Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I'm so...Continued

I don't know, I just would love for someone to explain to me how the world became such a fucked up place! Everyone blames everyone else and no one knows or understands how to accept personal responsibility for their personal actions. I have a friend that's driving me crazy, of course, she's a classic narcissist, so it isn't really her fault. Uh huh.

Then there is husband with his own issues he's struggling with. He's falling deeper into a depression, and though he's on medicine for it, it's not helping him. His anxiety is getting worse by the day and he's having trouble working, or concentrating on work. Odd because he truly loves his job and everything about it, but now he's got all this fear and he can't deal with it and I can't help him. Such a powerless feeling--it's overwhelming. I hope things improve, it's all I can do now.

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