Saturday, September 24, 2005

I Love You, but I Don't Like You Very Much

That's how I began my day. Rainbird is upset because his family is coming over for dinner and the house in his opinion is "wreck." I demurely shrugged him off. I hadn't slept well and last night, and wanted to go to K-mart to get Pissboy some new pillows for his bed (Kmart carries the best cheap pillows).

I don't even have a clue what I will prepare for dinner tonight, as I hadn't really thought about it and that led Rainbird to ask if I'm depressed. I have so much to not be depressed over, I told him as my voice dripped from sarcasm and I meant each word of it.

Maybe at times, my sarcasm button gets pushed at the wrong time and words just come out not exactly how I mean for them to come out--much like today. I really hadn't meant for the comment to sound sarcastic, though, Freud might argue that I had meant for it. Not that I subscribe to much of Freud's beliefs.

I wonder if everyone does that or if it's just me?

I'm aware that some are more sarcastic than others, but does that mean that there is something wrong with those of us blessed with the gift of quick wit and sarcasm. Or, does it mean that I'm somehow jaded in my views and when I have no sensible answer to a query, the sarcasm button is pushed. Maybe the problem is that my sarcasm button is pushed too often and maybe it's pushed more when Rainbird is concerned because he's so damn picky about everything and anything.

So, I guess he doesn't like me too much today, I know he'll get over it and I'm not so crazy about myself either. I really need to work not to push that button so often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I adore my sarcasm and I couldn't live without it. It defines my clever (albeit sometimes obnoxious} self. However, it is often my way to deal with stuff that I don't really want to fully deal with at that particular moment.