Wednesday, September 21, 2005

My dog is a better mother than I

You might ask me why I say that. Duke, the family dog, wakes when little son wakes (he never woke when the older child went to school). Patiently, he waits for the child to decide if he'll eat his breakfast and doesn't hound or nag the child that he's running late. Gratefully Duke eats the left-overs and quickly dashes up the stairs with the child, watching him silently as he brushes his teeth and goes to the bathroom. I think Duke is secretly impressed with how high he lifts his leg when he pee's. Then, Duke makes certain that he walks down the stairs first, just in case the little one stumbles, Duke will break the fall. Duke carefully positions himself between the front door and the little one as he's putting his jacket on, protectively not allowing anyone to open the door until it's time. He watches pensively from the window as the little one, accompanied by the foster mom (me), and his sibling, and waits there until he sees the bus. Duke then, barks ferociously at the bus, as if to warn everyone that his boy is getting on board.

Then it would seem the child is forgotten. The dog goes outside and does his business, lays on the deck, eats his breakfast and then, makes his way up the stairs, laying on the floor outside the little child's messy room. He doesn't go inside the room, or eyes the plethora of toys on the floor so suitable for chewing; he just lays there waiting.

At precisely 10:52 AM, the dog jumps onto the sofa he's not normally allowed on, and looks out the window until he sees the familiar bus drive up the street about 2 minutes later. He yelps in a playful way, and jumps against the door, and seems to panic a little if no one rushes outside to greet the bus. The door is opened, but Duke follows the rules, no matter how badly he wants to run to his boy he waits until he's closer then he welcomes him home.


Melanie said...

That is so sweet. Our last dog would always go to the door about 2 minutes before Jim came home.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Weird, he's done that since the first day of school, I don't know how he knew what time he'd be coming home.