have watched better the signs and did something when has younger. The child psychiatrist gave us some tips on dealing with him, most of which we were already doing but also told us that the punishments must be a little more extreme so that he doesn't want to repeat the behavior.

He needs a lot of constancy. Don't we all?

It's been so exhausting dealing with his school and home issues. I'm just tired of everything.

I'll update later.

He had a good day, but the teacher forgot to send a note home with him, so I had to call the school. The secretary that answered the phone was nice enough to ask and told me he was good. Yay. I know the teacher has a lot of kids, etc., but damn I wish she could remember to do this each day. I really don't want to bother her every day to know if Fredo was good or not.


Anonymous said...

There is absolutely NO reason for you to feel guilty, there is no way you could have self-diagnosed this. When these behaviors appear at a younger age, they can easily be seen as age-appropriate for a strong-willed child who is testing you. You dealt with Fredo as best you could and when you and your dh felt there might be something else going on, you took him to a specialist. I would have done exactly the same thing. {{{Hugs}}}

Melanie said...

You've done the best anyone could have done. Now that you know what's wrong you can start working on it.