Thursday, September 15, 2005

Tales of a disorganized housewife

Is it bad to say housewife, or is it homemaker, domestic engineer? Well, whatever you call it, I'm lousy at it at times. Home organization is huge issue in this house, husband is the very organized Virgo-type A personality, despite his Pisces birth, who
thrives in an organized space.

I'm not like that but it's not that I'm lazy, it's just that I lack the resolve when it comes to many things, like keeping the monthly bills organized. I am forever forgetting, or losing some bills. Even though, I have a spot right beside the computer for them, I never seem to remember to put them there. I used to keep them by phone, and that seemed to work better for me but then I'd forget to pay them (a bigger problem, in my opinion).

I don't always do laundry when I probably should either, sometimes I just let the clothes, towels or whatever pile up a little (okay, a lot). I also never seem to make sure my tires have enough air in them, another thing that my husband gets pissy about. Please don't ask me why, I don't know, maybe they don't appear to have no air in them, so I don't think about.

I don't vacuum the carpet as often as I should, husband points that out to me also, sometimes I let it go a whole week before doing it, when I know, especially with white carpets, it should be done at least twice a week, three times would likely be better. I do try to clean the toilets once a week, because normally the boy's bathroom stinks to high heaven and it starts drifting down the stairs. Nothing like walking into the house with strong piss odor coming from the boy's bathroom.

But, frankly my husband is used to these quirks in my personality, until a few weeks ago, I'd forgotten to take out the trash (I normally do it each week), and put it by the curb for pick-up. Garbage piled up for a week because of that mistake, and husband wasn't happy about it either. Now, the latest thing is that we need to have our gutters cleaned for winter, and as always husband has been asking me to take care of that.

I'll admit I don't look at the gutters daily, so I keep forgetting about it. He looks at them though. I don't even know if we should be doing this so soon, after all fall is coming, and the gutters will just fill with leaves anyway. Of course, it will start raining and if they're filled, they won't work and that can lead to roofing problems, he informs me. So, I get something in the mail from a gutter service, they also clean windows, so I put the card aside making a mental note to call them on Monday. I tell him that I'll take care of it.

Monday comes and goes, and as you can imagine, I made no phone calls, except to chat with a few friends. Tuesday, nothing, Wednesday, again, nothing. Suddenly, this morning he asked about it. Had I called? Um, no, not yet. He had that disapproving look on his face as he left for work, glancing around the house before he did.

I hate it when he does that! I know he's right but I still hate it. Sometimes, I know I feel like an obstinate child, who is not going to take orders, and I even feel like stamping my foot in opposition to his authority.

So, I go looking for the gutter cleaner's card. I can't find it. I thought I had put it on the fridge, but it's not there. I panic as I search through piles of crap that likely should have been tossed out weeks ago. I'm nearly in tears of shame as I finally locate it, Fredo had spied it and thought it was something fun to play with. He put it with his books. I tuck it in with the bills and hope I remember to call later.

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